Trump's red line

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  • 08-10-2017, 02:43 PM
Don't stop there... don't be chickenshit... if you have a valid point to make, keep going! Originally Posted by lustylad
That is a valid answer.

Goering was right. You are a perfect example.

North Korea, you're scared of North Korea. China and Russia is who the fuck you better be scared of , if that is the perpetual state you want to assume. The chances are greater you'll be killed by lightening than a fucking nuke you faux conservative. No true conservative starts a preemptive War or argues for one.

lustylad's Avatar
So does that mean you think Hans Blix was lying?, or Jasper Becker? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Becker says under Clinton, the NORKs secretly reprocessed enough plutonium for several bombs. He doesn't say they figured out how to produce the trigger/detonator or how to fashion the various ingredients into a bomb. The fact is they did not test a working nuclear weapon until 2006. Even then, they could not threaten the US until they miniaturized the warheads and developed a credible delivery system (ICBM).

So no, I didn't say anything to contradict Becker or Blix. Pay attention. And next time you quote an article, include the source/link.
What do you suggest?

War? Originally Posted by WTF
Better than your solution of yet again giving into the school yard bully...
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  • 08-10-2017, 03:14 PM
Better than your solution of yet again giving into the school yard bully... Originally Posted by garhkal
Goering had your number 70 years ago...

Scare the masses. Check

Next is call the skeptical unpatriotic.

Same thing happened with the Iraq War. Look how great that turned out.

Goering was right. You are a perfect example.

North Korea, you're scared of North Korea. China and Russia is who the fuck you better be scared of , if that is the perpetual state you want to assume. The chances are greater you'll be killed by lightening than a fucking nuke you faux conservative. No true conservative starts a preemptive War or argues for one.

. Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
That is a valid answer.

No, it's not. "GWB/Iraq War" is NOT a valid answer to the question - "If some nukes hit American cities would you complain that Trump didn't stop it by taking out the fat asshole leader?"

Or do you consider "Neville Chamberlain/Munich" to be an adequate answer as well?

A proper answer would start with either "Yes, I would complain that Trump didn't stop it..." or "No, I would not complain..." and then explain why.

You're evidently too scared to answer the question. Or are you just too stupid? Why don't you use one of your lifelines? Call your pals at the War Resisters League and ask them to send you the "right" answer.

Goering was right. You are a perfect example.

I see you trotted out your favorite quote, the one you use whenever you find yourself losing another foreign policy debate. If Goering was so smart, why did the fat thug end up cracking a cyanide capsule between his teeth in a Nuremberg jail cell? By the way, the Pyongyang fatass is cut from the same cloth as your mentor Goering was.

North Korea, you're scared of North Korea. China and Russia is who the fuck you better be scared of, if that is the perpetual state you want to assume. The chances are greater you'll be killed by lightening (sic) than a fucking nuke you faux conservative. No true conservative starts a preemptive War or argues for one.

Who said anything about starting a preemptive war? Stockinglover asked you a simple, direct question. If we sit back and wait and fatass launches nukes at us, would you be mad at Trump for failing to stop it?

And how the fuck do you know what the chances are of fatass launching his nukes? Are you privy to his inner-most thoughts and intentions? Even a blind fool can see that the proliferation of nuclear weapons and delivery systems into the hands of more and more hostile, unstable states like Iran and North Korea increases the chances of an eventual nuclear catastrophe immeasurably. History, probability and common sense all tell us that. Now would you like to fly over to Tokyo and tell our Japanese friends they should worry more about lightning strikes than North Korea?
Originally Posted by WTF
Your naivete is surpassed only by your stupidity!
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2017, 03:56 PM
Your naivete is surpassed only by your stupidity! Originally Posted by lustylad
Your gayness is only surpassed by LexyLiars'.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials
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  • 08-10-2017, 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
That is a valid answer.

No, it's not. "GWB/Iraq War" is NOT a valid answer to the question - "If some nukes hit American cities would you complain that Trump didn't stop it by taking out the fat asshole leader?"

Or do you consider "Neville Chamberlain/Munich" to be an adequate answer as well? North Korea is not invading other countries like Germany was you lightening bolt to lightening bug comparing homo. Shit man, get a grip, NK is not nuking us.

A proper answer would start with either "Yes, I would complain that Trump didn't stop it..." or "No, I would not complain..." and then explain why.

