Twitter permabans the orange clown inciter-in-chief..

  • pxmcc
  • 02-11-2021, 10:14 AM
How do any of the 45 senators who are on record as saying the trial is unconstitutional then vote to convict? They contradict themselves if they do. It's not a matter of having their mind changed by some kind of evidence. They said it was unconstitutional to try a president after he left office. It ain't gonna happen.

And I'll tell you what. When the acquittal happens they will not stop. Maybe new evidence is manufactured and they try to impeach again or they will try some kind of censure resolution. What a big fucking waste of time by a bunch of losers. They've tried unsuccessfully for going on 5 years now to ruin this guy and they aren't going to let it go anytime soon. Meanwhile that idiot Biden is wrecking our economy and doing it under the cover of this craziness.

How do you reconcile any of the inflammatory statements made by the likes of so many Democrats calling for fighting and hatred and not stopping against anything Trump said?
Now you have that loser bitch Elizabeth Warren saying that anyone who stands with Trump "must be stopped". What the fuck does that mean? I can easily interpret that as either a call to persecute or a call to violence. Well, all I can say is "come stop me"! Originally Posted by boardman
i agree Boardman that more likely than not Trump will be aquitted. but round 2 is less certain than round 1 was at this same stage. trump is sort of in a perfect storm-bad lawyering, outstanding job by the prosecutors, and ambivalence of party leadership seeing a chance to get off the runaway trump train.

i'm sort of wondering the same thing about the censure vote as you are but for a different reason. why should dems be worried about trump running in 2024? if he does, i think there's a pretty good chance he will fracture the Republican Party. and if he wins the Repub nomination, barring some kind of wipeout by the biden admin, i think the chance of him winning the presidency back is pretty low. i say let him run again.

whatever happens, trump is going to be beset by significant civil and criminal litigation for maybe years to come. he's kind of his own worst enemy imo. his own tweets on jan 6 form some of the most damning evidence against him in this trial.
boardman's Avatar
I'm watching the shit show now.
Outstanding job by the prosecution? None of this would be allowed in a court of law. It's laughable at this point.
It's a shit show! That's all it is and anyone that applauds this kind of behavior in our seat of government needs to be stopped.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-11-2021, 11:26 AM
^^"what, a DC shitshow?" say it aint so..
boardman's Avatar
They all need to be impeached
Russ38's Avatar
Fucking joke no doubt......
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2021, 02:38 AM
boardman's Avatar
you can't make this shit up.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

This is news?
CryptKicker's Avatar
This is news? Originally Posted by boardman
It's actually a desperate attempt to be relevant.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2021, 10:08 AM
This is news? Originally Posted by boardman
umm ya. there was an attempt to overthrow our democratically elected government, and the inciter is currently on trial. and ya senators-the jury-took an oath to be impartial. you didn't get the memo?

what more important news is on Politburo TV?
CryptKicker's Avatar
umm ya. there was an attempt to overthrow our democratically elected government, and the inciter is currently on trial. and ya senators-the jury-took an oath to be impartial. you didn't get the memo?

what more important news is on Politburo TV? Originally Posted by pxmcc
An unconstitutional impeachment that had never followed due process so honestly who gives a shit?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2021, 10:34 AM
^^lol sir..

trump should testify so he can clear everything up. i'm sure it was all an honest mistake. of course there was never a wink wink nudge nudge to all his merry trumpkins.

trump said he'd accompany his trumpkins to the capitol building. what happened, he get lost on the way? why didn't he try google maps walking navigation, or ask Secret Service to help him find it?

naw he just lit the fuse and got the hell outta dodge. plausible deniability, just like putin's soldiers in Crimea.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Why is it this thread not yet in the Political Forum ?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Why is it this thread not yet in the Political Forum ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Political threads are allowed in the local sandboxes.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why is it this thread not yet in the Political Forum ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Im glad Admin and mods are allowing political threads in different cities' sandbox forums. I like the different perspectives from those other cities.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Well howabout that. You lern something knew every day.