The question of multiple fake reviews

I'm well aware of the rules of this site and Whispers efforts to skate on the edge, but really, How much purpose does he really serve? He does nothing to contribute other than stir up shit and create useless threads, or spout off about how much he knows that others should learn from him. He's been a waste of time for a long time.. I know the site enjoys the "traffic" but his constant berating of both hobbyists, and providers got old long ago.. at some point, hopefully the mods or St Cris himself will decided that his presence serves no useful purpose and boot him entirely and for good.
Rare is the day that we can sign on and he's not on some new rampage, or running down someone he's never gonna see anyway. He doesn't do reviews, he doesn't bring in any new information, Hell, he's not even entertaining. What is the purpose of having "Mr. Rush Limbaugh" around at all? None, that has been demonstrated!! Originally Posted by nuglet
He has no reviews 'cuz he has nothing to review.
His pathetically lame excuse is that any lady whom he would review would be "crucified" for seeing him.
What the actual fuck does that even mean?
I posit that he is full of shit and don't fuck nobody,hence the internet pussy slayer persona.
Clicks/revenue are the lifeblood of any website,so unless there is a gross infraction of the "rules",prolific posters get to stay no matter the amount of gravy laden bullshit they spew.
People will gather to stare at dead whales on the beach...
Whispers's Avatar
LMAO! What would you lame old fucks (and you ma'am) have to talk about to make yourselves feel important if I quit posting?

As the new young lady in my life likes to say... "You are jelly......"
Skip_8's Avatar
He has no reviews 'cuz he has nothing to review...
Originally Posted by Observing
No reviews, hey thats you!!!!!

Self portrait there lady?
nuglet's Avatar
LMAO! What would you lame old fucks (and you ma'am) have to talk about to make yourselves feel important if I quit posting?

As the new young lady in my life likes to say... "You are jelly......" Originally Posted by Whispers
That's just TFF Whispers, for you to call ANYONE "lame old fuck".. do you not own a mirror? Ever walk by a window and see a gross character in the reflection? You're just pathetic and it's completely understandable, considering your physical condition that "the new young lady" in your life calls you Jelly.. A very apt description indeed. I guess it makes sense you hang here. You have nothing else in your life, so you might as well spend your last, pathetic days, trying to drag everyone down to your level.. fuck keeping up with the Jones's.. just drag em' into your muck filled life.. you don't offer anything, information wise to help anyone on this forum.. beating your own drum, or dick, as it may be, is the only thing you have left to entertain yourself, along with the delusion your tripe matters..
You're sad indeed..
Whispers's Avatar
That's just TFF Whispers, for you to call ANYONE "lame old fuck".. do you not own a mirror?


Ever walk by a window and see a gross character in the reflection?

I see an old fat man with a pretty young lady beside me most of the time..... Hey! I'm Ok with who I am and what I look like. It's a bit bothersome how you obsess over me and my looks though.

You're just pathetic and it's completely understandable, considering your physical condition that "the new young lady" in your life calls you Jelly..

LOL! Nope... She calls me babe/baby. Seems to be the common thing.... She referred to you and your type a "jelly" which simply is short for jealous

A very apt description indeed. I guess it makes sense you hang here.

I have time when I'm sitting at my desk waiting for something work related to check in... If I'm not working I'm usually some pretty young lady... You ought to try it... There is no reason, even being as old as you are, that you have to settle for old or out of shape chicks the way you do...

You have nothing else in your life, so you might as well spend your last, pathetic days, trying to drag everyone down to your level.. fuck keeping up with the Jones's.. just drag em' into your muck filled life.. you don't offer anything, information wise to help anyone on this forum..

Actually a lot of people seem thank-ful for my contribution and calling out whores like FirePhoenix or KBF for the indescretions and unsafe behaviors.....

beating your own drum, or dick, as it may be, is the only thing you have left to entertain yourself, along with the delusion your tripe matters..
You're sad indeed.. Originally Posted by nuglet

You really should fixate on someone else old man.... I would have thought over the years you would come to realize your comments have no affect other than to help me keep threads and issues alive and to make people read more to try to ficure out what you and others get so worked up about...

In case I haven't said Thank-you lately please know I can't have the affect I do in situations like this one or with kBF without help from guys like you

Now that is some funny shit. ^^^^ Sounds to me like this thread should just about be done. Its Done--stick a fork in it and take it off the fire.

You all or going in circles...
nuglet's Avatar
Says YOU whispers!!, There's only one person on this whole site that stands up for you, and we all know why. Everything else you spout is " YOU SAY THAT SAY.." You know how pathetic you are, and your constant striving for attention is testimony to that. The last "cute young thing" you were with is probably from Grade school. It's certainly not from here.
Skip_8's Avatar
I'm well aware of the rules of this site and Whispers efforts to skate on the edge, but really, How much purpose does he really serve? Originally Posted by nuglet

Actually a lot of people seem thank-ful for my contribution and calling out whores like FirePhoenix or KBF for the indescretions and unsafe behaviors.....

Originally Posted by Whispers

I think he answered your question well enough with regards to calling out the above two.

However, while you were attacing Whispers, where were you when BSC whores are bashing hobbyists and starting all sorts of unnecessary drama?

You just stand aside and let a whore run her mouth and WK when approriate.
However, when a trick stands up for another trick, you're like "hell no, he's a hater, he doesn't belong here."

Rare is the day that we can sign on and he's not on some new rampage, or running down someone he's never gonna see anyway. He doesn't do reviews, Originally Posted by nuglet
Yet ye has 22 reviews to your 17!

...he doesn't bring in any new information, Hell, he's not even entertaining. What is the purpose of having "Mr. Rush Limbaugh" around at all? None, that has been demonstrated!! Originally Posted by nuglet

Enternating is a subjective word, however I'm sure enough ppl find him entertaining.
Purpose, for having him around...there is none, he's a citizen living in a free country doing like you, as he pleases.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-01-2016, 05:10 PM
Time to move on.... either back to the original thread topic or onto a different thread...

Skip_8's Avatar
Time to move on.... either back to the original thread topic or onto a different thread...

Originally Posted by ztonk
Great idea.

So now that we had a provider shoot down the OPs claim that the last year's worth of reviews were fake. What consequences should be dealt to the OP for violating rule #24 where one makes a false accusation with the clear intent on having staff move against OP's target?

I believe the OP has dealt enough self-inflicted damage, however, as a community should we allow people to just make up blatantly false accussations without fear of consequences?

This is a serious matter due to the fact that other providers' livelyhoods were put at risk due to suck reckless actions.
Little Monster's Avatar
"Just don't answer any questions. And call me when you Land"

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Wow, this thread is still going on? I think it's been at least a good week since people went either way on thier gut feeling about the subject. Is my rep really hurt for calling out a reviewer on his bullshit? The answer is no it hasn't been. So as certain people like to say "NEXT!"
Whispers's Avatar
You don't think so?

Well... That just means additional effort in making your issues known is needed.
nuglet's Avatar
You don't think so?

Well... That just means additional effort in making your issues known is needed. Originally Posted by Whispers
OH Grow up!!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-03-2016, 12:29 PM
OH Grow up!!!! Originally Posted by nuglet
Don't hold your breath.