Are you a God Fearing Christian?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Because you keep banging the dirty whooores. What you are failing to grasp is quite simple; if you truly are a believer, at some point you must try as hard as you can to quit banging these whoooores. It's not enough to just do it and then fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness. At some point, god wants to see a change in your heart. And with 80 banged whoooores, at the least, I don't think he sees that change. Especially when the last one was 10 days ago and you're bragging that you finally got to be with a real porn star. C'mon man. And you're licking these girls' bootyholes and then going home and kissing your wife and kids with that mouth. Gross. Originally Posted by WombRaider
First of all I hobby far less than in the past - second I am not married. Third you had reviews under your other alias and you engaged in similar activities. Also I have 80 reviews since 2010 which averages out to a little over 12 per year or 1 review a month yeah I guess I am really hooked (sarcasm).
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Also womb are you going to answer the question of whether aliens and Bigfoot exist?
Also womb are you going to answer the question of whether aliens and Bigfoot exist? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I said no. Many responses ago.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What do aliens and Bigfoot have to do with falsely claiming to be a "God Fearing Christian"?
What do aliens and Bigfoot have to do with falsely claiming to be a "God Fearing Christian"? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's likely trying to come at me from the angle that if I believe in those things, his belief in god isn't weird by comparison.
  • shanm
  • 04-29-2015, 01:31 PM
He's likely trying to come at me from the angle that if I believe in those things, his belief in god isn't weird by comparison. Originally Posted by WombRaider
lustylad's Avatar
You might be versed in global economics, but you're out of your depth here. Pascal's Wager has been thoroughly trounced as a way for apologetics to prove the existence of their god.

Once again you show you don't even understand the wager. Pascal isn't seeking to “prove the existence of (his) god”. God may or may not exist. Pascal has already wrestled with that question unsatisfactorily. As far as he's concerned, it's unprovable. So he takes the next step and asks how would a rational person behave in the face of this uncertainty? To repeat – he isn't trying to prove God's existence. He is led to the wager precisely because he can't.

Simple belief in the christian god is not sufficient to gain entry into heaven. By positing that simple belief is enough, it presupposes that a god you claim is omniscient, can be tricked.

The wager doesn't posit or presuppose any of that. It allows you as a skeptical non-believer to assign a very low probability that God exists. It says nothing about tricking God either. It does assume that God (if he exists) will treat/reward a person who lives his life AS IF he believed better than a sinner.

There are SO many holes in the apologetic argument when using Pascal's Wager. One of the biggest is presupposing that the abrahamic god is the only one. There are literally thousands of gods that have been created. By choosing one and choosing wrong, you're no better off than I am for choosing none.

I already referred you back to Captain Midnight's link wherein this objection is addressed. Feel free to expand the decision matrix to include “thousands of Gods”. Then insert your probabilities for each of them and tell us the result.

Look, if you want to continue to get your ass handed to you, I'm glad to do it. Religion and apologetics is something I'm well versed in. I want you to keep flailing away. Please, keep asking questions, I dare you.

Look, I've already exposed you multiple times as a liar and a fraud and a coward and a poseur. Your biggest problem (you obviously have many) is that you think you are “well versed" in everything. Pascal (and God, if there is one) would shake his head at you and say - this stupid arrogant fuck thinks he is God. You still haven't refuted the wager. Originally Posted by WombRaider

wellendowed1911's Avatar
What do aliens and Bigfoot have to do with falsely claiming to be a "God Fearing Christian"? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your topic was hijacked a long time ago dumb ass - no one cares about your topic.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Its been thoroughly refuted. If you had real interest in knowing that, you can easily find this for yourself by googling it. But that's not where your true interests lie. I'm done with your games.

PS - you really think that everyone doesn't know you and IB are the same person?
lustylad's Avatar
Look, if you want to continue to get your ass handed to you, I'm glad to do it. Religion and apologetics is something I'm well versed in. I want you to keep flailing away. Please, keep asking questions, I dare you. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Its been thoroughly refuted. If you had real interest in knowing that, you can easily find this for yourself by googling it... I'm done with your games. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Wow, that was quick! You truly ARE the biggest cowardly fraud on eccie - or anywhere! After taunting me and daring me and spoiling for a fight, you hit the mat and tap out after one fucking post? WTF? I didn't see that one coming, even from a total limpdick like you! The only "game" being played here is - who will be next to expose undercunt as the biggest phony know-nothing blowhard on eccie? You remind me of the kid in grade school who asks to copy my homework - and then squirms like an idiot when the teacher asks him questions about it in front of the class!

PS - you really think that everyone doesn't know you and IB are the same person? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Good. I've got you exactly where I want you.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Your topic was hijacked a long time ago dumb ass - no one cares about your topic. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Spoken with the Love of Jesus. Thank you, "God Fearing Christian"!
Wow, that was quick! You truly ARE the biggest cowardly fraud on eccie - or anywhere! After taunting me and daring me and spoiling for a fight, you hit the mat and tap out after one fucking post? WTF? I didn't see that one coming, even from a total limpdick like you! The only "game" being played here is - who will be next to expose undercunt as the biggest phony know-nothing blowhard on eccie? You remind me of the kid in grade school who asks to copy my homework - and then squirms like an idiot when the teacher asks him questions about it in front of the class!

Good. I've got you exactly where I want you.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Your mistake is thinking everyone doesn't see through your bullshit. I thought better of it. I changed my mind. People do that. I could go back and forth, continuing to school you left and right. But what would it ultimately get me? Nothing. I choose to not participate in that with you. It's been refuted. You can either accept that or move the fuck on. I really don't care which.

PS you remind me of a lot of people. They were all fucking morons.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still more than 10 times more posts in this thread than votes in the poll.

Great poll Whiny!
Spoken with the Love of Jesus. Thank you, "God Fearing Christian"! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Praise jeebus crabst, I think he's coming around. He's got to flee from his love for the dirty, dirty whooooores, fall on his knees and repent. Instead of falling on his knees and licking that ass or dining on that sweet muff. The power of christ compels you!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Your mistake is thinking everyone doesn't see through your bullshit. (I yell "bullshit" whenever I am losing.) I thought better of it. (I knew I didn't stand a chance.) I changed my mind. (My fight or flight instinct kicked in.) People do that. (Especially cowards like me.) I could go back and forth, continuing to school you left and right. (Except I don't know how to make a convincing case for anything.) But what would it ultimately get me? (KO'd face-down on the canvas with cuckoo birds swirling around my head.) Nothing. (I'm already broken.) I choose to not participate in that with you. (I've already shit my pants too.) It's been refuted. (You win again.) You can either accept that or move the fuck on. (I'm desperately trying to save face.) I really don't care which. (I care a lot but what can I do?)

PS you remind me of a lot of people. They were all fucking morons. (Like you, they all whooped my ass on a regular basis.) Originally Posted by WombRaider

Fixed that for you, undercunt.