Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

So does this mean you are giving it away to someone now who can afford to keep you in the lifestyle that you are accostomed to ?

when you decide to start selling again let me know . Ill pay . Originally Posted by D.G.
I wouldn't see you if my life depended on it.. I'm no longer a provider period I have a RW career like most normal people sorry you don't know what's that's like & that's why your having a tough time comprehending my vocabulary...

Why do you show so much interest towards Dorthy_Monroe I don't like you & never will.. I rather you pay yourself to STFU & worry about someone else rather than someone like me who has no desire to entertain your curiosity of dorthys purpose history & intentions...

Me thunks you try to pry certain information because your up to no good...
She wasn't talking about throat punching you, cb...it was the wandering gent she was addressing indirectly...I think, or thought. OTOH, she probably would deliver the blow to any other mutt who wanted one, out of the kindness of her heart. It's her civic duty.

Of course I could be wrong. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I only throat punch the ones who deserve it.. CB definitely needs a few
  • D.G.
  • 10-06-2015, 11:57 AM
I wouldn't see you if my life depended on it.. I'm no longer a provider period I have a RW career like most normal people sorry you don't know what's that's like & that's why your having a tough time comprehending my vocabulary...

Why do you show so much interest towards Dorthy_Monroe I don't like you & never will.. I rather you pay yourself to STFU & worry about someone else rather than someone like me who has no desire to entertain your curiosity of dorthys purpose history & intentions...

Me thunks you try to pry certain information because your up to no good... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
So your dude got tired of hearing your shit and told you to get back on the site so you would shut up or so that he did not have to hear your dribble all day . Thanks for clearing that up . That must be some good sex for him to tolerate you even this long .
So your dude got tired of hearing your shit and told you to get back on the site so you would shut up or so that he did not have to hear your dribble all day . Thanks for clearing that up . That must be some good sex for him to tolerate you even this long . Originally Posted by D.G.
That made a lot of sense there buddy give yourself a pat on the back...

My dude ? What dude how did you come up with that bright assumption that I even had a dude ?

Oh your trying to imply I have a pimp but don't have enough balls to come out with it...

Heh Good One You Keep Brainstorming Your Ideas Of My Current Life Situation.. Keep The Fire Extinguisher Near Your Brain Can't Handle All This Thinking....
  • D.G.
  • 10-06-2015, 12:08 PM
No . I am saying you finally caught a rich old man to take care of you . You probably met him off here or p411 . Thats why he dont care you are on here and probably sent you back so he could watch football . You talk but do not listen in return .
Damn I love this pic....welcome back

Originally Posted by TheMixedGuy
Who's cunt is that?
rduke4923's Avatar
What do you mean I got out once Um I Am Still Retired & Your Still On My DNS List That's All That Matters...

Nothing Will Be Dragging Me Back To The Stressful Days Of Fucktardom... My Life Is Stress Free & It Will Stay That Way... Carry On Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
If you are hanging out on this site you have taken a huge step towards
Getting back in. Kinda like a alcoholic just hanging out in the bar to catch
Up with the old gang.
If you are hanging out on this site you have taken a huge step towards
Getting back in. Kinda like a alcoholic just hanging out in the bar to catch
Up with the old gang. Originally Posted by rduke4923
I want to take first dibs at the newly improved Dorthy.
Laid off or something where did you get that idea that I would even be laid off.. Quoting a medical condition keep coming I smell some points coming in 3 2 1....

It does bother you because you took the time to write a response.. I don't cry to the moderators unless your stalking me Oh I know what your old handle was it all makes sense now.. Did you bring the syrup this time... Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Speculation, Hon. Speculation. Here she comes running to the moderator when the heat intensifies in the kitchen.

Writing a few words does not mean I mean I am bothered but slightly entertained by my quick reaction to someone else's starvation for attention. If there is anyone stalking anyone, it's you darling by coming to these forums and "bothering" the nice fucktards who have long forgotten your antics and tirades. Carry on.

Here comes the syrup!

I have a RW career like most normal people .. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Then intermingle with people at work on your own spare time. But I forgot Dorothy can't get along with anyone that is "normal" and constantly has to be the center of attention. Only fucktards would give an ex-hooker the kind of a limelight that she desperately craves.
No . I am saying you finally caught a rich old man to take care of you . You probably met him off here or p411 . Thats why he dont care you are on here and probably sent you back so he could watch football . You talk but do not listen in return . Originally Posted by D.G.
Again why do you even care ? Your worrying yourself trying to figure out why I decided to stop being a hooker and its funny.. Do you have that much time on your hands?
Then intermingle with people at work on your own spare time. But I forgot Dorothy can't get along with anyone that is "normal" and constantly has to be the center of attention. Only fucktards would give an ex-hooker the kind of a limelight that she desperately craves. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Your not normal but carry on with your none sense.. Guess what nobody likes you either theyneed to go back & read your posts so tthey can see your true colors..Also see when you use to harass me who's your latest victum since I've been gone ? You sir have no room to talk about me another mad tard that the was declined for an appointment more than once..
Speculation, Hon. Speculation. Here she comes running to the moderator when the heat intensifies in the kitchen.

Writing a few words does not mean I mean I am bothered but slightly entertained by my quick reaction to someone else's starvation for attention. If there is anyone stalking anyone, it's you darling by coming to these forums and "bothering" the nice fucktards who have long forgotten your antics and tirades. Carry on.

Here comes the syrup!

Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

Nice fucktards I know you aren't putting yourself in that category pffft..
My dude ? What dude how did you come up with that bright assumption that I even had a dude ? Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
That there^^
That's funny as shit right there.
Last I heard, your "dude" had a vajazzled pussy.
You two were out ring shopping?
If I'm m not invited to the wedding I'm going to be pissed.
  • D.G.
  • 10-06-2015, 03:34 PM
Ok . So you are a lesbian . Good to know on the correction . So who wears the strap on and the dickies ?