• MrGiz
  • 10-05-2012, 09:59 AM
Gina. . . . BRAVO' !!
Many, if not most, young women have some really warped (and often abusive) relationships in their lives..... at least until they get the hang of things, grow up, get some life experience and self confidence.

In this industry, the wacko relationships run the gamut, from pimp/ho, agency owner/worker, husband/wife, bf/gf, client/provider, to just simply friend/friend. Some of these relationships are quite normal and healthy, but far too many are completely insane. It's sad, but it's the reality... Originally Posted by GinaXXX
I agree – many of us ladies have had some sort of unhealthy relationship at one point or another during our lives. I can certainly identify, and because of that – I can empathize with ladies who are going through troublesome relationships.

However, on a hobby level – It is important that we ask ourselves, "If I associate with a provider that is managed, what sort of situations could I end up in that could possibly affect me and my life detrimentally, as a result?"

Dealing with a pimp carries greater risk than dealing with an independent provider. They are ruthless. They do not have the same sense of accountability or vested interest in this community that we independents do... Feeling sorry for a young lady as she makes her way through the learning process in the different stages of her life is one thing... risking your own ass by directly associating with her (and her pimp) during the process is quite another.

Is it unwise to associate with a pimped provider? I personally think so. But that is a decision that each and every hobbyist here will have to make on his own by gauging the risks and weighing the pros and cons. However, an informed decision can only be made when knowledge of the lady's situation exists.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Dealing with a pimp carries greater risk..... They are ruthless. They do not have the same sense of accountability or vested interest in this community that we independents do... Feeling sorry for a young lady as she makes her way through the learning process in the different stages of her life is one thing... risking your own ass by directly associating with her (and her pimp) during the process is quite another.
I've dealt with husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, agency owners, clients and providers who are also "ruthless" and have no sense of accountability. Pimps definitely do not own the podium in that department, and in fact I see way more nutjob providers than I do pimps, clients, and boyfriends put together. Not saying they aren't out there..... they just aren't as common (in MY experience).

My point is we only rarely know who is dealing with an idiot in her personal life, and as we've found out in this thread it's very easy to jump to conclusions and point fingers at the wrong people.

I agree that if a provider is associating with a complete idiot who is creating problems in the community, I don't want anything to do with her, and neither should you. The label doesn't matter, any more than the sex or race of the person matters. However, I don't think that waging a war against that person (and everyone who might be affiliated with that person) is the best way to handle it. This is my opinion only though.

There are some "good' pimps, just as there are many "good" clients, and "good" husbands. You never hear about them.... because they are much more discreet. Do I agree with their lifestyle? At this point in my life, no I don't. I also know that pimps, like hos, mature and change with time. I know a few old pimps who are currently doing quite well in the real world with a real job, often with their bottom girl.... all squared up. There are a LOT of things that go on in this industry that i don't personally agree with, but I don't take it upon myself to start a war over it.

I delete/ignore whatever disgusts or offends me, and separate myself from anyone who appears to a problem in the community. If there is a provider who has a pimp, who has never caused anyone the least bit of trouble, it's none of my concern. Their lives to live.

Well Gina, that is your opinion – and you are certainly entitled to it.

The vast majority of the hobbyists that I know have expressed an entirely different viewpoint, however. Most don't want to enable an unhealthy situation where a naive girl is being taken advantage of. They don't want the pimp who's taking advantage of her benefiting financially, at their expense. And more importantly, for their own safety – they simply don't want their own personal, sensitive information in the hands of anyone, other than the provider herself.
Well Gina, that is your opinion – and you are certainly entitled to it.

The vast majority of the hobbyists that I know have expressed an entirely different viewpoint, however. Most don't want to enable an unhealthy situation where a naive girl is being taken advantage of. They don't want the pimp who's taking advantage of her benefiting financially, at their expense. And more importantly, for their own safety – they simply don't want their own personal, sensitive information in the hands of anyone, other than the provider herself. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I definately agree with you Ginger. I hate the idea of helping support pimps. But more importantly I hate the idea of a pimp having any of my personal information, that would be a bad deal all around.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-05-2012, 12:44 PM
I believe it is very safe to say there are enough misconceptions about this subject, throughout this community... to the point where more than a few false conclusions have been made. I'm not naming any misconceivers or false concluders... so I would advise against the wadding up of any panties (or boxer/briefs)... but we have already seen evidence of the harm that results... and that's a damned shame!

Very few circumstances call for militia-style, "all for one", boycotting...
that type of community behavior is only for the weak-minded!

As a hobbyist, it is my responsibility to take care of myself... and to treat the girls that treat me well, with respect... even if a few of them have issues that others may find distasteful. They have the same responsibility in return, to the rest of the hobby community.

As far as truly worthless, threatening, leeching, scum-sucking, scavenger pimps are concerned.... well.... I think we are all, already in agreement!

Of course... all of the above, is only my opinion. Like certain body parts... all of you have them too.
Some of them are mighty damned nice and cute!
MrHappy4u's Avatar
I've dealt with husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, agency owners, clients and providers who are also "ruthless" and have no sense of accountability. Pimps definitely do not own the podium in that department, and in fact I see way more nutjob providers than I do pimps, clients, and boyfriends put together. Not saying they aren't out there..... they just aren't as common (in MY experience).

My point is we only rarely know who is dealing with an idiot in her personal life, and as we've found out in this thread it's very easy to jump to conclusions and point fingers at the wrong people. . . . Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Thank you for chiming in and expressing your opinion, Gina! It is much appreciated by me and I'm sure the rest of the Arkansas community.

You are right that we "rarely know who is dealing with an idiot in her personal life" and in the case that got this thread started their professional life. To boil it down to the lowest common denominator (no pun intended), the discussion began over one set of providers whose drama follows them like a cloud of dust. Their management has made matters worse with personal threats to other providers and hobbyist. THAT we don't wish to tolerate in the hobby community.
...To boil it down to the lowest common denominator (no pun intended), the discussion began over one set of providers whose drama follows them like a cloud of dust. Their management has made matters worse with personal threats to other providers and hobbyist. THAT we don't wish to tolerate in the hobby community. Originally Posted by MrHappy4u
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Couldn't have said it better..
  • jph
  • 10-09-2012, 08:12 PM
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 11-24-2012, 05:23 PM
Rollensmoke's Avatar
I know this is an old thread but I would like the information too. Pimps are leaches.
I know this is an old thread but I would like the information too. Pimps are leaches. Originally Posted by Rollensmoke

I heard all about the list...
Let me, myself and my reviews speak as well!!
Take [ME] Infamous Miss Dreams off the list as you send it out with false info... I give you my permission to remove me off the crazy list... Unless my Puppy is Pimped out LOL I take good care of myself and my posh P needed.
This DREAMS, Miss Dreams <3

The list is as fake as the ones who made a /the list.
[QUOTE=MrGiz;1051699874]I believe it is very safe to say there are enough misconceptions about this subject, throughout this community... to the point where more than a few false conclusions have been made. I'm not naming any misconceivers or false concluders... so I would advise against the wadding up of any panties (or boxer/briefs)... but we have already seen evidence of the harm that results... and that's a damned shame!

Miss Dreams
This thread seems ancient and this topic is overexposed. Are we really going to resurrect this disaster or can we just move on along?