I would say that what truly defines someone as an incredible companion would be what's on the inside - their personality, demeanor, wit, charm, tenderness. They're a friend, a lover, a confidant, and a partner in crime. Of course, looks do matter, but there are many beautiful girls, especially in this hobby. There has to be more to the girl and the experience.
Originally Posted by Eliza
Whenever this comes up amongst civvie friends who know about my alternative lifestyle choices, I always remind them that a hobbyist can fine a woman with a beautiful face and stellar body at a very affordable hourly rate.
You illistrated nicely why there's a preference for longer periods of time together amongst the "HDH" or "Diamonds".
I also find that ladies have a greater expectation that each date should be mutually enjoyable.
Unfortunately, many people confuse education with having gone to school. (I've gone to school long enough to get away with saying this.)
Originally Posted by npita
I couldn't agree more. What good does it do to have gone to Harvard, Yale or Oxford if you're personality is arrogant, narrow minded and righteous.
I work in a creative field and have met people who have never attended a day of higher education, but are unquestionably intelligent, knowledgeable and motivated. They've still managed to pave a way path for themselves in life. I think education is a wonderful and valuable thing to pursue, but there's a lot to be said for the self educated who simply suffer from the love of learning.
When I'm looking for someone educated in this world - man or woman - I don't actually care what they state regarding degrees and world famous schools. It's completely meaningless in my eyes. A sharp mind can only be found through subtle clues. I look at their writing style, what they talk about, how they present and handle themselves, what subjects captivate their interest. Most importantly, whether or not I can walk away from a conversion feeling they've challenged my views so well that I have to rethink a few things, or have introduced me to knew ideas worth exploring and leaving me feeling inspired.