11 Officers Shot 3 Dead

AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Frique, I don't think MLK should even be mentioned in the same sentence with BLM. MLK was a GREAT man who never advocated violence in any way. Had he not been murdered at age 38 I don't think this would be happening now. Originally Posted by Mavs fan

BLM is separating the races not bringing them together.
It's quickly undoing the last 50 years of progression with its separation.
If I was a black man I would be worried.
This is what's it's about. Unification
Different generations since AA asked and begged a nation built on free labor for rights and reparations. As Jayz stated "eventually the pendulum swings/don't forget America this how you made me..."
Frique-Me's Avatar
Frique, I don't think MLK should even be mentioned in the same sentence with BLM. MLK was a GREAT man who never advocated violence in any way. Had he not been murdered at age 38 I don't think this would be happening now. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
America (as a whole) only recognized MLK's greatness retrospectively. He was often blamed for the violence during that time despite his non violence stance. I'm genuinely not sure if the BLM organization advocates violence. Can you give some examples??
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-10-2016, 11:28 AM
I agree with the Louisiana case, he could have been reaching for a gun as I only saw one hand in the video. I'm not sure about the way he was executed though, it just looks bad to me. The Minnesota case was a little more disturbing to me though. I think the cop was not trained very well based on his countenance during the video. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
Why not taser the guy instead of killing him? Pussy ass cops should not be out dealing with the public,

The Minnesota case was really sad, a hard working man profiled and mistaken for a criminal, it sucks being a black man in this country, criminals come in all races

What about the black guy posted all over social media and the news for carrying the ar15 in the rally? he was smart enough to give up his weapon to a cop when he got a call from a friend that they were looking for him.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-10-2016, 11:34 AM
Point taken. I'll look for a time to talk with her. Thanck you. Originally Posted by THN
I would not have a talk with her to share what you believe in or feel, she's got that mind set for a reason or experiences she's gone through, it might damage the friendship with her or the kids, something's are better left unsaid in the rw.
Chung Tran's Avatar
What about the black guy posted all over social media and the news for carrying the ar15 in the rally? he was smart enough to give up his weapon to a cop when he got a call from a friend that they were looking for him. Originally Posted by BLM69
he was smart, actually his brother who was also at the rally, was the person who told him.. I think. I know it is legal, but I found it odd that this guy was marching with an open-carried AR15.. curious why he did, was it for show? or did he fear he might need it?

I also found it odd that his photo was plastered everywhere.. clearly he had displayed the weapon during the march, was lock-step with the marchers.. how does that make him a "person of interest"?

I guess in the heat of chaos, you don't know how many snipers there are, and maybe some in the march were in on the plot? like the Dude who was suddenly arrested when officers saw he wore a flak jacket of some sort.. and the people who drove the black Mercedes away..
Frique-Me's Avatar

BLM is separating the races not bringing them together.
It's quickly undoing the last 50 years of progression with its separation.
If I was a black man I would be worried.
This is what's it's about. Unification Originally Posted by The Phoenix
Again, the "separating of the races" allegation was often levied against MLK.
All lives matter??? It sounds good. However, when a large segment of our society refuses to simply acknowledge the concerns, suffering, and mistreatment of others, do all lives TRULY matter? To you? To us?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-10-2016, 11:52 AM
[QUOTE=Chung Tran; how does that make him a "person of interest"?
He's black with a weapon, what other reason is there?
Chung Tran's Avatar
He's black with a weapon, what other reason is there? Originally Posted by BLM69
snappy answer, but it doesn't hold up.. this guy walked the whole march brandishing the AR15, while many Police Officers walked alongside.

try again.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-10-2016, 01:23 PM
snappy answer, but it doesn't hold up.. this guy walked the whole march brandishing the AR15, while many Police Officers walked alongside.

