Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

Tatonka's Avatar
Jesus, I talk too fucking much apparently! However, I'm not going to deny my experiences, be intimidated or less than honest PERIOD!
To make sure everything is super duper drama free let me STATE FOR THE RECORD that Taylor Maiden sent me a list of all the girls in her group and of the girls listed I have no issue with any of them and in fact have had brief pleasant exchanges with a couple of them online.
With that being said, I do believe that a girl on the fringes of that group(but not mentioned as a member) IS 100% BATSHIT CRAZY and although I am not going to name names because believe it or not I am NOT trying to stir shit as some might think and this batshit crazy girl is not even the one I was referencing when I talked about predatory females BUT she is on my mind since she imed me a long, semi-threatning im accusing me of stirring up shit and telling me I've been "caught" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. She and I agreed not to ever speak again after a few weird ims and I have happily held up my end of that arrangment and I am now publicly begging(she knows who she is) for her to simply do the same. I'd also ask that people judge ME by only THEIR experiences with me and not blindly take the word of some batshit crazy girl who surely has her own twisted agenda.

As for why I prefer agencies...this thread is as good an indicator as any as to what agencies have to offer that being an indie doesn't if you are picking up what I'm putting down.
Originally Posted by EroticEmily
EroticEmily, thanks for your contributions to this thread.
I think your input is very informative, insightful and honest.
I like it, it takes some conviction to post some of your own personal experiences honestly to share on the board when you know some will not like it.

Avoid the batshit crazy
"...I want to know I'm DONE with her before one of my buddies start fucking her."

I'm never surprised when I see remarks reflecting contempt of women on these boards because I believe many frequent posters/hobbiests are actually women-hating toads who are seeking to even the score against all women for a lifetime of rejection by means of their wallets.
It's hobbiests like yourself which make providers feel degraded when they take money to allow you to penetrate them, and this is what leads to their own cynicism against you, which you reflect in your comments on every post about how "it's only about the money so don't let them fool you."
The fact that you like the company of women only to pay them for play and seek out the company of other hobbiests in your strange "luncheons"
so you can form some kind of fraternity of them suggests to me that your activities in the hobby are destructive.
Skip_8's Avatar
"...I want to know I'm DONE with her before one of my buddies start fucking her."

I'm never surprised when I see remarks reflecting contempt of women on these boards because I believe many frequent posters/hobbiests are actually women-hating toads who are seeking to even the score against all women for a lifetime of rejection by means of their wallets.
It's hobbiests like yourself which make providers feel degraded when they take money to allow you to penetrate them, and this is what leads to their own cynicism against you, which you reflect in your comments on every post about how "it's only about the money so don't let them fool you."
The fact that you like the company of women only to pay them for play and seek out the company of other hobbiests in your strange "luncheons"
so you can form some kind of fraternity of them suggests to me that your activities in the hobby are destructive. Originally Posted by honorable1
It is unfair and simplistic to say that Whispers is a woman hater just because he believes that he should feel that he is done with a woman before he lets his buddies get a turn. I believe the phrase egotistical is more appropriate than woman-hater. If you analyze Whispers' statement is it not clear that Whispers' ego will not let him 'share' until he is done and all urges to have the lady in question are gone?

Are there woman haters here, of course, but there are also self-haters. There are also those that have delusions of grandiose conquests with beautiful women, girls, more than half, or even a third their age. They bring champagne, flowers, and compliments in an attempt to perhaps destroy rejections from their youth and maybe feel young by such close proximity to those that are. But in the end, as always, the hard cold cash spent for the time reminds them of the truth. If some one's mom didn't hug them or rejection from by the opposite or same sex from an early age was the norm, do we really care?

If it's not about the money, let's see how many freebies one can get.

Would one feel degraded if when he was 18, he was sleeping with 65 y/o saggy women when he could be with a hard bodied 20 y/o woman, for free?

The ladies have provider only luncheons to. Where is the outrage?

One could argue that anyone involved in the hobby is being self-destructive.
Whispers's Avatar
"...I want to know I'm DONE with her before one of my buddies start fucking her."

I'm never surprised when I see remarks reflecting contempt of women on these boards because I believe many frequent posters/hobbiests are actually women-hating toads who are seeking to even the score against all women for a lifetime of rejection by means of their wallets.

How does that comment display "contempt" for a woman.... I just know some of the guys around here will go all goofy on a lady I introduce them too after the fact and often ruin it for me so before I introduce them to most guys I do like to know that I am past wanting to see them anymore.... Shit.... One guy I introduced a certain stripper to recently seems to have "fallen" for her and that sure complicates things in this case because I WASN'T done with her and now I gotta deal with fucking her behind a buddies back....

