What Would You Do if Client LIED about his ethnicity to get past your screening?

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We are known by who we assert ourselves to be in the hobby. Therefore, it's not a lie to use your handle or fake name within the community. It's who you are. Common sense dictates the necessity to have an alternate identity here. When we lie about statistical information, such as race, that's a no no. Especially, if a lady has a NAA or age policy. We are entitled to our preferences just as the gents are.
Thank you so much for posting this, Kaylee....I appreciate your honesty. Your stated preference dominoes beautifully into a point I'd like to make:

Okay, Randall....where's your ire...your disgust....your indignation now? Where's this never-ending war cry over said provider implying she won't see a certain faction of the hobbying community using "personal preference" as her reasoning?

Here we have a prime example of a provider stating she will not entertain seeing "fatties"....the classic overweight client. For her OWN "personal reasons" she is being "tactfully honest". Yet, you are silent. Nary a word of rebuttal. Why are you not leading the charge on this particular vein of discrimination, RC?

Alas, it's painfully clear, isn't it, Randy? After it's all said and done, you could not care less about the plight of the chubbier-than-normal hobbiest.....

The fact Kaylee expressed "a personal preference" and you didn't say Boo tells us all we need to know. The bottom line is, if it doesn't affect you, it's not your problem....right?

After you cut through all the BS...all the rhetoric, you're just as guilty as the next guy. In a nutshell....as in this case....it just comes down to whose ox is being gored....right, bucko? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Chateau Becot, you are spot on!! Randall the hypocrite knows it too, that's why he'll stay quiet on this one.
Thank you so much for posting this, Kaylee....I appreciate your honesty. Your stated preference dominoes beautifully into a point I'd like to make:

Okay, Randall....where's your ire...your disgust....your indignation now? Where's this never-ending war cry over said provider implying she won't see a certain faction of the hobbying community using "personal preference" as her reasoning?

Here we have a prime example of a provider stating she will not entertain seeing "fatties"....the classic overweight client. For her OWN "personal reasons" she is being "tactfully honest". Yet, you are silent. Nary a word of rebuttal. Why are you not leading the charge on this particular vein of discrimination, RC?

Alas, it's painfully clear, isn't it, Randy? After it's all said and done, you could not care less about the plight of the chubbier-than-normal hobbiest.....

The fact Kaylee expressed "a personal preference" and you didn't say Boo tells us all we need to know. The bottom line is, if it doesn't affect you, it's not your problem....right?

After you cut through all the BS...all the rhetoric, you're just as guilty as the next guy. In a nutshell....as in this case....it just comes down to whose ox is being gored....right, bucko? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Just playing devil's advocate here. I'm not on anyone's side, I just don't care that some hookers have NBA policies (boohoo). I also don't care that someone expresses their discontent with the policy in a way "they" see fit. Then again, I don't care that someone whines about someone whining, just sounds like a full circle of bitchery to me.

However, for the sake of argument, one can say that the no fatty policy doesn't equate. One, if truly motivated, maybe by the beauty of the lady who stated the policy (sorry, can't think right now), one could incorporate lifestyle habits to lose the weight and qualify to see such a beauty. However, modern science isn't advanced enough for one to change their race. Once again, just for the sake of argument. I give no fucks either way.
Just playing devil's advocate here. I'm not on anyone's side, I just don't care that some hookers have NBA policies (boohoo). I also don't care that someone expresses their discontent with the policy in a way "they" see fit. Then again, I don't care that someone whines about someone whining, just sounds like a full circle of bitchery to me.

However, for the sake of argument, one can say that the no fatty policy doesn't equate. One, if truly motivated, maybe by the beauty of the lady who stated the policy (sorry, can't think right now), one could incorporate lifestyle habits to lose the weight and qualify to see such a beauty. However, modern science isn't advanced enough for one to change their race. Once again, just for the sake of argument. I give no fucks either way. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
You have a solid point, DK. That being said, there are definitely some obese people who are obese due to health conditions out of their control such as thyroid problems, tumor growth, hormonal conditions, side effects of certain medications etc. While these obese people are in the minority, they are still worth mentioning.

Now for the majority of morbidly obese people, the problem is more mental than physical. Sure if they made permanent lifestyle changes like you said, they will lose the excess weight in time. However doing this is much much more difficult than what most people think. Research has shown that fatty sugary food activates the same pleasure centers in the brain as cocaine. Yes, it gives you a similar high.

Most morbidly obese people deal with the stresses of their life through food. They are heavily dependent on food, in fact they are addicted to food. This is a strong and pervasive mental illness. Telling a morbidly obese person to not overeat on junk food is like telling an alcoholic to avoid alcohol or take very limited portions. It's like telling a cocaine/meth/heroin addict to not take their drugs or take much less of it.

Except, it's worse to be a food addict. Unlike a druggie or alcoholic, a food addict can never go cold turkey. He has to still eat to live on a daily basis. There is a reason why the majority of people who go on diets and lose weight end up putting the weight back on and then some. People think fatties are just lazy greedy gluttons with no will power. That is not true. Several of my family members have died due to morbid obesity and so I know firsthand the anguish and pain they go through on a daily basis. They will stuff food down their throat even while crying and hating themselves because their addiction compels them to. I would much rather my loved one be a meth or heroin addict than a obese food addict. Sadly enough, people will respect meth and cocaine addicts even more because hey, atleast they're skinny, right? They must have some good willpower. Good for them!

Yes there are exceptions and there are people who've lost lots of weight and kept them off. However, achieving this goal is much much harder than what most people think.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
I had something similar to this happen to me before. A guy told me he was Indian and even went as far as sending a picture of an Indian guy. I reached out to his reference stating that he was Indian because that's what he had told me his race was when I was screening him and she did not deny or confirm that he was black and not Indian. I was startled when he knocked on my door because I was totally expecting an Indian guy but here stood a black guy. While i'm not opposed to seeing black men or any other race as long as they pass my screening process. I was mad due to the fact that he had lied to me about his race. I went ahead and continued with the appointment but if I ever encounter a situation where another gentleman lied about his race, I would immediately cancel our meeting.
BluesMan's Avatar
[Drops mic. Walks off...with a stereotypical 'black man' limp] Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I'm still trying to figure out what a stereotypical "black man" limp is.