try again. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Until something happened, then why were they looking for him?
Mavs fan's Avatar
IF I was a cop at a rally and I had seen a guy carrying a gun and then I heard shots being fired....Ummmm well I would probably be checking on the guys whereabouts. He wasn't guilty but carrying a gun to an anti-cop rally is not a very smart move. He was asking for trouble and he is lucky he didn't get shot in the confusion and haze of battle. So he is guilty of being a dumbass.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Frique, How about BLM members saying things like "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like Bacon". Nobody is saying that all Cops are good people. And all of the BLM people are not Bad people. Let me just drop all the pleasantries and get real. Guys like me are getting pretty tired of political correctness invading our lives. We are getting tired of Slavery being brought up all the time and being used by blacks as an excuse for everything. The Blacks have not been treated worse than the Jews in the last 100 years, Never do I hear a Jew blame the Holocaust for anything. Get the fuck over it Slavery was abolished in Fucking 1865. This is 2016. All the slaves are dead, all the slave owners are dead, and all the hundreds of thousands of white union soldiers that fought for your freedom are dead. Was Slavery wrong YES. Was Jim Crow wrong YES. Was the struggle for equal rights too long YES. We all agree on this.

Young black men are profiled because they commit violent crimes at a much higher rate than their white counterparts. What do you not understand about that? And somehow it's white Americans fault that young black men take the easy way out and commit crime. No that's a problem in the Black community and it causes problems in my community and I am tired of it. 70% of black babies are illegitimate. Rap singers like the pitiful excuse for a man JayZ glorify thuggery and street life. Rappers show zero respect for authority and treat women just a shade better than dogs. And don't forget that JayZ is a multi millionaire and he doesn't give a fuck about the Hood or the people in it. Do you think JayZ would let his kids hang out in Compton or go to an inner city public school?

Personal responsibility is a phrase that a lot of BLM people need to learn. If you don't like where you are in life find a solution but don't blame everyone else in the World but yourself. And yes racism exists I have seen it firsthand in my lifetime. The racial divide is getting wider when it should be narrowing. For God's sake we have a black President. Never did I believe that would happen in my lifetime. Why are we going backwards?

And my final word on the subject. Do what a policeman tells you to do immediately. Don't fight, don't argue, don't hesitate. Say yessir and no sir and be cooperative. This is what I tell my sons and they are Blond haired, Blue eyed, white boys. The guy in LA. would be alive today had he not resisted. The deal in Minn. looks like a cop that fucked up. Sometimes human error is a factor. Let me end this with the most patronizing phrase in the Cracker handbook "I'm not a racist, I am friends with a black guy".
dallasfan's Avatar
the suspect was thought to be a armed robbery suspect. If the cop used a taser and the suspect turned his gun on him, the cop is dead. There are more whites killed by cops than blacks. And in 90 percent of the cases whether the suspect was white or black there was a reason to shoot him.

Why not taser the guy instead of killing him? Pussy ass cops should not be out dealing with the public,

The Minnesota case was really sad, a hard working man profiled and mistaken for a criminal, it sucks being a black man in this country, criminals come in all races

What about the black guy posted all over social media and the news for carrying the ar15 in the rally? he was smart enough to give up his weapon to a cop when he got a call from a friend that they were looking for him. Originally Posted by BLM69
Frique-Me's Avatar
Frique, How about BLM members saying things like "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like Bacon". Originally Posted by Mavs fan
OK, so it wasn't the BLM leadership, it some knucklehead members???
Dr. King had the same thorn in is side when members AND LEADERS of the associated SCLC advocated violence as well. Not saying it right but it happened back then too.

You speak as if you know what its like to be black... You don't. But instead of making an attempt to understand from those who do , you offer up the same, tired anecdotes and disrespect...

I read your post (in full) I'm pretty sure there's a percentage of law enforcement officers whom share your way of thinking in regards to black/white relations. You're a hammer and based on YOUR OWN ALL ENCOMPASSING words, black people are the nails... There's no wonder why this SICK CYCLE OF MADNESS will continue to happen.

By the way, we can add "I don't see color" to the Cracker's handbook as well.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Frique, I'm just telling you how I see it. And when you say I don't know what it's like to be black you sound like a victim. It may be harder to succeed as a minority so just try harder. I see a lot of very successful Black people. If they can succeed then why can't the rest. We all have the same opportunities in my opinion. That's how I see it. BTW I own a small business and half of my staff are black. And I discuss this crap with them and I try to see their point of view and shock of all shocks they try to see mine. We don't always agree but we do learn from one another and we manage to stay friends.