
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Im just amazed on how many times this thread as changed subjects lol.

Oh SKF>.. that pic is effin hilarious.. but I assure you .. the only my kitty tries to kill me is by being so damned demanding lol
caroline!'s Avatar
flinde, from what I hear from Admins, you have quite the stalker title too... and you think you're considered cleared bc some guys spoke on your behalf?

cpi: thanks for the advice and the PM but i got this... think this is going to hurt my business? LOL! you know, LD bashes me on other boards and would email me and say the same stupid crap. "oh, I know I'm hurting your biz..." all righty then, if it makes whoever sleep better at night thinking this...

I promised the Mods I'd be good so I'll stop posting on this thread : ) The smart ones already knows the meaning... the not so smart ones are going to post and express another drama post as predicted. But that's right, I don't got this... I'm hurting my biz right? Shit, my biz hurt so much I want to express how sorry I really am. OMG, can you ppl please forgive me for causing such drama on the board. Please don't make me beg, PLEASE... I'm hanging myself...

I know, I know, ppl are always telling me I'm F!n funny as hell.. all right I'll be nice now.

G'damn I'm looking at myself in the mirror right now. I'm so FINE no wonder why guys even hit on me when I don't even wear makeup and all sweaty. I just can't help looking at myself in the mirror! When you stop at red lights, do you look at yourself in the mirror and say, "DAMN, I'm fine!" Hi Five to all the fine ladies...
flinde's Avatar
uh admins we have a member in good standing stating that you failed to protect her from a "deranged cyber stalker". Now we hear from this member that you admins are telling this member that I am quite the stalker also.

What I want to know is how the heck can I become "quite the deranged stalker" also?

Why do I have to muddle along as a mere stalker? Why cant I be a deranged stalker too?

As I said before, I love this thread. More surprises than a Grisham novel. If this thread gets made into a movie like Grishams' novels like The Firm, then I think that Wilford Brimley should play Lonesome Dove, and Tom Cruise can play me.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Old grudges die hard, but just keep digging darling.
caroline!'s Avatar
Oh honey, I can AFFORD to post the way I post, trust me... : )
God, it sucks to be me...
I'm closing this down for the evening...I'll reopen it in the morning, unless the author asks me not to (please ask me not

I think we all need to cool off and remember, this is supposed to be fun...leave the drama for yo baby mama...

Re-opened with this note:

....from what I hear from Admins... Originally Posted by caroline!
caroline the above quote needs clarity...because the "Admin" that told you that was NOT one of the Admin's on this site. Staff on this site does not give out any information about our membership.

Bring this back to a civil discussion about NJ saying goodbye or I'll lock again and it won't re-open.

EXACTLY! I'd have a very hard time believing ANY staff on this board mentioned staff business to you..that's taken VERY seriously and wouldn't happen, nor would it be tolerated.... on top of that, we are in the business of facilitating discussion, not labeling members as stalkers.

Caroline, I'd be very careful with some of the remarks and accusations you have been slinging around lately. Always been fond of you, but I can't protect you from yourself.

St. C
caroline!'s Avatar
Correction: I meant to write former Admins of ASPD but I couldn't go back and correct it bc LAP closed the thread last night. Notes are still on H2/staff area.

Re-open/closed thread per thread starter? Shoot, I'm on the wrong thread... speaking of, so a provider who has been guested for over a wk has been asking her thread to be closed but no one will close it giving her excuses NOT to close it. What's up w/ that?

Accusations I've been slinging around lately? Regardless of one who thinks we're "friends" and the one who's always been fond of me, we all know my style and when I speak, I speak the truth. I already corrected my error in the beg of this thread. When I post, EVERYONE knows I speak the truth. Wouldn't have it any other way.

I post here to bs w/ the ladies.. and they seem to still love my posts. Thank God I don't need/rely on any review boards for biz.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Well, this thread is, in my opinion, has turned into a breeding ground for insults, arguments, and attacks. This is what my original post was about. We don't have to argue. The last I checked you had to be over 18 to be on this site, meaning we are all adults. I know there will always be conflict and disagreement on these boards but there has to be a better way to deal with it.

I formally apologize for ever putting this thread up in the first place. I never thought it would turn into such a BIG deal. I thought a few ppl would say their goodbyes while others would be happy. But that's it. I am so sorry to every member of the board. My intentions were not meant to cause drama. I am taking full blame and hope that everyone can find it in their heart to forgive me and my irrational actions.

But seeing that I cannot take back starting, I can stop it from being here begging ppl to argue. Mods, can you please close this thread so everyone can go back to being happy and horny.

Thank you and my sincere apologies.
flinde's Avatar
lickalotopus, no offense, and you might feel different if the nonsense was about you, but do you have to quote the stuff caroline said about me in your post?

Its almost like saying it again when its quoted. And the comment was wacko enough the first time it was made.

Anyway, back on topic. This thread is still a riot, and I'm still glad that jezzebelle decided not to say goodbye. And I'm sure the white knighting former admin carryover syndrome will pass with time.
Closed at the OP's request

flinde, my apologies...I've edited my post to quote what my intent was all along

caroline, thank you for clarifying...I do appreciate it.