dearhunter's Avatar
carkido is on a mission to make sure he doesn't get any future invites.........he lost his green card.
Horsefly's Avatar
Told you socials aren't a very smart thing to do you put yourself out in the open and that's just STUPID. Originally Posted by carkido45
Exactly right, carkiddo, and to simply call it stupid is a very charitable understatement.
notanewbie's Avatar

tikkler33's Avatar
Well, out of 138 posts, only a few have really helped me understand anything about what went on that night. Just sayin'...
seanes's Avatar
I wasn't there that night, but I was curious as to what happened. Thanks for the info... and good to see you're still around, Hambone. Originally Posted by john353
I remember how rough those final days were and I, for one, appreciated your efforts. Thanks for that and for divulging what you know and suspect regarding the raid.

Speaking only for myself, your silence isn't what I want. I respect your opinions and experience and hope you continue to post. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
So who hasn't chimed in yet?
LazurusLong's Avatar
So who hasn't chimed in yet? Originally Posted by seanes
I wouldn't hold your breath for any of the undercover folks that got on the guest list and made it through the tight screening to chime in here....

Just saying...
texasjohn1965's Avatar
What so many people seem to forget is that the club ran security at the door. There was no need to be on the invite list, or be vouched, if the club let you in. The club had a liquor license, so squeezing them would be pretty easy.

I personaly saw one of the club workers talking to the undercover vice cops before the raid. I recognized the suits when they showed up with hoods and badges on.
tikkler33's Avatar
OK, for those of us who weren't there, is it possible to even name the club where this took place? I'd like to deny that place the presence of my money if they had anything to do with making the bad stuff go down.
I can't see why it should be a secret. The club knows who they are, the cops know what club it is, the people who were there know where it was, what's the harm in stating the name of the place openly?
notanewbie's Avatar
I agree, it should be named. One thing to consider..a group of LE says we are raiding this party...can/do you say NO.
tikkler33's Avatar
I agree, it should be named. One thing to consider..a group of LE says we are raiding this party...can/do you say NO. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Well, I ain't no lawyer, but from what little I know a search warrant or probable cause has to exist to break into someplace private. I assume that the organizers rented a room or area for a "private, invitation only" party that night. Seems like LE would need legal cause to break in. Now the club might certainly feel pressure to let them in, but we all feel pressure when confronted by cops. The question is, do we give in or stand on our rights?
notanewbie's Avatar
we had the whole club....and it is not like the owner was there it was more like a few workers and a guy calling himself manager. I guess I am saying not to trash the club for letting them in (if they did) they were made aware what was going down but there is no proof they let them in. Rumor has it the police report said they talked there way in some made it some not.
tikkler33's Avatar
Well, if the entire club was rented out for the group, that sure sounds private to me. I'd still likie to know which club it was. Don't care to take my business there. Everyone should be able to make his own choice about that, but we can't as long as the name is secret.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
TABC and LE are permitted to go into any establishment that sells alcohol anytime anyone is inside, not just when the club is open. The don't need a warrant. And owners can let anyone in anytime, irrespective of a private party.

Even if the club is closed / locked (after 2pm) and someone is inside cleaning up, LE can knock on the door and the owner/person inside cannot deny them access.
tikkler33's Avatar
CB, you're the lawyer, not me, but it seems that "going in" to a club to check licenses, watch for potential violations, etc., is different from staging a pre-planned raid. Maybe not, but it seems that way.
Now about the name of this place...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
CB, you're the lawyer, not me, but it seems that "going in" to a club to check licenses, watch for potential violations, etc., is different from staging a pre-planned raid. Maybe not, but it seems that way.
Now about the name of this place... Originally Posted by tikkler33
Check your pm

Even with a private party, the owners of the club can allow anyone to come in - its their club.