Providers !! Do U Care To Show yr STI/STD Results

LovingKayla's Avatar

There are condoms, but I rarely use them!

It's all about the creampies for me

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Millfy sweetheart I'm sorry to say this but this post alone has caused you to be placed in the "unacceptable reference" category.... Which also includes any guy that would use you for a ref and if I'm ever asked for a ref, I will tell them what they're in for and they would never be allowed back.

You have to understand the extreme risk this entire profession poses. We are already exposed (not infected necessarily) to this stuff on a daily basis. Multiplying the risk by 1000 is a really bad move. If you'd like any advice how to escape this and make better money with a limited risk I'm willing to help you. I understand these days people do what they have to but there's always another choice.

I don't mean this post as an insult at all. This is how all seasoned providers feel. Most of us have studied human biology and pathogens as part of our required education in this field. Are we medical professionals? Fuck no. Do we have insight that you'd find useful, absolutely.
TheEccie214's Avatar
If you really loved sex that much you wouldn't charge.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
So you charge because you don't like sex or because you don't have any skills to be employable in the real world?

Millfy sweetheart I'm sorry to say this but this post alone has caused you to be placed in the "unacceptable reference" category.... Which also includes any guy that would use you for a ref and if I'm ever asked for a ref, I will tell them what they're in for and they would never be allowed back.

You have to understand the extreme risk this entire profession poses. We are already exposed (not infected necessarily) to this stuff on a daily basis. Multiplying the risk by 1000 is a really bad move. If you'd like any advice how to escape this and make better money with a limited risk I'm willing to help you. I understand these days people do what they have to but there's always another choice.

I don't mean this post as an insult at all. This is how all seasoned providers feel. Most of us have studied human biology and pathogens as part of our required education in this field. Are we medical professionals? Fuck no. Do we have insight that you'd find useful, absolutely. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Very naïve of you. I checked your reviewers and can confirm I've creampied girls your reviewers have seen.

Like was said earlier, either treat everyone as they've got something or maybe this isn't the career for you if you cannot accept the dangers associated with sucking and fucking strangers for a living.

So many still disgusted with BBFS but it's the same with BBBJ in that BBBJ used to be taboo but now it's expected. The need determines the offerings. At this point many ladies here are very ignorant as to how rampant BBFS is around here.
LovingKayla's Avatar

Very naïve of you. I checked your reviewers and can confirm I've creampied girls your reviewers have seen.

Like was said earlier, either treat everyone as they've got something or maybe this isn't the career for you if you cannot accept the dangers associated with sucking and fucking strangers for a living.

So many still disgusted with BBFS but it's the same with BBBJ in that BBBJ used to be taboo but now it's expected. The need determines the offerings. At this point many ladies here are very ignorant as to how rampant BBFS is around here. Originally Posted by TheEccie214

Of course people will slip through. After more than a decade I am about the furthest thing from naive you can find in the hobby. Perfect? No. But not stupid. The only thing you can do is minimize the risk. Milffy is about screwing off the risk completely.

I agree to treating everyone like they have something. That is just a fact of this business..... It still comes down to minimizing.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Of course people will slip through. After more than a decade I am about the furthest thing from naive you can find in the hobby. Perfect? No. But not stupid. The only thing you can do is minimize the risk. Milffy is about screwing off the risk completely.

I agree to treating everyone like they have something. That is just a fact of this business..... It still comes down to minimizing. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Fair enough. I totally understand where you're coming from but my point is there are a LOT more girls out there that bareback every guy than just this one that everybody focuses on because she's honest.
milfy2002's Avatar

Kayla, I work in the medical field, but thanks for assuming I'm ignorant and unseasoned in both the hobby and life in general ;-)

milfy2002's Avatar
If you really loved sex that much you wouldn't charge.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

So basically what you're saying is you hate sex and fake it with every client?

Says the girl that hides her body with a corset and admits to barebacking in the hobby. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Lmao. I can see how butt hurt you are that all those months of ass kissing and ML thread sharing never got you what you were after, snake. That pleasure was granted few and far between. No gross, asskissing dbags allowed. Sorry but it's time to get over it.

Says the girl who posted an entire thread asking if her fat makes her look fat!

