
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I don’t think anyone’s view has been picked apart, they’re just differences of opinion. Abortion, at any point, is obviously ending a life. Some people are totally ok with that, some totally against it, and some only up to a certain point in gestation. People can disagree on the issue and still have a valid argument. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

Obviously not. Life doesn't begin until you breath on your own. Not when you can.

You could just say you’re ok with ending life at any point in pregnancy, many people are, instead of making such a ridiculous, unscientific claim.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It's simpler. Which life do you care about? The one that's breathing on its own!

What the heck does that mean? It has nothing to do with your claim that there’s no life until the baby breaths on it’s own, which is patently absurd.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What the heck does that mean? It has nothing to do with your claim that there’s no life until the baby breaths on it’s own, which is patently absurd. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

Absurd my ass. You don't live, you are not alive, there is no life if something or someone else is directly reasonable for your continuation.

It is being kept alive. That's what it means.
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2024, 04:56 PM
I don't understand what Capital punishment has to do with my post? In order for you to successfully "Pick Apart" my belief you would have to justify Abortion and you haven't and you can't. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Definition of pick apart: To review or analyze in great detail; to criticize (especially small details)

Where did I say I did it successfully? All I was trying to say is that for the last several pages of this thread, the rest of us have ganged up on you, except for CreatedInSpace who hasn't exactly been with you or against you. And I have certain beliefs which if voiced here would have people piling on me.
There’s not a scientist on the planet who’d agree that life is defined by independent breathing. Are you dead if you’re put on a ventilator in the hospital?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You're not living. That's for fuckin' sure. We're getting to the crux. When are you dead? When are you living?

There's not a scientist on the planet who'd dare define life. Unless they have that . . . "complex."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqeC3BPYTmE?si=9LjiLgHcF3Vu6U2 3
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2024, 05:20 PM
I believe Eccieuser is speaking in a philosophical sense. Biologically, a single cell is alive. Every time you take a dump you're killing cells, both yours and organisms living inside you. There are Jains in India who wear mesh cloth over their faces so they don't accidentally ingest and kill insects.

IMHO, aborting a human embryo is definitely more immoral than taking a dump. I think it may be worse than swallowing an insect but am not sure.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I believe Eccieuser is speaking in a philosophical sense. Biologically, a single cell is alive. Every time you take a dump you're killing cells, both yours and organisms living inside you. There are Jains in India who wear mesh cloth over their faces so they don't accidentally ingest and kill insects.

IMHO, aborting a human embryo is definitely more immoral than taking a dump. I think it may be worse than swallowing an insect but am not sure. Originally Posted by Tiny

I don't want to think about swallowing life, but I'm sure I do when I dine at the Y.

Definition of pick apart: To review or analyze in great detail; to criticize (especially small details)

Where did I say I did it successfully? All I was trying to say is that for the last several pages of this thread, the rest of us have ganged up on you, except for CreatedInSpace who hasn't exactly been with you or against you. And I have certain beliefs which if voiced here would have people piling on me. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why are you afraid to voice your opinions, at the risk of being piled up on? I certainly am not. I look at it like this, those in this forum that disagree with that just confirms to me that I am onto something, lol.
VitaMan's Avatar
An organism can exist biologically, but have no soul. Without a soul, it is just a collection of cells. It could just as well as have much awareness as a tree.

And there is no need to make laws telling other people what to do about it.
I don't want to think about swallowing life, but I'm sure I do when I dine at the Y.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You might be a Cuckoldress's dream, lol.
You don’t have to be a striker for man-u to be alive, a person on a vent is still living. If you went and shot him in the head you’d be arrested for murder.

To Tiny’s point: A girl who swallows is a serial killer. :-)
An organism can exist biologically, but have no soul. Without a soul, it is just a collection of cells. It could just as well as have much awareness as a tree. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trees are alive, by every definition of the word. Life does not require sentience, which is why you can’t legally shoot or smother someone who’s in a coma.

A soul is a fictional religious representation and has no place in a scientific discussion.