fake Review!

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Couldn't resist. This is your name here. You never realized when the name Buste d Amy was written, it was ALL about you? Seriously? This is too amusing. Please keep this blankety blank of a threAD going!

Buste d Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Aye Mijo! Is it making you feel like a bigger man to repeatedly put Amy down? Believe me..she really only gives a shit for about 2 seconds until she remembers you are NOT her paying client. If you don't like her then why even waste your time? are you getting paid to bash her? Or does Eccie have a reward point system for bashing post? Life is too short..stop being a bully! Utilize search and talk to some hott latina's or asian's what ever it is you like. But seriously all the bashing is non sense. eccie is becoming a nightmare!
Random thoughts: after having a very nice 3-some (wifey-avatar, was involved) I'm on a mission to finger fuck HER to sleep through several CUMs. If I get the FIV thingy right, then DATY with FIV will put HER in a coma.

Could be wrong. Just a random thought

Oh almost forgot,
Buste d
Beau Derierre's Avatar
As long as my bank account is good, bustyamy is happy and call me what you like. Hehe.

Specialist, you are correct. I do have thick skin, I think others might not be as thick as mine. I should be charged rent for all the space I take up in these losers head lmfao. (Words of SOH). I mean really, I can't help it if my threads get more hits than any other, if my name is spoken more than any other. If I do have many, many, who like me and know the real me. I am planning on staying on Eccie for as long as possible, this place is here for us all! I'm on my way to the mall to do some shopping and enjoy my Sunday, hope everyone has a great day Originally Posted by bustyamy
Enjoy the mall sweetie! I'm on my way to the woodlands myself. Please except not everyone is going to like you. So what! Move on and do what you do! Adding flames to the fuel is only making you look bad. Stop responding and replying. Ask the Mods to close this BS!
Aye Mijo! Is it making you feel like a bigger man to repeatedly put Amy down? Believe me..she really only gives a shit for about 2 seconds until she remembers you are her paying client. If you don't like her then why even waste your time? are you getting paid to bash her? Or does Eccie have a reward point system for bashing post? Life is too short..stop being a bully! Utilize search and talk to some hott latina's or asian's what ever it is you like. But seriously all the bashing is non sense. eccie is becoming a nightmare! Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
SS, blame Wakeup not me based on what YOU said (see your prior post)

I haven't bashed nor bullied. Never degraded her. Just appealed to what she wrote, she wrote!!!

Don't come after me. Go after Wakeup
YOU said it not me!!!

Buste d
Beau Derierre's Avatar
SS, blame Wakeup not me (see your prior post)

I haven't bashed nor bullied. Never degraded her. Just appealed to what she wrote, she wrote!!!

Don't come after me. Go after Wakeup

Buste d Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I know sweetie, Wakeup was just a part of sarcasm. I love his ass too! He will be here shortly to tell me shut up" fat whore"..lol But back to Amy. Why even respond to what she writes? You will never pay her, she will never pay you. I am sure you have a lot of better things to do than be a whore bully. You seem pretty nice.
Damn, now weez got selective-NBA. Weez some lucky black folks if weez gets all up in dhat heya. Weez proud. Weez beautiful. Weez blessed. Ahmen

(now the threAD closes)

Almost forgot,

Busted Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I'm not a fan of Amy's but your comments are off base. Most smart providers have criteria for any race they see. It's called screening. To imply that it's wrong for a lady to screen is stupid and dangerous. I think you're just looking to bash her not stoping to think that maybe it's okay to have criteria such as is the guy respectful, does he not haggle over prices, does he have good references, etc.
I know sweetie, Wakeup was just a part of sarcasm. I love his ass too! He will be here shortly to tell me shut up" fat whore"..lol But back to Amy. Why even respond to what she writes? You will never pay her, she will never pay you. I am sure you have a lot of better things to do than be a whore bully. You seem pretty nice. Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist

No bullying. So, you're saying because she's a fem, I'm a male, appealing to her thought process, I'm the bully? You can't even register that thought in my head. You lost points with me on that logic.

If she posts, it's up for grabs. And, there's a ton to grab. Why am I posting? Because I DO!

Shit, almost forgot
Buste d
I'm not a fan of Amy's but your comments are off base. Most smart providers have criteria for any race they see. It's called screening. To imply that it's wrong for a lady to screen is stupid and dangerous. I think you're just looking to bash her not stoping to think that maybe it's okay to have criteria such as is the guy respectful, does he not haggle over prices, does he have good references, etc. Originally Posted by KinkLover
Re-read. Not what I did. Never questioned screening dude. You of all people should know this. Re-read it all. Then talk. None of this, oh I read 2 posts, got it!

Buste d
Beau Derierre's Avatar
No bullying. So, you're saying because she's a fem, I'm a male, appealing to her thought process, I'm the bully? You can't even register that thought in my head. You lost points with me on that logic.

If she posts, it's up for grabs. And, there's a ton to grab. Why am I posting? Because I DO!

Shit, almost forgot
Buste d Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
This is what I am trying to ask you. Why respond to someone you would never even see? You are just being insulting. Why? I know you have to be a great guy. So who gives a fuck about Amy? She knows what some think, I believe she loves being celebrity of the board. Fat or skinny. Keep smearing her name you only make her more famous. This has been going on how long? BusteD Amy, Fat Wore, White trash , Whale etc who gives a fuck really? Buy posting negative things towards the girl ..what are you getting out of it? Money? If you can not stand the sight of her than don't even post in her thread in a negative way it is only making you look like the bad guy.
She hits my buttons with that ignorant Black "labeling" stuff. Thieves in LD's avatar???

I lurk longer than I post. I must know what is what, who's in who's camp, etc. this is a hobby with a lot of money spent but even more to lose.

I've seen this long ago. I don't just jump on after reading 1 or 2 posts. I'm in a need-to-know scenario. Period.

I don't bash women. I've never and never will express violence towards a woman. I respect humanity. Don't disrespect mine is all I demand.

Buste d is on her own traj as am I. Don't ever try and sensor me silent!

She posts, if if hits my buttons, I may respond. I've held back a lot. TRUST me. Her posts are fruitful with some blankety blank kinda way!

Now, me, I don't have a dislike for anyone. This is the internets. In real life, you and I would never be talking.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
This thread has become.............Yea. I just wanted to take a moment to say hey Amy I luv ya!!!
As for Amy being racist???? News to me......
Amy is a wonderful woman. The fact that some moron would go around with fake reviews is something that does more than just damage to the provider - it kills credibility of great sites like this one, or others similar.

I am glad to see as a community we patrol these sorts of things. Love ya, Amy!
Pistolero's Avatar
Thanks to Pistolman, I'm 'New & Improved' after he banned my ass.
Busted Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I am glad, mijo. And I stand ready to help you again at anytime.

Now folks, the topic is the fake thread. All posts need to be back there.
So, can we get some details of this fake review so this thread will have a topic.. Because as of right now there is no " fake review" so the topic stream is dry.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
No one is asking you to reply, if the topic to you seems dry, stay off the thread so it can die.
Easier said then done I guess.