Butthole licking is gross

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It looks like MM loves the drama, she'll post on every thread and not make sense most of the time, I wonder what type of "John" would want to spend anytime with her?

MM find something productive to do today besides posting nonsense and trying to stirr the pot for more drama, back away from the keyboard and gather your thoughts. In case you have not noticed the op has backed off and yet you continue to go on and on. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
I appreciate the judgement, but when I don't understand a message someone has, I ask them. Ya see, I understand some know better than I do. You, Big man, are not one of those.

I don't post on every thread. Told you why I was here, and sorry your comprehension is.....lacking? I can clearly see you grabbing for straws. If ya don't understand, there's no shame in asking someone what they mean, as opposed to spouting more lies, please know your transparency is obvious. But hey, if you're a liar liar pants on fire and that makes you feel like a BIG man, do yo thang Big man and more power to ya.

My responses are in red. Originally Posted by pyramider
I figured they were in red, since mine are in black and make sense. LOL

Ya know, it's just sad for the women in your life. I understand why you hobby. I've indicated to you in the past, we don't need help that tells us to sit down and shut up, no matter how nice ya say it, dude. Mind your own business. I no longer live in a world of men judging all that is and knowing what's best for all the little ladies, be they family or just whores. Not that I don't appreciate the effort, but ya have no idea to begin with what it is we experience, because you truly can not "see".

I hijacked the thread, but at least I tried to stay on topic concerning MEN forcing women. I admit manipulating the pack of dogs who are always out for blood. Get over it and yourself, hon. You are truly no more special than I am.

Just because you say something is something, doesn't make it that something. At no time did I threaten anyone, nor do I continue to make an unpleasant situation for any lady even worse, with insensitive attitudes or behaviors, and those who do and did, seriously ought to be ashamed, I would if I actually behaved that way.

If you think someone who wonders about behaviors and thoughts of others is a threat.....I don't even know how to tell you there is something wrong with you coming to such a conclusion. Seriously, I wonder about people all the time, and I would never desire or want all the helpless fellas feeling as threatened as maybe the OP might have when she was struggling. But hey, let me help you out helpless guy. Shhhhhh........cause what ya did, was HUGELY inappropriate by most of societies standards, not just mine. I don't judge, because I realize something must have happened in your life, that lead you to think and even behave inappropriately. So, you have my compassion too.

However, no lady here needs the kinda "help" you offer, but of course we appreciate the effort when misguided fellas try. We got this, and please mind your own business. Not that there are no men who don't know how to behave, but the gents behaving inappropriately here, certainly haven't got a clue. Instead of insisting I need to re-evaluate my actions, maybe it's time some of you step back and re-evaluate your own. It's just a suggestion that you fellas dish out all the time, so maybe you should take your own advice? Me? I don't want yours, nor do I need it, but I do appreciate the effort at times. So, yes, thanks, but no thanks. Make some sense, behave like a grown man who actually understands the value of the lowliest among us and maybe someday I will see that you finally got a clue about life, hon.

As for the rest of the gents snarky remarks......awwww, I meant to hurt your little girl feelings, how'd it feel? I meant to judge you harshly. How'd it feel? Not so good I imagine, but hey, at least ya now know how it feels. If you need another dose so you get a better idea of how it feels, please.....hit me up. I'm happy to help anyone "feel" what it is they desire. It's just the way I roll. Ask and you shall receive.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I meant to hurt your little girl feelings, how'd it feel? I meant to judge you harshly. How'd it feel? Not so good I imagine, but hey, at least ya now know how it feels. If you need another dose so you get a better idea of how it feels, please.....hit me up. I'm happy to help anyone "feel" what it is they desire. It's just the way I roll. Ask and you shall receive. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
odd statement, looks like an indictment of women that suggests some of womens' feelings are irrational, and not to be taken seriously..

none of the guys feel bad or considered that you judged them harshly.. you're just a serial Rambler, guys continue to post in this thread to stir more reaction from you.. you don't understand they are laughing at each successive post.. and sure as I dot the final "i" in this post, you'll come back with another disingenuous diatribe..
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-10-2015, 08:59 AM

I don't judge,

I meant to judge you harshly Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

I like it when you call us Hon....it reminds me of my Grandma.

I wonder how the OP actually feels about you blowing up her post. I think it says a lot that she's distanced herself from this thread.
I just hope it doesn't put a bad light on her with your endless, mind numbing, tedious, relentless, delusional, hypocritical posts.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
odd statement, looks like an indictment of women that suggests some of womens' feelings are irrational, and not to be taken seriously..

none of the guys feel bad or considered that you judged them harshly.. you're just a serial Rambler, guys continue to post in this thread to stir more reaction from you.. you don't understand they are laughing at each successive post.. and sure as I dot the final "i" in this post, you'll come back with another disingenuous diatribe.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Really, cause it looked like plenty of the guys got butt hurt here. Poor things! But, I guess you are an empath who knows the feelings others experience at any given point in time, right? Hey....that's a pretty kewl gift.

