Ze Injured, Out of Work for a While, and Could Use Some Help

jimmylbob's Avatar
When has Ze got on here and bitched about anything? Not sure who pissed in your coffee but your logic is seriously fucked up. If you dont want to help then dont help, nobody forced you to comment on this thread. getting on here with negativity is only making you look like an asshole that wants to push someone around when they are already down

shame on you Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules is damn hot when she is... well... hot!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Well Jimmy.......Suck up to those where you want to be noticed by or be accepted into the in crowd.....My statements made earlier was just asking a simple basic question yet the slander is none stop.....Make sure you have tissue paper handy for it seems that you will need it from the comments lately from yourself....
muffin101's Avatar
The "simple question" was filled with several assumptions inconsistent with what's been posted .....

& slender?

O, please~

You seem to be perfectly apt at dishing out to ppl what seems to you what they justly deserve.

Let's self-reflect a bit bro.

Why would you hop on a perfectly innocuous thread and take a shit on it like this?

Why not simply start some threads filled with self-enrichment links online in the Sandbox for the Providers?
TexasCowboy's Avatar
In life we all need a wakeup call at times, personally I am very glad that individuals got on to me or made suggestions thereby steering the course of events that have changed my life....Why the comments were taking out of context is in question for I always wish Ze and Grace the very best......
muffin101's Avatar
Couldn't have been said better TC,

I mean we all have the best intentions, and all the comments posted on this thread can ultimately yield positive results depending what we get out of reading them, and what we do with that information.
In life we all need a wakeup call at times, personally I am very glad that individuals got on to me or made suggestions thereby steering the course of events that have changed my life....Why the comments were taking out of context is in question for I always wish Ze and Grace the very best...... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
Bye Felicia
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Bye Ass****
Mojojo's Avatar
Sounds personal.....something you two can work out at PM hotel. Stick to the topic.
In life we all need a wakeup call at times, personally I am very glad that individuals got on to me or made suggestions thereby steering the course of events that have changed my life....Why the comments were taking out of context is in question for I always wish Ze and Grace the very best...... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
Actually, I was gonna apologize cuz I kinda misread this last posting, and was still a bit aggravated from some of the previous. So, TC I apologize for reactting instead of reading straight.

If your intentions were good, then I have no issue man. And like Muffin said we all just want the best.

Anyways, my bad for calling you Felicia
TexasCowboy's Avatar
MovieMan300.....I apologize also for stepping out of line and calling names....As a man I will step up to the plate and admit that I was wrong......Not on here to cause anyone any harm, even offered to teach Ze aspects where if she needed to get a position in the business world would take my time and teach her....

As far as I am concerned it is swept under the rug and forgotten about.....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
some things are better off unsaid or kept to yourself
pmdelites's Avatar
one thing i've learned in my profession is to ask questions, listen to the answer and only then offer up opinions or posit assumptions.

not that i always do that, but i do my best and have my human foibles like the rest of us.

TC, you might have stated your thoughts better [e.g., "is there anything she needs to help out past this interim period?"], but am glad you followed up w/ an apology and sending of best wishes.
I missed the train wreck in this thread. But what a great opportunity for a bump!

Hey ~Ze~ Did you get the $3 and the McRib BOGO coupon? From what I've read here lately Grace is not one to trust with certain food products...

Hey, all you assholes. Knock it off. Go take a shit on the Jessica Tearwell thread, I did. It needs some more.
M_Star's Avatar
I just wanted to thank TexasCowboy and all the respondents for keeping this thread on the 1st page for a while.
Now, I see Ze needs another kick in the ass to keep her up there.
Grace Preston's Avatar
See-- a sure sign that Ze isn't 100% is that she did NOT take advantage of Festivus to air her grievances. C'mon.. our Ze NEVER misses that chance