Ah yes, about that.... Well ,as a matter of fact, I DID tell her she needed to raise her rates.

  • Ivory
  • 10-18-2011, 02:21 AM
The title of your thread- HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW and then you quoted me.... were you referring to you or me? I couldn't tell if you were calling me a flash in the pan as some kinda insult or warning me that you are here to entertain me but for today since you don't post often. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Why would I insult you? It's pathetic jerk offs like Sixxbach who deserve the insults since he obviously likes to throw out the insults first without provocation.

As for the title of my thread? I was merely and subtly saying that I am in Texas TODAY (Tuesday) but will not be in Texas TOMORROW (Wednesday).

Thanks for the insults Reya...carry on!
Skip_8's Avatar
Love, I am not hating..... Just funny to see you blast Jurassic Park escapee Ivory. Reya, I will no longer hide my hobby crush on you....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

Sixx wasn't hating. It just goes back to the strip club days when you hear every other stripper saying that she is either in school or going back to school next semester. After a while, it just gets old, especially is she's been dancing for 6 years and you have seen her and heard the same thing.
Again, I wasn't trying to insult you...sixx just read into it what he wanted. I think you're great and very entertaining.

This thread is getting a bit much for my tastes...I think I will stick to reading it only from this time forward..with any hope you and sixx can go back n forth(though my fave is still you and whispers) LOL.

Why would I insult you? It's pathetic jerk offs like Sixxbach who deserve the insults since he obviously likes to throw out the insults first without provocation.

As for the title of my thread? I was merely and subtly saying that I am in Texas TODAY (Tuesday) but will not be in Texas TOMORROW (Wednesday).

Thanks for the insults Reya...carry on! Originally Posted by Ivory
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Why would I insult you? It's pathetic jerk offs like Sixxbach who deserve the insults since he obviously likes to throw out the insults first without provocation.

As for the title of my thread? I was merely and subtly saying that I am in Texas TODAY (Tuesday) but will not be in Texas TOMORROW (Wednesday).

Thanks for the insults Reya...carry on! Originally Posted by Ivory
So can I hijack any thread to advertise my bottomless cleaning service, since I'm not a verified provider?
harkontume's Avatar
So can I hijack any thread to advertise my bottomless cleaning service, since I'm not a verified provider? Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor

I had this nice image of Reya's legs in my head and you went and ruined it! ( Does that make me homophobic? )
Guest092815's Avatar
The title of your thread- HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW and then you quoted me.... were you referring to you or me? I couldn't tell if you were calling me a flash in the pan as some kinda insult or warning me that you are here to entertain me but for today since you don't post often. LOL, I hope you are here to go back n forth with whispers...I will read it all tomorrow though because I have school in the AM and need to get to sleep.

Honestly, I don't think being a provider is something that I'd like to do past menopause and it isn't the kind of job that allows most girls to age gracefully so I hope that my "career" as an escort is somewhat short lived (though, I'm enjoying it overall at the moment) but maybe it's different for being a stripper/webcam performer? Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine

Reya, I was surprised by this mean spiritited post.

And, to whoever mentioned Ivory in the first place...why drag her name into this thread?
  • Ivory
  • 10-19-2011, 10:57 AM
Reya, I was surprised by this mean spiritited post. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
So was I...and even more surprised to watch Reya act like she didn't insult me to begin with.

And, to whoever mentioned Ivory in the first place...why drag her name into this thread? Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
It was actually Reya who brought my name into this thread, despite the fact that I haven't posted on this board since last year.

It was also Reya who has repeatedly asked for another "Ivory VS Whispers" (and his attack pack) flame war.

I makes me wonder if Whispers and his gang is paying Reya to antagonize me, since the end result of these flame wars could be a potential banning from this site.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I had this nice image of Reya's legs in my head and you went and ruined it! ( Does that make me homophobic? ) Originally Posted by harkontume
How do you know I don't have nice legs?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I makes me wonder if Whispers and his gang is paying Reya to antagonize me, since the end result of these flame wars could be a potential banning from this site. Originally Posted by Ivory
Watch out for the black helicopters hovering above! I'll try to find a design schematic for aluminum foil hat also.

You overestimate your importance by far. You're an over-weight (from my last run-in with you at Palazio), 40 something (by my best guess), stripper who comes on this board to advertise $5 dances at possibly the most ghetto strip club in town. If I pay Reya, it won't have anything to do with you.
HunterGrace's Avatar
Oh for f**k's sake. WTF happened to my ThreAD?

Is this because I didn't have a punch line to my knock knock joke?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
harkontume's Avatar
Who's there?
HunterGrace's Avatar
crickets... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
and only four minutes after my post. Original.
  • Ivory
  • 11-18-2011, 01:37 PM
Watch out for the black helicopters hovering above! Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
You shouldn't take everything you read on the internet so seriously...you'll give yourself a nosebleed.

I'll try to find a design schematic for aluminum foil hat also. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Still looking? Isn't it ironic that you need a "schematic" to make a tin foil hat?

You overestimate your importance by far. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I don't even estimate my importance at all on this board...I could care less...if anything, it's YOU who overestimates their importance on this board.

If I weren't so important to you, then you would have me on your ignore list...so, here you are once again with your usual insults thinking you're the big man on campus any time I make a single post, despite the fact that I have only posted a few days since last year and my name was brought up by others in the first place.

Internet tough guys like yourself are powerless in real life and therefore feel the need to lash out on internet forums. Mix in the fact that you have to pay for pussy as opposed to being able to get it with good looks, charm and charisma? Well, I think you get the picture...or at least I do.

Happy Holidays
  • Vyt
  • 11-18-2011, 02:02 PM
I get the picture, at any rate, that this thread is done.