A great deal of you will be very happy

Guest091710's Avatar
PS The last thing on my mind was where he came from just that the community be notified, we did that with Kosair's help.... Alex and her well being were on my mind not you or P411....Like I stated where the client came from was not the big issue it was getting the data out and placating Alex. No one beat her up. It was as I stated bruised arms and such. Where the client came from was not the issue...You refused to do it after proof positive......including the emails with pics....

Remember I stated I recorded the call....What you said on that call is very clear......I also stated why I recorded it..It was one craigslist killer right? There are other sites that are very similar to yours. Come on now..let's be realistic...there are new ones coming out all the time.....You are right, it is big though....one big database with everyone's data.... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
i do still in fact have the email from her and it was def nothing similar to what is being said here at all. She went on to say how much she relied on providers to speak out, and to pls contact her immediately with any problems. i just think that perhaps all the alerts filled by You was alarming to her, bc she had no issues at all acting on my behalf. Pls i dont condone a provider getting hurt, im not taking sides just voicing a very first hand exp. i do recall her posting the alert as well, but not the details about it.
srvfin's Avatar
Note to Admin:

Dude.... Go get another server; you're gonna need it. This thread ain't ever gonna die!
Guest091710's Avatar
This is indeed the very email sent to me from her, Gina i hope You dont mind, ... the relevancy here is this. i had a issue come up, and first hand have dealt with Gina. In this business a reputation is everything, so Gina to me is a super helpful lady. To say she would just allow such for the money paid to her site is inaccurate, and if this were true would destroy the very reason we trust p411 so much. It isnt fool proof, but none of us are better off with out it, the more tools the better. If something was over looked for what ever reason, i apologize, but i know first hand, she doesn't just look away.

Hi Miss sub cilla,

It was brought to my attention that you reported a P411 member on ASPD recently for being too aggressive. In the future, could I ask you to contact me directly whenever you have a problem with a member? I really rely on the providers to let me know right away when there is an issue, since I'm not able to read all of the bad date sites every day (and in fact I don't even have access to all of them!)

In regards to your report on (clients id here), could I get your permission to contact him with a warning about his behavior? Obviously, getting violent with a provider is totally unacceptable and if I get another report of similar behavior on him his P411 account will be permanently revoked.

Please let me know.

Guest051010-3's Avatar
i cant believe i'm even responding to this again but i just had to look.Personally i have never had any correspondence with Gina but i have seen her comments to alerts and she has always seemed to handle it very well in my opinion, but hell that's just me.
simpleton's Avatar
I'm reminded of that buckcherry song.......your a crazy bitch but you fuck so good I'm on top of it. There, I said it. Your fucking crazy. I would never give you any information about me. I fear you would go nuts and not give a shit. Peace to you.
Guest091710's Avatar
Oh and just another note, when i started new and a dumbass, i applied to p411 under the wrong section, as a client, and they gladly refunded my $60 and approved me as a Provider. Within a couple of Days at that, the customer service was awesome.
simpleton's Avatar
I believe Gina tries to do the right thing and isn't worried about 60 bucks. Shame on you Sofia. It's real easy to believe Gina. This aint her first rodeo. I get the feeling you didn't get what you wanted so you were going to make her life miserable. People are so much smarter than you give them credit.But you seem to think your so much smarter than everyone else. Not this time.
Riddle me this, Batman... If sofia does all the screening and scheduling for her girls, who's fault is it really that Alex had a shitty client?
Diabolo's Avatar
I believe Gina tries to do the right thing and isn't worried about 60 bucks. Shame on you Sofia. It's real easy to believe Gina. This aint her first rodeo. I get the feeling you didn't get what you wanted so you were going to make her life miserable. People are so much smarter than you give them credit.But you seem to think your so much smarter than everyone else. Not this time. Originally Posted by simpleton
My thoughts exactly.

A Prima Donna-wannabe with a grudge... that's what the last part of this thread is all about.

(that on top of all the drama that we all are very tired of by now).
Wayward's Avatar
Riddle me this, Batman... If sofia does all the screening and scheduling for her girls, who's fault is it really that Alex had a shitty client? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
A Prima Donna-wannabe with a grudge... that's what the last part of this thread is all about. Originally Posted by Diabolo
Exactly and that no one believes her rantings now? sofia has made a career of being a bat shit crazy member of our community, launching baseless attacks on everyone from other Agency's, providers, clients, web designers and now the very respected GinaXXX's P411.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! Originally Posted by lil red Robin
chicagoboy's Avatar
How can we miss Sofia if she won't go away?
pyramider's Avatar
How can we miss Sofia if she won't go away? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Which came first the chicken or the egg?

The g spot?

Questions of the universe.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-20-2010, 06:06 AM
How can we miss Sofia if she won't go away? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
She is like herpes you cant get rid of it no matter how hard you try.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
She will be up shortly, and a new tirade will begin. If the mods don't lock this, it could go on FOREVER.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Poor ol' Kosair, the way Sofia's been bragging about him he could become known as the Nutwhisperer if he don't watch out.

Regarding the offending mutt: I've spent a lot of time and effort looking on the sites mentioned and found zilch. Why the hell isn't a description prominently posted here (or if it is will someone please point me to it)? Plenty of mongers would like to get the villain by the scruff of his neck and administer a corrective, and probably some of us would be capable of actually doing it.