A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020

adav8s28's Avatar
prove me incorrect - U are not a physician or epidemiologist. Originally Posted by oeb11
I do know one thing about you, you're a NEWBIE.

You haven't figured out how to hook up on a escort board.

you prove me incorrect - U are not a physician or epidemiologist.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup , Fauci said 01/11/17 " A surprise outbreak is coming" ( The Wuhan Lab by Morrell)
Side note are friend Fauci has been called the " Bernie Madoff of science for making millions off of Flus
( Plague of Corruption 2008 / and Plague 2009 )
  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2020, 08:09 AM
Little'a' -hardly - no cogent response - it is known as denial and deflection!!!
Not to mention - your "proof" is nonsensical.
Very unfortunate for U , Little 'a' - did U have a Teacher's Union education???

any idea of what is the 'scientific Method"??
"Math" is "Racist" to U???

A shame to waste a life in such a way.
adav8s28's Avatar
"Math" is "Racist" to U???
Originally Posted by oeb11
You have no reviews, no references, you can't pass screening. You're a NEWBIE.

What are you talking about little Newbie? Iovannidis make a mistake in his calculation. The mortality rate for CV19 is not .003. It's higher. Otherwise, you would not have 125,000 deaths with just 7% of the population being infected.

Why are you asking me questions you refuse to answer yourself?

Here are some questions for you.

What is DNA?

What is RNA?

What is a gene?

How many chromosomes does each cell have?

What color is Staph Aureaus Bacteria on a gram stain?

What color is E- Coli Bacteria on gram stain?

What is a enzyme?

Diabetes occurs when what molecule cannot enter a cell?

You should know the answers without having to look them up on the internet. That is if you are a doctor.
Iovannidis make a mistake in his calculation. The mortality rate for CV19 is not .003. It's higher. Otherwise, you would not have 125,000 deaths with just 7% of the population being infected. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Ioannidis appears to have been far more accurate than many at the time, when DemPanic estimates were as high as a 3-6% death rate.

You at least seem to now be acknowledging that 0.6% is a more likely number.

And lets take a look at what Ionnidis actually said at the time.

From the OP.

Adding these extra sources of uncertainty, reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general U.S. population vary from 0.05% to 1%.
Hmmm, seems that 0.6% falls right into his "reasonable" range.

So I'll stick by my statement of he's proving to be more accurate than the DemPanickers were giving him credit for at the time.
rexdutchman's Avatar
China is feeding the LSM and Dr F ( who has said everything , and has been wrong, and making money ) I agree w/ Patrick time to stop listening!!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2020, 08:01 AM
You have no reviews, no references, you can't pass screening. You're a NEWBIE.

What are you talking about little Newbie? Iovannidis make a mistake in his calculation. The mortality rate for CV19 is not .003. It's higher. Otherwise, you would not have 125,000 deaths with just 7% of the population being infected.

Why are you asking me questions you refuse to answer yourself?

Here are some questions for you.

What is DNA?

What is RNA?

What is a gene?

How many chromosomes does each cell have?

What color is Staph Aureaus Bacteria on a gram stain?

What color is E- Coli Bacteria on gram stain?

What is a enzyme?

Diabetes occurs when what molecule cannot enter a cell?

You should know the answers without having to look them up on the internet. That is if you are a doctor. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Little'a' is still on the idea that it is a MOD - and should control who posts based on qualifications et up by Little 'a' - typical DPST behavior.

Controlling behavior based on severe insecurity.

If little 'a' is so smart - let it provide the definitions to the questions.

I have no need to be drawn into the controlling, insecure behavior of a DPST Xi loving poster.

as if those questions make a bit of difference.

little 'a' is just trying to 'Out" - so - Little'a' - Remember - the RTM button is your little friend.

And how much time did Little'a' spend looking up the questions on Wikipedia - Little 'a' has no idea what is medical literature.

I recognize laughing at the DPST's worsens the insecurity - perhaps the worst behavior One may offer a DPST!

Do try to post something contributory to the discussion for a change - and not your personal Quixotic quest to set the Forum rules! Thank you - Little'a'.
adav8s28's Avatar
is still on the idea that it is a MOD - and should control who posts based on qualifications et
Originally Posted by oeb11
I did not write or imply that you can't post. I just told you your status on this board.

As for that 8 question quiz, any first year medical student could have answered those questions in two minutes. I'll give you two of the answers, 6. E-Coli bacteria has bright orange color on a gram stain, 8. is glucose. I did not have to go to wiki for those questions, it's called a college education.

From the amount of time you post on here, I doubt if you're a doctor.
adav8s28's Avatar
Ioannidis appears to have been far more accurate than many at the time, when DemPanic estimates were as high as a 3-6% death rate.

You at least seem to now be acknowledging that 0.6% is a more likely number.
Originally Posted by eccielover
Who gave a mortality rate of 6%? Have a link?

Based on the real data that is available and the estimate of asymptomatics with the antibody counting, .6% mortality rate is what it's looking like right now. Iovannisdis used .3% which has been proven to be too low.
Who gave a mortality rate of 6%? Have a link?

Based on the real data that is available and the estimate of asymptomatics with the antibody counting, .6% mortality rate is what it's looking like right now. Iovannisdis used .3% which has been proven to be too low. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I remember reading a rate of near 6% from somewhere, but I'll concede that the general DemPanic numbers(and those used by you) to frighten the masses were more around the 3% range.

And you Ioannidis's .3% was simply an example he used. His numbers are far more accurate than the millions you were throwing out.

As I noted his range was right in line with where we are currently landing and far less than you DemPanickers.

But I know you are crushed that the millions are not dying and you can't pin all those deaths on Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2020, 06:48 PM
maybe the Imperial College Model - Ferguson.