Police use Taser on 95 year old man in retirement home, then use bean bag round to his gut, which killed him.

Actually I believe you're a egotistical, condescending Hypocrite, not a Republican. Originally Posted by bigtex
That is by definition a Republican! Originally Posted by WTF
When all is said and done, LexiLiar will do what he does best. He will lie!

And he calls himself a Democrat!
LexusLover's Avatar
Do the cops you surround yourself with buy into your 95 year old taser bullshit? Two can play this game asshole. Originally Posted by WTF
I can't remember when I was ever "surrounded" by cops ..

................... How about you and the bimbos? Do you get fresh faces occasionally.

Even bimbos wise up. What's your split on the take, anyway.
LexusLover's Avatar
And he calls himself a Democrat! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's because I am. What are you, BT, in so far as political party affiliation?

You wanted McCain to beat Bush in the primaries in 2000. Was that because you thought McCain had a better chance to beat Gore? ... Or Gore had a better chance to beat McCain? Still gets under your skin ... Bush beating McCain .. doesn't it?

So did you pull a reverse John Connally?

You wanted McCain to beat Bush in the primaries in 2000. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If I had voted in the Republican primary in 2000, I would have voted for JMac over Bush. But I can honestly say that I did not vote in the Republican primary in either 2000, 2004 or 2008. Thus, in my entire voting history I have never cast a vote for JMac, including November of 2008.

How about you? Did you (as a Democrat) vote for JMac in either 2000 or 2008?

How about GW? Including his (2) runs for Texas Governor, how many times did you (as a Democrat) vote for Dubya for either POTUS or Governor?
LexusLover's Avatar
How about you? Originally Posted by bigtex
I can't recall ever voting a straight ticket in the General. And over the years of voting I have participated in both parties' primaries ... did you attend a McGovern caucus?

Give it up, BT. I consider myself to be a Democrat, even if it is troubling at times to do so. But I will continue to do so if for no other reason than it annoys narrow minded folks as yourself, until they get all worked up in a lather over it.

You've gotten some bad intel, BT, but that's par for your course, isn't it. Don't feel lonely, you have a lot of company on here, although I cannot say "good company."
LexusLover's Avatar
If I had voted in the Republican primary in 2000, I would have voted for JMac over Bush. Originally Posted by bigtex
Can you explain why you got so upset with the "dirty tricks" you claim Bush pulled on McCain in the primaries, then. If you had no dog in the hunt. It's really none of my business, but it seems "odd" to me that you would bear so much hostility all these years over what you claim Bush did to McCain in the primaries. Or were you really pissed that Bush beat Gore ... even in Court in the lawsuit Gore filed. You were about as good at calling that one as you were the WMD's in Iraq ... except there were no "hanging chads" in Iraq.

You did want some more "investigating" of the vote count didn't you?
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  • WTF
  • 09-05-2013, 11:53 AM
I can't remember when I was ever "surrounded" by cops ..

................... How about you and the bimbos? Do you get fresh faces occasionally.

Even bimbos wise up. What's your split on the take, anyway. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You been working undercover for LE again LL? You trying to out something? Go ahead, you don't scare me. You can't take what you dish out on the internet than go run to you cop friends and try and shut me up. I'd say your a tad late to that party. WTF you thought I owned , I may no longer own. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. So do you wanna talk politics or do you want to continue to try and threaten me after I throw your shit back in your face? You're a day late and a dollar short to that party...tell that ignorant fuc gnadfly he is too. So continue with your political bs and STFU with this other BS. as it no longer pertains to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
You been working undercover for LE again LL?

So continue with your political bs and STFU with this other BS. as it no longer pertains to me. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't recall ever threatening anyone ... you loud mouth piece of trash. You have about as much knowledge of me as you do "how the world turns" ... ZIP .... ZERO.

You go ahead and continue impressing your covey of bimbos ... if that helps your ego. In the meantime, don't include me in your miserable existence .. and you are wasting your time with the cock blocking ... ... It's trash like you who keep me off the review list.

Do the bimbos get a cut of the construction business, too? Or is that just for you?
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  • WTF
  • 09-05-2013, 01:51 PM
You and your buddies go pick on a 95 year old man because this one has your number hombre.
Can you explain why you got so upset with the "dirty tricks" you claim Bush pulled on McCain in the primaries, then. If you had no dog in the hunt. It's really none of my business, but it seems "odd" to me that you would bear so much hostility all these years over what you claim Bush did to McCain in the primaries. Or were you really pissed that Bush beat Gore ... even in Court in the lawsuit Gore filed. You were about as good at calling that one as you were the WMD's in Iraq ... except there were no "hanging chads" in Iraq.

You did want some more "investigating" of the vote count didn't you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Uhhh, you deflected once again. The question was, did you as a Democrat (cough, cough, spit, spit) vote for JMac in 2000 or 2008? Did you vote for Dubya in 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2004?

It's a simple question that even you should be able to respond to. Unless you plan on deflecting again.

As for me, I'm going !
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It's a simple question .... Originally Posted by bigtex
So is ...

.... What is your full legal name, BT, ....

.....along with your date of birth and social security number?.
LexusLover's Avatar
....this one has your number ..... Originally Posted by WTF
I've got yours also ...

.....you are an angry, delusional, paranoid personality with self-esteem issues.

Not a good combination ... surfaces at times in economic downturns.

Just relax ... it will blow over. All that huffing and puffing is trite.
So is ...

.... What is your full legal name, BT, ....

.....along with your date of birth and social security number?. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Name-Big Tex
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Name-Big Tex
SSN-BR-549 Originally Posted by bigtex
Quick fishing trip.

That information is consistent with my general perception of the validity of your predictions.
Quick fishing trip Originally Posted by LexusLover
Will be on the water at daylight30 in the morning or thereabouts.