Off the Clock

Charles doesn't seem to have any appreciation for what the ladies do. He also doesn't seem to appreciate that we don't really get our hourly rate every hour we work. Taking care of the business brings my hourly pay down to about a third of what I make in a one hour appointment. This is now, and I'm not even currently taking the time to screen new clients. I'd also like to point out that there aren't too many people with an equally viable back-up to their professions lest they find themselves in an unfortunate career-ending situation.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Charlie is just bitter about the qualities you were born with!

I think he admires the one's you had to work for.

Me I just try and enjoy what the good Lord puts in front of me. Originally Posted by WTF

Well the good lord sure as heck did not put you here on earth to play golf worth a chit.
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  • 03-19-2011, 02:12 PM
Must those with less genetic fortune be looked down upon for using the skills they do have? Originally Posted by China Doll
I say no.

In fact I would take it a step further and say, God forbid , that were you incarcerated. You skill set in fact may be less valued than it was on the outside. Brawn and bravado may now rule the day. What was once considered a liability is now an asset.

Or say you were born in an Islamic country such as Afghanistan. A whole different value placed on certain skill sets.

So it just depends on the circumstances for your ''those with less genetic fortune'' to even be true.

I think somewhere wakeup is thinking 2+2 may equal 5!
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  • WTF
  • 03-19-2011, 02:16 PM
Well the good lord sure as heck did not put you here on earth to play golf worth a chit. Originally Posted by OneHotMale

WTHell you been!? Breeding Fillies!

I'll have you know I played Thursday and this scratch playing MoFo thought I was sandbagging his ass when I took his beer money!
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  • WTF
  • 03-19-2011, 02:19 PM
I'd also like to point out that there aren't too many people with an equally viable back-up to their professions lest they find themselves in an unfortunate career-ending situation. Originally Posted by China Doll
I hear ya girlfriend....charles ever loses his job as Scrooge, he'll see how hard it is out there!

Taking care of the business brings my hourly pay down to about a third of what I make in a one hour appointment. Originally Posted by China Doll
The the actual time spent in my profession to be successful and the support my customers need to fully realize my value, I think my hourly wage hits about $1.37 before taxes.

As ms. China Doll notes, any business requires background work and additional labor to be succesful. It is the preparation. A ladies webs ite, maybe a blog, coordinating bookings and if she travels the flights and accomdations. And this maybe in addition to a RW job and family.

Like she and the other folks here, when I receive my checks (yes paper trail), they are substantial but when I look at it by the hour I chuckle. I wonder if the "Gap" would hire me to fold t-shirts for them?
OneHotMale's Avatar
WTHell you been!? Breeding Fillies!

I'll have you know I played Thursday and this scratch playing MoFo thought I was sandbagging his ass when I took his beer money! Originally Posted by WTF

LMAO and how many strokes did this MoFo spot you? I tell ya just bring ya a sackful of $$$ over and I will make the necessary adjustments and we can play for those $$$. Hell maybe you can invite Charlie along and we can use the $$$ to get him laid properly.

And naw I have just had alot going on and close to doing something that I said I would never do again. But alas that is what makes life grand.
I don't agree with Charles, but I can understand where he's coming from. Your perception of the escort industry is a product of who you've met and had experiences with. I've met several that fit the description of Charles' typical provider. However, I've also met many well-educated, intelligent women who were just the opposite. A long time ago, my attitude was similar to yours. Don't be content with where you are now and ask yourself "Is this it?". There are many excellent providers that will blow your mind, and not just in the bedroom. You just have to make an effort to find them.
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  • 03-19-2011, 03:09 PM
In the past, it has been easy for me to tell which of my clients are bitter because of my "good fortune" to have been born with the qualities I have and the qualities I have worked hard to attain. Originally Posted by China Doll
Roger that. I know, for one, i'm jealous of your arms.
You're going to need more than two pence to get you out of this hot water. Originally Posted by SR Only
It's never been two pence. How did you do it?
My arms may be spectacular, but they hardly compare to yours, my dear Doove.
It's never been two pence. How did you do it? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Pence, cents, you're still in a pretty deep hole both mentally and posting with your PoV (I'm speaking as a fellow board member not a mod in case you thought otherwise).
Pence, cents, you're still in a pretty deep hole both mentally and posting with your PoV (I'm speaking as a fellow board member not a mod in case you thought otherwise). Originally Posted by SR Only
I didn't think otherwise. I was just wonder how you dug yourself out of a hole for .02. It's never been that low.

I strongly suspect this has put me on several DNS lists. For instance, I would be willing to bet a fair amount that between the recent exchange I had with OH, one I had a while ago, and today, my chances of being on her DNS list is pretty high. Same for CD.

But to bring this thread back to where it should be (anyone remember?): I am firmly and wholeheartedly against time OTC. Even of offered, I'd be wondering, "what's the catch?" I guess I've just never believed (or experienced) that you get something for nothing.

But maybe picking an escort is like picking a movie. The price is the same (or nearly always the same), but the experience is different: one time you see "Body Heat" (a film that had my young juices going); and another you see "A Man for All Seasons." If I only had enough money to see one, it would be "Seasons." It made a much more lasting impression, and had several morals that went with the story.
Naomi4u's Avatar
WTF, I was starting to respond to this when I got sidetracked. If it sounds a little disjointed, it's because I just came back to it.

The examples you give are all of people who have skills to begin with. Either ones they're born with or acquired. I'm talking about people who have no such skills yet are making good money on their backs. Basically, there is very little skill involved (ok, there's skillz) in the business.

Charlie, there are all kinda industries where if a person were not born with qualities inherent in that job setting that they would not command a certain income. Not sure what your point is there. The point is: this is the best that some can do in the way of an income. Take this away, and it's Wal-Mart greeter time.

You think Bard and Angie would make as much if they could not act. Nope. You think a CPA would do as well if they could not add? There again, you're talking about someone with a license; a skillset. I'm talking about people with no other skillset other than in this business. People take advantages of their skill sets. And if they have none, they're left with this or very little. If you hate it, you put a good face on it b/c it's your bread and butter. That has been throughout the ages....society has put different values on them at different points in time. A Hunter was valued much more so a couple of hundred years ago than say banker.

You are coming off sounding bitter that you were not born a lady of the night!

Originally Posted by WTF