Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

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  • 05-27-2013, 08:25 AM
That's what I did with regard to OJ.

In the meantime if some whining, drivel gets on here and tries to champion the "right" of a want-a-be "gangsta" to beat the crap out of a security guard, because the security guard is "following him" in a housing project, then I will respond in kind. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And if racists lil dic KKK'ers wants to defend a wanna be hall moniter for following around a black kid who rightly beat the shit out of said unappointed hall moniter, then had to take the kids life because the hall moniter had no training in a that type of situtation and put everybody in a bad spot by his dumbass actions. I will point that out too.

Zimmermans defense , "She deserved to be raped! Did you see wtf she was wearing?"
LexusLover's Avatar
..... unappointed hall moniter, ..." Originally Posted by WTF

Who told you that?

Classic ... WTF ... alter the scenario to fit your beef ...

... thought you were gonna wait for a jury trial.

Zimmerman is a KKK member?

For which newspaper do you work?
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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2013, 10:08 AM
Who told you that?

Classic ... WTF ... alter the scenario to fit your beef ... Same as you. You weren't there.

... thought you were gonna wait for a jury trial.

Zimmerman is a KKK member? More like his defenders!

For which newspaper do you work? Same one you work for... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I am going to wait for the trial, just like you! But in the meantime....

That's what I did with regard to OJ.

In the meantime if some whining, drivel gets on here and tries to champion the "right" of a want-a-be "gangsta" to beat the crap out of a security guard, because the security guard is "following him" in a housing project, then I will respond in kind. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who told you that?

Classic ... WTF ... alter the scenario to fit your beef ... Same as you. You weren't there.

... thought you were gonna wait for a jury trial.

Zimmerman is a KKK member? More like his defenders!

For which newspaper do you work? Same one you work for...

I didn't alter any scenario ... I just repeated one not as outrageously dumb as yours.

I'm not playing the "race card" ... you and yours are.

I don't work for a newspaper, and I sure wouldn't work for any you write on, if the editor would tolerate your distortions and outrageous conclusions.

My defense is based on the "slice of life" facts by one poster ... labeling him a "stalker" and concluding that Martin has the right to kick the neighborhood watch guys' ass ............ and now you say .............. he was "uninvited" .... typical WTF.

Sure hope they don't let you keep your own scorecard!
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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2013, 11:14 AM

Sure hope they don't let you keep your own scorecard! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Neither of us will be on the jury. I think you are as full of shit in this case as you think of me.

I think racism plays a part in this. Period. You may not think so. I do. I think it plays a part in the rabid defense of Zimmweman. You are welcome to think I'm wrong. But that is all it is, your POV. It is not fact. It is nothing that can be proven one way or the other.

We can talk about this until we are blue in the face. We can talk about this after the trial but I suspect nothing presented in trial will change anyone's mind. There is one school of thought that you are looking for trouble when you start following around folks with a loaded gun. Shoot them and then claim self defense. Even if in fact what Zimmerman said was some that just does not seem right. It is just really hard to get two sides of a story when one side is dead. Zimmerman if nothing else should be convicted of first degree idiot.

Just last Tuesday ... nailed-up a "Missing Person" poster featuring your mama/sister/cousin/wife, Ekim the Inbred. Nailed it to a fence post -- that looked just like your family tree, Ekim the Inbred -- up near Ft. Riley where your mama/sister/cousin/wife purportedly makes her living as a street walker. Just tryin' to help your hayseed, inbred-ass, Ekim the Inbred. You're so unappreciative, Ekim the Inbred. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Each sorry attempt to insult me only shows the inbred qualities shining through your sorry dicked fat ass. You have been a comfort to a lot of gays ,bet you squeal like a pig. Your family tree resembles a utility pole Your posts are becoming more desperate all the time Ida Bell the Navy whore.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Each sorry attempt to insult me only shows the inbred qualities shining through your sorry dicked fat ass. You have been a comfort to a lot of gays ,bet you squeal like a pig. Your family tree resembles a utility pole Your posts are becoming more desperate all the time Ida Bell the Navy whore. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ekim the Inbred, you're so unappreciative. Hope they find your mama/sister/cousin/wife before she takes on a regiment -- otherwise you'll have to strap an Abrams tank to your puny-pricked-ass to keep you from falling in, you genetically defective moron!!!
.... It is just really hard to get two sides of a story when one side is dead. Zimmerman if nothing else should be convicted of first degree idiot. Originally Posted by WTF
So what was your penalty after conviction WTF?