It's hobbiests like yourself which make providers feel degraded when they take money to allow you to penetrate them, and this is what leads to their own cynicism against you, which you reflect in your comments on every post about how "it's only about the money so don't let them fool you."

YUP!... I don't see any ladies around here hosting bar-b-ques or picnics asking the guys over for any quality time without the Benjamins involved.....

The fact that you like the company of women only to pay them for play and seek out the company of other hobbiests in your strange "luncheons" so you can form some kind of fraternity of them suggests to me that your activities in the hobby are destructive. Originally Posted by honorable1

Strange Luncheons?.... hmmm.... The only thing "Strange" about them is that more than a handful of guys tend to get themselves some "strange" as a result.....

ya know something H1?... You sure are sounding more and more like a former provider that called herself WickedMilf around here......
Whispers's Avatar
It is unfair and simplistic to say that Whispers is a woman hater just because he believes that he should feel that he is done with a woman before he lets his buddies get a turn. I believe the phrase egotistical is more appropriate than woman-hater. If you analyze Whispers' statement is it not clear that Whispers' ego will not let him 'share' until he is done and all urges to have the lady in question are gone?

hmmmmm...?.... Not Fair Skip... Yur makin me think about this crap.... Me? Egotistical?...... THEY'RE MINE!!!! MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!!! until of course I'm done.... You have to understand that when I was a child my mom made me share all my toys and my favorites were always destroyed by the other little kids and mom blamed me.....

Are there woman haters here, of course, but there are also self-haters. There are also those that have delusions of grandiose conquests with beautiful women, girls, more than half, or even a third their age. They bring champagne, flowers, and compliments in an attempt to perhaps destroy rejections from their youth and maybe feel young by such close proximity to those that are.

Now that is a SPOT-ON Analysis I agree with..... Those guys never understand that the guys that show up with a box of condoms, an open can of Foster's they won't share and a list of positions and acts they want USUALLY get their dreams met as well...

But in the end, as always, the hard cold cash spent for the time reminds them of the truth. If some one's mom didn't hug them or rejection from by the opposite or same sex from an early age was the norm, do we really care?

If it's not about the money, let's see how many freebies one can get.

Would one feel degraded if when he was 18, he was sleeping with 65 y/o saggy women when he could be with a hard bodied 20 y/o woman, for free?

The ladies have provider only luncheons to. Where is the outrage?

One could argue that anyone involved in the hobby is being self-destructive. Originally Posted by Skip_8

There were Providers at the last luncheon..... It just was not mentioned... The draw of the Luncheon is NOT to kiss up to and meet the ladies.... It's for information exchange..... and putting faces to onboard personnas..... personal introductions etc.....

Strange Huh?
harkontume's Avatar
Wait a minute! What do you mean? Are there really BATSHIT CRAZY people here? Where are they? I dont know , right over there. HERE? No , over there. Who are they talking too? Me? You? Yes Me? You mean ME? Shut-up!! I'M not saying anything youre the one thats talking!
Oh, this thread is open again? It was closed and I was given a warning for my use of the phrase "batshit crazy" in one of my posts.
Whispers's Avatar
Oh, this thread is open again? It was closed and I was given a warning for my use of the phrase "batshit crazy" in one of my posts. Originally Posted by EroticEmily

Really?....Your Serious?...."batshit crazy" is a warn-able offense??????....

A... The thread never should have been locked.... That's why the owners reopened the thread..... We are still trying to get the Mod staff to realize this is ECCIE.......not ASPD.... threads get to run here... and when they DO lock a thread they are supposed to provide an explanation of the reasoning WHY to the community..... So when you see a thread locked and no reason give....... ASK WHY!

More than one person contacted ME to ask why.... hell I didn't know and I'm not the one to ask.... I think people contact me because they are afraid to contact the Mods or post a thread publicly and ask which is a shame but definitely understandable considering the years of browbeating the community was subjected too by Austin ASPD Admin and ModeratorsB.... warned for using "batshit crazy"....... Come On now.... Are we in Nursery school or on an Adult Escort Review Site?..... Personally?..... I would forward the warning to one of the owners.... They are on record as wanting to see less overzealous moderation in the Austin Forums but they can't fix a problem if they do not know about the problem.....

You don't seem like a lady that takes a lot of shit in your personal life so Please..... Stand up and fight for yourself here as well......
ANONONE's Avatar
I have been doing this for a pretty long time, and my moods just change every few months. I go back in forth between mid-price point indy providers, agencies if I must, HDH, if they strike my fancy and seem to offer an experience that is worth the higher price tag.

I also frequent both strippers and RMTs because sometimes I just want a hot girl to tease and touch me, or enjoy the sport of turning a new lady on to the the hobby and becoming a more mainstream provider.

This is a hobby and for me diversity is a good thing. I have been doing it over two decades, so mixing it up seems to work best these days--stops you from landing in a rut.