You're evidently too scared to answer the question. Or are you just too stupid? Why don't you use one of your lifelines? Call your pals at the War Resisters League and ask them to send you the "right" answer.

I will not complain about something that will not happen.....if by fucking chance you got hit by a lightening bolt and NK launched a unprovoked nukes on the United States....I would not complain what a fucking douche Donald Trump is. I've already done that enough. I would pray that if they detonated one here in this country and somebody was near it, his name is Donald J Trump and family and the fucking Kardashians.

Goering was right. You are a perfect example.

I see you trotted out your favorite quote, the one you use whenever you find yourself losing another foreign policy debate. I'm not losing a debate on a hooker board you silly fuck. If in fact you think you can win or lose a fucking debate on a hooker board, you need to get out more. If Goering was so smart, why did the fat thug end up cracking a cyanide capsule between his teeth in a Nuremberg jail cell? Because he preferred to die by his own stupid fuck. By the way, the Pyongyang fatass is cut from the same cloth as your mentor Goering was. How so , dipshit?

North Korea, you're scared of North Korea. China and Russia is who the fuck you better be scared of, if that is the perpetual state you want to assume. The chances are greater you'll be killed by lightening (sic) than a fucking nuke you faux conservative. No true conservative starts a preemptive War or argues for one.

Who said anything about starting a preemptive war? Trump did , God damn. Stupid ass Trump tossed out a red line and ole Kim pissed on it! Stockinglover asked you a simple, direct question. If we sit back and wait and fatass launches nukes at us, would you be mad at Trump for failing to stop it?
You know you sound a lot like Gore and his climate science rational....
And how the fuck do you know what the chances are of fatass launching his nukes? Because he is trying to save his ass, not get it blown up. He has a pretty good life going over there. Are you privy to his inner-most thoughts and intentions? Human nature is no different there than here. Even a blind fool can see that the proliferation of nuclear weapons and delivery systems into the hands of more and more hostile, unstable states like Iran and North Korea increases the chances of an eventual nuclear catastrophe immeasurably. Maybe more nations with nukes will impede other nations from invading other countries because they do not like their leaders. same logic the NRA uses with guns. Everybody should have one to protect themselves from crazy MF's like Trump. History, probability and common sense all tell us that. Now would you like to fly over to Tokyo and tell our Japanese friends they should worry more about lightning strikes than North Korea? NK is not going to nike Japan...God damn CHICKEN LITTE, go back to sucking your thumb!

Actually Korea, Japan and China are exactly who should be dealing with NK. Not Trump. That stupid fuck is going to get us into a nuke war to prevent one !

! Originally Posted by lustylad
Learn to quote correctly mutherfucker!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Becker says under Clinton, the NORKs secretly reprocessed enough plutonium for several bombs. He doesn't say they figured out how to produce the trigger/detonator or how to fashion the various ingredients into a bomb. The fact is they did not test a working nuclear weapon until 2006. Even then, they could not threaten the US until they miniaturized the warheads and developed a credible delivery system (ICBM).
I do not recall us saying we were only discussing bombs that YOU speculate were something to worry about. Since Bambino has already stated( and you adore him) that Kim could not actually use them even now, so what is your point again?
So no, I didn't say anything to contradict Becker or Blix. Pay attention. And next time you quote an article, include the source/link. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm sorry since you are a know it all, I figured you have already read this. LOL. But back to the issue, you haven't really said anything besides dispute anything that goes against your, "Special friend" Bambino.
As for ISBM's, do you think he has them now?
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  • 08-10-2017, 04:27 PM
Your naivete is surpassed only by your stupidity! Originally Posted by lustylad
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  • 08-10-2017, 04:35 PM
Your naivete is surpassed only by your stupidity! Originally Posted by lustylad
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Better than your solution of yet again giving into the school yard bully... Originally Posted by garhkal

First of all, you're advocating war.

Second, the school yard bully is in the WHITE HOUSE.

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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
go suck some dick, you have review ... so go lick some pussy ... that

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I would like to ask Neil Gorsuch if he could define cold. Then ask him if he could define freezing.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
go suck some dick, you have review ... so go lick some pussy ... that

THE STOCK MARKET - ROCK PAPER SCISSOR ... look like SCISSOR Originally Posted by T_H_O_R
I'm not following your metaphores.