Somali Cop Executes Innocent Australian Woman in Minneapolis

themystic's Avatar
You are a stupid Mo Fo, mistake, thinking you can lie and not get called on it. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator let bin Laden declare war on the U.S. and then let the hijackers come into this country and train for their terrorist mission on his watch, mistake. Plus, it's Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator who signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall and who put the Community Reinvestment Act on steroids which culminated, eventually, in the financial fiasco, mistake. And at last check, Odumbo declared victory in Iraq and withdrew all of the troops ... only to then reveal that the war wasn't over as he lyingly claimed during his campaign and as he sent troops back to Iraq. But suckers like you, mistake, sucked up Odumbo's lies like pablum. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So Obama invaded Iraq

Clinton was responsible for 911 & the economy crashing.

Wow!. Where was Bush during his Presidency? No wonder this shit happen on his watch
I B Hankering's Avatar
So Obama invaded Iraq

Clinton was responsible for 911 & the economy crashing.

Wow!. Where was Bush during his Presidency? No wonder this shit happen on his watch
Originally Posted by themystic
Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator actions or inactions as president led directly to the economy melting down and to the attack on 9-11. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator failed to take out bin Laden and his team of terrorists. Glass-Steagall was repealed with Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's signature, and it was his signature that directed lending institutions to make a greater number of housing loans to certain demographic groups regardless of whether those individuals borrowing the money could pay it back, mistake. Bush43 was being lied to by key Congressmen and Senators charged with overseeing the housing market such as Rep. Barnie Franks who said, "I think we see entities [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] that are fundamentally sound financially...", and Sen. Christopher Dodd who said. “I, just briefly will say, Mr. Chairman, obviously, like most of us here, this [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] is one of the great success stories of all time.”
Ross Hecks's Avatar
No riots? No outrage? Not even from antifa or sjws?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doesn't IBrokenRecord have a way with name calling?

Stop encouraging him, mystic. We'd almost gotten him to a tolerable level of bullshit.

But now...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If'n he's a missin' his periods, would that mebbe make him pregnant ? Which one of the reach-around crew is his " baby daddy ", as the lying UNWED liberals call it now ?
Yep ,as we've seen many a time before in this forum, the libs HATE it when THEIR OWN TACTICS are turned back on them ! They really start frothing at the mouth then ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Illiterate fuck.
themystic's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Lmao!! You do come up with a good one every now and then Iffy. I wont tell you right wing friends . I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Illiterate cuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nothing worse than a black pig
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing worse than a black pig Originally Posted by Stockinglover
Please do elaborate...
Please do elaborate... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
People should have a major fear of black pigs it's bad enough that pigs lie but when they are black pigs it's even more scarier
lustylad's Avatar
What about kosher barrow pigs?

Having a gun and a badge is a major privlidge and perk in life. They should be held to the highest standard possible

They do seem to have a bad habit of killing unarmed blacks at a pretty high rate Originally Posted by themystic
It is a major privilege. Holding them to the "highest standard" possible is ridiculous. Agreed that some police officers shouldn't have been hired nor on the streets. But that is true for every job. I wonder how many recruits were hired because they had to "make their numbers."

But anybody can be a lethal criminal and you don't have to wear a uniform.

Actually, the police are killing unarmed blacks at a very low rate.

You dont debate anyone Lusty. You stand on your soap box and talk down to people

Your part of the problem not the solution

You may not cuss and rant and rave in your posts, but your a broken record.

Hey if your not anti American dont worry about it. You seem to have some doubts

Your support of Trump and your opinion of Russia makes me doubt you. Is that debating or just a buch of "libtard" bullshit Originally Posted by themystic
I don't see a perch. He's on a whore board. If he sounds like a broken record its because his arguments haven't been reasonably addressed.

Yes I do think its a big problem on both sides. I could pick either side in a debate class no problem

To bad you dont debate. You just stand on your perch and talk down to people Originally Posted by themystic
So, just keep repeating the same empty personal rhetoric? That's your counterpoint? Sad.

Sorry on the Russia thing. maybe I did get you confused with Lex Lover. You GOHP all look alike, I mean post alike.

I used to think America wasnt ready for a black president. Turns out I was wrong. The GOHP wasnt ready. If there were not term limits Obama would have been President for 12 years buddy

He cleaned up the fiasco of the Geoge W debacle. Two cost sucking wars, Broke the Middle East, out of control deficit, housing crash, Wall Street Barons, the Banking collapse, jmassive unemployment, ust to name a few. And lets not forget, 911 happend on his watch

You people gave Obama zero credit. Never even gave the guy a chance. He turned the country in the right direction

3rd greatest President ever! Originally Posted by themystic
Jeez. Not that disproved argument. People didn't like his policies, it wasn't racism. What's racist is rallying around Obama when he has cost the Dems so many seats. But don't try to figure that out.

Clinton was responsible for 911 & the economy crashing.

.... Originally Posted by themystic
Clinton isn't responsible for 911, the attackers are. However WTC I happened on his watch, as well with the USS Cole and other attacks. The economy crashed just before he left office. It cost Gore the Presidency. This has been discuss my times on this board.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Here's a link of compiled statistics of people killed by US police officers over the last several years.

Now get off your perch mystic.
themystic's Avatar
It is a major privilege. Holding them to the "highest standard" possible is ridiculous. Agreed that some police officers shouldn't have been hired nor on the streets. But that is true for every job. I wonder how many recruits were hired because they had to "make their numbers."

But anybody can be a lethal criminal and you don't have to wear a uniform.

Actually, the police are killing unarmed blacks at a very low rate.

I don't see a perch. He's on a whore board. If he sounds like a broken record its because his arguments haven't been reasonably addressed.

So, just keep repeating the same empty personal rhetoric? That's your counterpoint? Sad.

Jeez. Not that disproved argument. People didn't like his policies, it wasn't racism. What's racist is rallying around Obama when he has cost the Dems so many seats. But don't try to figure that out.

Clinton isn't responsible for 911, the attackers are. However WTC I happened on his watch, as well with the USS Cole and other attacks. The economy crashed just before he left office. It cost Gore the Presidency. This has been discuss my times on this board.

Hilarious! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Other than acknowledging that the picture was funny, what did you say that had any actual value?

Did Lusty send this to you and you copy pasted?

As of this writing Trump and his "Phony" base are getting their asses handed to them. Kind of reminds me of the Clinton email thing. She kept lying and people knew it. Same applies to Trump. Only this is sleeping with the enemy.

What does being on a whore board have to do with it? I know Im sorry I forgot , you right wing pussies are better than hookers as well.

Get back on your perch Gnadfly