FYI....I'm no longer on the fence. LOL

And hey, I love a challenge! I got every right to be here telling guys they are idiots, when they are. And, just as much as these guys feel they have the right to shove their fat a**es in ladies faces, even if via the written word, after she experienced that in the RW. Hey, give each other high fives if that's your thing. Please, don't let me stop you, oh wait......ya already did. oops! Now that I said it though, another jerk wad will do it, right? Or no, maybe everyone learned a lesson, or maybe they just gotta show me I didn't stop jack diddly, or maybe no one cares either way.....shall I go on?

If nothing else, please know this.....I do think about and consider what I say and what the consequences of my actions are. Never will I be afraid to take on the idiots of this world who perpetuate bad behaviors.

LOL Originally Posted by L.A.
right.....it only took 5 hours for you or another snarky fella to pick up on that, and then make that the issue. Not bad at all. Kinda funny some of you pay me no never mind, yet have the capability to pick apart and spin just the words ya wanna. I love it!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Really, cause it looked like plenty of the guys got butt hurt here. Poor things! But, I guess you are an empath who knows the feelings others experience at any given point in time, right? Hey....that's a pretty kewl gift.

FYI....I'm no longer on the fence. LOL

And hey, I love a challenge! I got every right to be here telling guys they are idiots, when they are. And, just as much as these guys feel they have the right to shove their fat a**es in ladies faces, even if via the written word, after she experienced that in the RW. Hey, give each other high fives if that's your thing. Please, don't let me stop you, oh wait......ya already did. oops! Now that I said it though, another jerk wad will do it, right? Or no, maybe everyone learned a lesson, or maybe they just gotta show me I didn't stop jack diddly, or maybe no one cares either way.....shall I go on?

If nothing else, please know this.....I do think about and consider what I say and what the consequences of my actions are. Never will I be afraid to take on the idiots of this world who perpetuate bad behaviors.

right.....it only took 5 hours for you or another snarky fella to pick up on that, and then make that the issue. Not bad at all. Kinda funny some of you pay me no never mind, yet have the capability to pick apart and spin just the words ya wanna. I love it! Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Who in the fuck reads any of these long winded posts by this crazy old lady? What the fuck do you keep rambling about? Can you sum it up in 4 sentences for me?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Who in the fuck reads any of these long winded posts by this crazy lady? What the fuck do you keep rambling about? Can you sum it up in 4 sentences for me? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

"You my friend, are no one's friend, but rather just a ghostly type of fella."

"No one likes a party crasher, or haven't ya noticed?"

That's 1 declarative statement, 1 question, and my own accounting.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
"You my friend, are no one's friend, but rather just a ghostly type of fella."

"No one likes a party crasher, or haven't ya noticed?"

That's 1 declarative statement, 1 question, and my own accounting. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
You lost me when you wrote, "bored presents" on one of your million posts...I decided that it was not in my best interest to read anything more from you.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You lost me when you wrote, "bored presents" on one of your million posts...I decided that it was not in my best interest to read anything more from you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
He he.....guess that's why you made it a point to read what I wrote and make two posts addressing me, right?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
He he.....guess that's why you made it a point to read what I wrote and make two posts addressing me, right?

Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
It was the only thing your old ass wrote that wasn't a novel, so I read it. And if you keep your nonsense to under 4 sentences, I'll read that shit too.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It was the only thing your old ass wrote that wasn't a novel, so I read it. And if you keep your nonsense to under 4 sentences, I'll read that shit too. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hey I like to keep it simple and even dumb it down for those..... like you.

Dang boys, ya called out the big guns to tag team with ya, against little 'ole me? I'm flattered....even honored. Wow!

How old are you, young man, 12?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Hey I like to keep it simple and even dumb it down for those..... like you.

Dang boys, ya called out the big guns to tag team with ya, against little 'ole me? I'm flattered....even honored. Wow!

What are you young man, 12? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I'm 18 and a half. Don't try to make me look like I'm underage, Grandma.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm 18 and a half. Don't try to make me look like I'm underage, Grandma. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Liar Liar pants on fire!

Since ya don't keep up, I don't expect ya to know how I know that. Be honest....never mind. I already know that's just the age of little girly girls ya wanna be with. Is it because they make ya feel 18 1/2 again?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Liar Liar pants on fire!

Since ya don't keep up, I don't expect ya to know how I know that. Be honest....never mind. I already know that's just the age of little girly girls ya wanna be with. Is it because they make ya feel 18 1/2 again? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I prefer Grandmas. I thought we were flirting. I guess I just need to step up my game a bit.

And to stay on topic, I want Maxi's old ass to lick my anus, but I would ask first...Good flirting now?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I prefer Grandmas. I thought we were flirting. I guess I just need to step up my game a bit.

And to stay on topic, I want Maxi's old ass to lick my anus, but I would ask first...Good flirting now? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Listen up ya old fart, I wouldn't wipe my hiney with you, much less allow you to lick it. eeeewwwww

edit: I gotta admit.....I laughed out loud at your attempts at....."flirting"?

edi2: again, since you don't keep up, I have yet to become anyone's grandmother. But, I sure hope to!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I do think about and consider what I say and what the consequences of my actions are. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen