So this was happening under Bush and you meana liberal network like MSNBC didn't cover it? Were there massive parades on Washington with people carry nasty racist signs about BUSH? I don't care what report you read, but everyone knows 99.9% of TEA party were far right wng republicans and very few if any voted for Obama anyways. No one has yet to give me one good reason why they are protesting- Obama has not raised any of there taxes. Do they want less govt??? Heck the govt got larger under Bush!!!! When the TEA party starts coming up with solutions then I will take them seriously, but any Republican that aligns themselve with the TEA party will regret it- because the media is exposing them as this anti-govt- hateful and from many of their signs racist group. The media has done an excellent job of painting this group pretty much as the Klan without robes. now there are some TEA party radio talk show host- one in my city who has blasted both Republicans and Democrats and who doesn't want the TEA arty aligned with the Republicans but he is a rare case- he believes all from Washington must go Dems and Republicans, but the majority of TEA party are right wing republicans.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You say the same unsubstantiated BS over and over again. Bottom line is this, the liberals represent about 30 percent of the voting public and the minority vote is included in that. So a large number of independents and conservatives had to by into the rock star and vote for him, so as much as you would like to take the credit for that, the reality is that some of the tea party members you are attacking are the same crossover vote who your pushing away. You ask why they are protesting Obama, its simple, he represents the government, whom should they protest if they wish to protest the intrusion of government into private enterprise, Simon Crowl, they protest him the same way you protest Bush. So quit fucking whinning about it. So once again, you have a lot or statements in this post, back them up, if you cant then stop saying them. Your right, the liberal biased media has done a great job of demonizing the organization, of course they always do that to the things that scare them the most. So either provide sources for the statements you have made or just admit your a fart, a lot of noise but no substance.