Hall Of Fame quotes

Wayward's Avatar

Alright you bitches, I'm all lit up ands I be ready to rum, I mean rumble ho's! This is my last night, so I'm hooking all you f**kers up with a last minute special!! Since all you Houston hobbiest are cheap f**kers, here is my Maaco special!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow, 1:53 AM
If you never go in the litter box, you really should.
I don't think we should start psychoanalyzing each other here. We won't like the outcome. I'm fairly certain any college freshman halfway through Psych 101 will tell us that we're all fucked in the noodle and need therapy. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
so sad.. yet so true
boardman's Avatar
oh lord, ask that monkey dude who hangs out at bus stations. Originally Posted by brandilynn
From the free trip to NOLA thread...
TexasGator's Avatar
Visting providers do not be afraid of
The hobbyist who run off providers are harmlees varmits who do not represent the rest of the Hobby community in Houston.

--------- carkido45

Yeah, how long do points stay with you?

Mine too as a result of OASPDBB goin' wackamole on his little love button.

Anyway, dh, OASPDBB told me the way he gets dogs to stop humping his leg is to simply pick it up and blow it. He claims it works like a charm. He hasn't quite figured out how to get them to stop peeing on him though.


. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Wayward's Avatar
I am of the opinion that those who have to speak through others and trash people but can't name them,are nothing more than cowards...and those who can only resort to personal attacks on physical appearance or whatever insult is within arm's reach, simply demonstrate their inability to communicate in an intelligent manner. What good does it do me to say something like, "...and then there is that certain person who is in denial over their male pattern baldness, get over yourself! I can lose weight but you will always look like a tranny!" if I am not naming names? Kind of a cowardly way to be confrontational, don't you think?

It seems to me that as much complaining that goes on about these ladies "haters", they sure do like to fuel the fire. I can't ever recall making an attack on anyone's physical appearance but if you really want to go there Valerie (see how easy that was?) you give me lots of material to work with, dear. I'd much prefer to engage you in a battle of wits. Call mudslinging your forte, wit mine .

Oh yeah, welcome back Originally Posted by Dannie
Awesome post from National coed
chock full of win that post is
Thanck you very much! Being here makes me feel all warm, fat, and snuggly!
Love you long time.