Many post about this "two sides of a story when one side is dead." Trayvon's complete story of course will never be known. We do have his cell phone and video/photos of him as well as an autopsy report.

"They" are telling us parts of Trayvon's side of the story. His story is not going untold. And it more objective than the story his mother, father and media consultant came out with.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ekim the Inbred, you're so unappreciative. Hope they find your mama/sister/cousin/wife before she takes on a regiment -- otherwise you'll have to strap an Abrams tank to your puny-pricked-ass to keep you from falling in, you genetically defective moron!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Ida Bell you sluggard You keep on pretending my family is the same as yours. Living in the past when your (hole) family was a gang bang every night. The accumulative IQ of your group is 120. Your fat ass has been handed around so much they have to fist it so you can get any pleasure from it anymore. A sad example of a boy from Chicago.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Neither of us will be on the jury. I think you are as full of shit in this case as you think of me.

I think racism plays a part in this. Period. You may not think so. I do. I think it plays a part in the rabid defense of Zimmweman. You are welcome to think I'm wrong. But that is all it is, your POV. It is not fact. It is nothing that can be proven one way or the other.

We can talk about this until we are blue in the face. We can talk about this after the trial but I suspect nothing presented in trial will change anyone's mind. There is one school of thought that you are looking for trouble when you start following around folks with a loaded gun. Shoot them and then claim self defense. Even if in fact what Zimmerman said was some that just does not seem right. It is just really hard to get two sides of a story when one side is dead. Zimmerman if nothing else should be convicted of first degree idiot. Originally Posted by WTF
Since you previously used the offensive term "darkie" to describe Trayvon I think you are the racist, WTF.
Uncle Han's Avatar
. It appears like there will be a trial, maybe more will come out and I will change my mind, who knows. Originally Posted by WTF

You act like you know Joe Biden, but here you acknowledge you don't really know. Time to go back to acting like you know again!
Uncle Han's Avatar
You like that Uncle Han thinks I have the biggest cock in the Sandbox?
Originally Posted by WTF
Joe Biden, I never said or thought you had the biggest cock in the sandbox. Go back and reread my post.

I do think you are the sandbox member most likely to chat online with a "young dude" then drive 250 miles to meet Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is just really hard to get two sides of a story when one side is dead. Originally Posted by WTF
Well, actually it is not "really hard" ...

........ it's done daily, several times a day all across this country.

It does seem challenging I am sure when, like you, people see things through a TV screen rather than in real life. Particularly when the show is scripted and both sides are aired for you to see.

You did hit on a key factor that plays out on all "self-defense" scenarios .. in real life ...

... the decision is made from the perspective of the people at the time the actions and decisions are made and not later on after the Monday-morning quarterbacks get off the bench and let some blood flow to the asses, even if it can't reach their brain.

Can I repeate again? O.J. The lying sack of _____ is now a pundit on Fox.
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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Since you previously used the offensive term "darkie" to describe Trayvon I think you are the racist, WTF. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Like I said, you pointy headed muther fuckers can think what ever you want.

Looks like you boys gave the next Trayvon Martin a head start....mighty mighty white of ya.

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  • WTF
  • 05-27-2013, 04:42 PM

... the decision is made from the perspective of the people at the time the actions and decisions are made and not later on after the Monday-morning quarterbacks get off the bench and let some blood flow to the asses, even if it can't reach their brain.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you talking about the Monday morning quarterbacks on this Benfuckingazi story?