Well, heck, perhaps there was a misunderstanding, CB? I had an appointment with BCL scheduled for Thursday night but had to cancel my entire week since I'm home with strep throat and a 102.8 fever until at least Friday. (Just got back from the doctor who shot me full of penicillin with an injector that looked liked it should baste turkeys. OUCH.) I pre-screened him, made arrangements, no problem, no haggling, and he's been very understanding about my illness.The strep throat is definitely going around.
Sometimes there's miscommunication between 2 people and things just roll downhill from there like a snowball turning into an avalanche.
I'm going back to bed now and pulling up a blanket of chihuahuas. Who frickin' gets STREP in the #@&%* summer? I obviously need to up my daily quota of Jameson for medicinal purposes.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels