Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

Agent220's Avatar
Lots of assumptions there. You sure her version of the facts are correct? The other witness can’t speak.

You think it’s a given that if the victim had been white, she still would have been released instead of taken into custody? Or charged only with manslaughter?

You sure that the public would be so sympathetic to the officer and not more outraged that a citizen was gunned down by a cop while nminding their own business in their own home?

You sure there wouldn't be more hell raised about this being the second person she had shot if the victim hadn’t been black? Or her apparently poor training? Or leaks about dope in the victim’s apartment? Or all the pity about her ruined career instead of her gunning down a citizen? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
+ 1

To quote civil rights leader, James Baldwin, "To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time."
Generic White Guy's Avatar
“Lots of assumptions there”, so you decide to pile on a bunch of speculation...

Lots of assumptions there. You sure her version of the facts are correct? The other witness can’t speak.

You think it’s a given that if the victim had been white, she still would have been released instead of taken into custody? Or charged only with manslaughter?

You sure that the public would be so sympathetic to the officer and not more outraged that a citizen was gunned down by a cop while nminding their own business in their own home?

You sure there wouldn't be more hell raised about this being the second person she had shot if the victim hadn’t been black? Or her apparently poor training? Or leaks about dope in the victim’s apartment? Or all the pity about her ruined career instead of her gunning down a citizen? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Generic White Guy's Avatar
WTF? Racial profiling at is best... Read that as Foghorn Leghorn for full effect... I say, I say “the AA acted rude”...

Come on now, she most definitely would have acted differently if it was a white guy. I'm not saying this is what happened but my guess is the AA acted rude towards the female cop. As apposed to a white guy he would of been more calm. This is common behavior. Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper
TinMan's Avatar
If it was dark inside, she may not have been able to tell the man’s race, or even if it was a man.

Yes, I know...that’s based on her side of the story, as described in the arrest affidavit. We will see if any evidence surfaces that calls that particular detail into question.
TexTushHog's Avatar
“Lots of assumptions there”, so you decide to pile on a bunch of speculation... Originally Posted by Generic White Guy
Some are more speculative than others. But to assume away the racist aspects of this is absolute nieve horse shit at best and conscious racism or defense of racism at worst. But I’m pretty damned sure if a black male cop gunned Dian a white womanin her apartment, there would be a hell of a lot more stink about it and I’d bet dollars to donuts he’d have been in jail, not back on the streets.
I’m not making assumptions, I’m basing my statements on the information we have. The game changer I see is that if the neighbors come out with a totally contradictory story that is believable. Right now, we only have her version because she killed the other person.

Don’t forget, I’m the one who thinks she should be charged with murder. Then she bears the burden to prove it was a mistake of fact and a tragic, albeit stupid, accident.

As a female, if some dude appeared in my home, I would freak out just regardless of race. That is all I’m saying. The first thing a woman thinks is that man is there to rape you. But it’s incredulous that this woman did not simply retreat and chose to engage.
One of the good things about this thread is it has shown me the true colors of some eccie members. Some in a good way, some not so good.
Scribe's Avatar
Some are more speculative than others. But to assume away the racist aspects of this is absolute nieve horse shit at best and conscious racism or defense of racism at worst. But I’m pretty damned sure if a black male cop gunned Dian a white womanin her apartment, there would be a hell of a lot more stink about it and I’d bet dollars to donuts he’d have been in jail, not back on the streets. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
...not trying to turn this from a "Racist" discussion to a "Sexist" discussion - but I don't think it would have happened at all with a male cop and a female tenant.

It would have gone:

M: "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" (no gun drawn)
...lights click on, look around...

M: "Holy shit Ma'am, I'm sorry - I'm in the wrong apartment"

This is a terrible, horrible matter - and it is one where I feel (IMHO) that, "it's definitely a case where the officer will and should get charged with manslaughter, lose job, and face the lifelong consequences of her decision"... but it had less to do with "black" than "physically overpowering male size presence".
  1. If she was not a cop, and if he was a violent burglar - in a normal fight, a woman would be injured or killed.
  2. If a normal woman would have had a gun, and walked into her apartment and saw a man there - I would say again, she would be justified to shoot and ask questions later.
  3. It's sad and horrific because she went in the wrong apartment - which is why manslaughter. This wasn't pre-meditated. It was a woman, (tired from a long day at the worlds most stressful job), making a quick wrong assessment - and a horrible result.
Terribly sad. But so is a drunk driving crash/death. Horribly bad result, causing death - but unplanned. Hence manslaughter.
I highly doubt that every women thinks that if there is a man inside her house its because he wants to rape her. Where do you come up with this assumptions? She engaged because that's what she was trained to do.
She should've just backed out and called for help..Then maybe she would've realized she was in the wrong apartment.
TexTushHog's Avatar
...not trying to turn this from a "Racist" discussion to a "Sexist" discussion - but I don't think it would have happened at all with a male cop and a female tenant.

It would have gone:

M: "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" (no gun drawn)
...lights click on, look around...

M: "Holy shit Ma'am, I'm sorry - I'm in the wrong apartment"

This is a terrible, horrible matter - and it is one where I feel (IMHO) that, "it's definitely a case where the officer will and should get charged with manslaughter, lose job, and face the lifelong consequences of her decision"... but it had less to do with "black" than "physically overpowering male size presence".
  1. If she was not a cop, and if he was a violent burglar - in a normal fight, a woman would be injured or killed.
  2. If a normal woman would have had a gun, and walked into her apartment and saw a man there - I would say again, she would be justified to shoot and ask questions later.
  3. It's sad and horrific because she went in the wrong apartment - which is why manslaughter. This wasn't pre-meditated. It was a woman, (tired from a long day at the worlds most stressful job), making a quick wrong assessment - and a horrible result.
Terribly sad. But so is a drunk driving crash/death. Horribly bad result, causing death - but unplanned. Hence manslaughter. Originally Posted by Scribe
Surely there was no light switch that worked near the door? Who wouldn’t turn the damned light on??!!

And I don’t think anybody who has the option to retreat is justified in shooting an unarmed person at distance. I don't give a shit where they are.
Surely there was no light switch that worked near the door? Who wouldn’t turn the damned light on??!!

And I don’t think anybody who has the option to retreat is justified in shooting an unarmed person at distance. I don't give a shit where they are. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Totally agree, but...

I know you know that damned Castle Doctrine gives people the impression that shooting first and asking questions later is the right course of action. I wish they would require something like a “reasonable perception of a credible threat.”

Do you think that would help, leaving it to the jury decide if the actions of the shooter were reasonable, TTH? I’ve long thought that without an imminent threat of violence, there should be a duty to retreat.
By the way, I’m still waiting on toxicology results to see if Ambien was involved.
rexdutchman's Avatar
So far Fact known she shot at a large shadow, from 12-15 feet away . Maybe if she wasn't a small woman or worked 15 hours we can do the "what ifs " all day long. ( maybe she was a EEOC hire ) I'll put that in the mix?
She seemed to be in prime physical condition. I don’t doubt she was physically qualified.