Bashing Leslie Lane

Wayward's Avatar
Luckily for me...I've never been known as a great beauty..... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
I would disagree strongly and this is the funniest thread in SHMB history. Perhaps Father Wayward knows this extremely beautiful lady and you guys (I mean this in the nicest way) are idiots. But thanks very much for entertaining me with the best shoot yourself in the foot thread in a very long time.

For Leslie thanks for being one of my all time ATFs. Thought I recognized your writing style but let the Austin thing throw me. Welcome back to this thing of ours no matter how brief your visit may be. You are always welcome on the Island of Misfit Toys. Wish I could write one more review of you, that would be priceless.
knotty man's Avatar
It's been only a blessing for me. I've got pregnant ladies giving me their seat on the bus.. Old ladies opening doors for me.. Homeless people giving me change.. John Travolta turning straight because he didn't want to be gay if he couldn't have me.. Being beautiful is awesome.

And some would beg to differ, Leslie. Originally Posted by blenderhead
when i walk the streets ,kings and queens step aside. every woman meet, they all stay satisfied......oh ,to be george thurogood!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 11-20-2010, 06:02 PM
Bashing: Dermatology is treatment of the skin, but that ain't enough to help you friend; you need uglyology, stupidology, internal medicine and plastic surgery! A fool and a joke is what you are, it was not your beauty that made you a star....

Thanks, LL, that was fun. 80's chick diss rap lyrics, I think, heard on Chicago's B96 25 years ago or so. Amazing the stuff still rattling around in there.
Reminds me of a Country/Western song....

How can we miss you if you won't go away?
Leslie Lane's Avatar
I have until December 1, 2010!!!!!! That's when I turn into a .

*There's a method (reason) to my madness. Although, if I disclose my real purpose now...I'd have to eliminate you.
Elephant's Avatar
Hey Mods, How about we lock this thread up....
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Yes...Please do.
Wayward's Avatar
This thread is about to get really interesting as most of the Austin guys start to crawfish. Locking at this point would be sad.
Wayward's Avatar
Yes...Please do. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
You know that the desire to post will become overwhelming just give in to it
Whispers's Avatar
You know that the desire to post will become overwhelming just give in to it Originally Posted by Wayward
She can always start a new thread and complain about the old thread getting locked....

I'm still confused that she remembers me but I can't recall her....

She's been with FAR MORE guys than I have ladies....

So it should be the other way around,.....


I do make a great first impression..... Leave the damn thread open.... We have too many getting locked lately!

Wayward's Avatar
You've met her, perhaps more than once. I used to see her weekly if not more often. She is one of the prettiest women that I have even seen in 'this thing of ours.'

With out looking it up, feel very safe in saying that you would or have agreed with me about her loveliness. If nothing else ever. LOL
Luckily for me...I've never been known as a great beauty..... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
according to your reviews...and ugly duckling story...i do belive this statment...but id still hit it
She's been with FAR MORE guys than I have ladies....
Originally Posted by Whispers
damn...maybe i wouldnt hit it....
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 09:17 PM
I know I'm getting old when I can remember that "a big bash" used to mean a huge party.
it is a huge LL's pants.