Own those love handles and mommy pouch TFN! They're way less apt to keep ppl from wanting to fuck you than your shitty attitude and terrible reading comprehension skills ;-)
Originally Posted by milfy2002
Lmao. How far back are gonna go? I haven't started a threAD in forever. Unlike you I have a real job and shit to do besides post on here all the time begging guys to dump their diseased load in me for $200.

Holy Mary Mother of Tebow, you're absolutely disgusting. Could you at least try? It's Easter for Pete's sake. Time to start anew. Throw a cover on have some dignity. If you wanna throw caution to the wind with your ATF then do it but please spare us yet another go round on the 'how fucking disgusting can one whore be' train.

Maybe we should all rejoice in the fact that the E214s and Milfys of the hobby have found each other. And if they were only fucking each other then I would. But they're not. They're pushing it in everyone's face every chance they get to justify their own actions. They're trying to make seem like everyone is doing it when they are not. The most disturbing thing though is WHY?

Why would someone have no fear whatsoever of catching a deadly disease? Why? Think about it.

There are hot and heated private moments between two people and then there is what the open BBFS seekers are doing. Totally different mindset. Totally different motivation. And it's fucking disturbing when you ask yourself why would they not be worried.

I wish they would just stick with each other. That'd be awesome. But the fact is they try and push and point fingers and do everything they can to make it seem more okay in an effort to get others to do it. That's fucked up. They're like the local drug pusher in back in high school. In every way. That's exactly how they act.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Name calling aside "nurse", if people like you didn't slam every BB thread maybe it would be more open and people could freely and openly decide what they want.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Nurse - ever learn to use those female condoms? I know when you started you couldn't seem to figure how to keep them in place.
Name calling aside "nurse", if people like you didn't slam every BB thread maybe it would be more open and people could freely and openly decide what they want. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
"Lol at your quotation marks", says my paycheck.

E214, I'm not the one that starts threADs trying to expose or name everyone in the hobby who's ever done it. Like I said, you and her are the equivalent of high school drug pushers: "Everybody's doing it. He's doing it. She's doing. See....We're all doing it". It's fucking juvenile. And totally untrue. You just want more people to do it to satisfy your own selfish reasons. Which is really scary.

Nurse - ever learn to use those female condoms? I know when you started you couldn't seem to figure how to keep them in place. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
More of the same. I've never had a problem with them. Funny how you wanna try and paint a different picture. But I find it amusing how you're flirting with connecting yourself to your old handle. Don't stop now. Everyone will get to see all this ass you used to kiss trying to get it bare. Hahahaha, dumbass!
So you charge because you don't like sex or because you don't have any skills to be employable in the real world?
. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I charge for an experience .... I have a college degree but thanks for attempting to offend me.. Stick to White Knighting whores who offer bbfs if fits your educational achievement's...

So basically what you're saying is you hate sex and fake it with every client?

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Those are your assumptions not mine... Sex isn't really what men come to see me for my ability to DT & suck dick properly is my money maker... There is nothing fake about me & I don't have a ton of dicks running up in my cooter & pooter all day to pay my bills...

But basically what your saying is you don't care about anybody but yourself & you certainly don't care about other's safety because if you did you wouldn't be offering bbfs to any tom dick & hairy...

So your willing to risk everyone's safety for a funky ass $200 a hour because you feel as if you are the hottest thing on a whore board...

Btw guys don't pay me to fuck they pay for the experience & I promise my experience is something most can't provide....
Why is it that almost all the drama around here originates from a $200 creampie girl who seems to be infatuated with videos and gangbangs?

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

I will just say it....the really hot providers do not advertise creampies and they do not stir the shit on a daily basis. They might on occasion give a guy a treat but typically speaking they don't because of the overwhelming demand for their services without unnecessary risks. There's not a man on a hooker board that would not be tempted to creampie if given half a chance by a hot provider but really hot providers don't typically sell the farm so advertising it screams other issues.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Why is it that almost all the drama around here originates from a $200 creampie girl who seems to be infatuated with videos and gangbangs?

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

I will just say it....the really hot providers do not advertise creampies and they do not stir the shit on a daily basis. They might on occasion give a guy a treat but typically speaking they don't because of the overwhelming demand for their services without unnecessary risks. There's not a man on a hooker board that would not be tempted to creampie if given half a chance by a hot provider but really hot providers don't typically sell the farm so advertising it screams other issues. Originally Posted by FunMonday
Logic based on hotness...

mrredcat43's Avatar

This thread sure has taken off.....