Would you ever marry your ATF?

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Uh Oh...sorry things didn't work out Hunter.


Guess you weren't his type of champagne, oh well there is always beer.
levibob56's Avatar
big surprise, no? Originally Posted by HunterGrace
Well sorry to hear it, but life goes on. Some of us are here for you and you know who they are! XOXO
Still Looking's Avatar
AGAIN? Never!
ChuckTaylor's Avatar
Would I marry my ATF? Hell NO! Not for the simple fact of what she does or did but because people change by nature. There is too much to distract us from one another and our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter making marriage somewhat of a trap instead the institution of love it once was.

Now a days you can't get married just because of love. Love can fade and then what? It's true, everyone deserves a shot at love but, love is a drug and the withdrawals can be devastating. If a client can have enough unconditional love and acceptance for what his ATF does as well as not have any emotional attachment to who she has or is doing, then it might work between the two. But most guys I think would have some issues in the area of trust.

Trusting or shall I say "hoping" she won't keep doing it if they got married, if that was his request. Every one is wired differently and have different levels of emotional response when it comes to intimacy.

So you would have to ask yourself if you could handle it moralistically, emotionally and psychologically. If not, then it may not be a good idea.

If you really just don't give a crap about what everyone else thinks and you have unconditional love for her no matter what... and would never use it against her in an argument... then maybe it would work.
texasfeet's Avatar
If we make and agree upon certain rules, are on the same page financially and i'm getting my needs met, who knows?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Damn good thread.. I must say..
sirDuke's Avatar
It is interesting to see this topic being written about, mainly because I find a hearty percentage of the opinions being shared highly hypocritical. Men are given the freedom and societal encouragement to go out and sexually sample the female population at will. If a woman does it, she is labeled the notorious negative monikers- slut, whore, tramp, etc that are able to overshadow entirely the rest of her personality that has nothing to do with her sexual appetite- such as her ambition, her mind, her intelligence, etc. If a man is successful at bedding many women he is congratulated- seen as having some sort of enviable power, he becomes a Don Juan. Why does a woman being compensated for her sexual appetite and charisma suddenly negate the rest of her personal attributes as being respectable? There are plenty of civilian women I have met who are incredibly intelligent and very sexy simultaneously. Many of these women, if they chose to be providers, could tear the house down- proverbially speaking. Would I still be attracted to them- mentally- emotionally? Why yes, of course- because they are still people, even if they chose to pursue prostitution as an occasional vocation. A woman doesn't make herself more attractive to me by saving the "act" for the guy she thinks will settle down with her. A woman who acts on her natural impulses, sexual or otherwise, seems like someone who I will- in the long run- have a much more satisfying life with. Would someone who had previously been a provider qualify for that category? Sure, she could. If she was intelligent, sexy, funny, and had all of the other great qualities we desire in a woman. So would i marry my ATF? Yes, if she retired because she was ready to. If she is my all time favorite and that translated into a romantic affair that naturally escalated towards exclusivity then why not? Before you married your wife did she sit you down and ask about every single girl you slept with? Every drunken hookup, every infidelity, every girl you got head from? Probably not. Did you sit her down and ask about all of the guys she'd ever slept with? Hell no.