Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

... Are YOU totally LOST on this issue??

... A running count - of the number of physical ballots
- AND- the number of people who were checked in on the
Electronic Poll books.

THAT is what I mean by a "running count" - to ensure
that the same number of actual votes - matches the
number of people checked in.
And you make sure the count matches up correctly
before you sign off on it.

... See? ... That-way Fulton County and a few other
Precincts won't have those "counting problems" and
phantom tabulations and missing ballots like they
did last time.

##### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I see my mistake: you're talking about the “issue”; I went and read the actual law.

The law only requires a hand count of the number of paper ballots to square that number with all the electronic tabulations. That count must be carried out by three people—all three counts and the electronic tabulations must match--and can only begin when all voting at a precinct polling location is complete.

As burdensome and prone to errors as Georgia's new system is, at least they will have the physical ballots to consult to rectify those errors, so the only harm should be delay. Yours seems to put the opportunity for error on steroids, especially since the running count would be ephemeral (don't know if you're skipping the final--break the seal on the ballot box--count) and nearly guarantees confusion and delay. Of course, that may be just the "issue" you hope to create, rather than rectify.
... No need to apologise there, mate.

You DO understand WHY the reason for this, yes?

... The "match-up" was NOT done in the 2020 election.
Causing "lost votes" and WRONG number counts.

And STILL waiting to see the ballots from Fulton County.
But, we'll see 'em when President Trump orders the
Federal Investigation next year... Or when Raffensperger
rolls-over and admits that we're correct on the issue.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
He won't because you're not
Wow. He understands even less than I thought he did. Not quite sure whose educational system to blame for that mess.
... Blimey! .. So, the Georgia State Elections Board has just
subpoenaed Fulton County's 2020 Election records.

Now, perhaps we'll get to the TRUTH on Fulton's double counting
procedures and other odd problems there... And the ballots that
"we" still want to see.

And lest we forget that Fani's "honey-boo" Mr. Nathan Wade
has his questioning by the House Judiciary Committee coming
Tuesday 15 October.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Already have it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Blimey! .. So, the Georgia State Elections Board has just
subpoenaed Fulton County's 2020 Election records.

Now, perhaps we'll get to the TRUTH on Fulton's double counting
procedures and other odd problems there... And the ballots that
"we" still want to see.

And lest we forget that Fani's "honey-boo" Mr. Nathan Wade
has his questioning by the House Judiciary Committee coming
Tuesday 15 October.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Would you PLEASE cite links to support your claims.