Does Dementia Joe jerk off before his afternoon nap

offshoredrilling's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the latest from Brandon

the wind knocked him down

who is stupider.. the "81 million" who voted for this incompetent fool or the idiots who cheered after he fell off his bike and got up?


more Biden wisdom .. yes Brandon people drop dead unexpectedly .. given your VP is Kammy the kackling whore let's hope you don't kill yerself riding yer bike until you get voted out of office along with the entire Democratic party.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
you sure Joe is not stark raving mad ????? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Of course he isn't.
Zombiden has a different affliction.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you sure Joe is not stark raving mad ????? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Of course he isn't.
Zombiden has a different affliction. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
errr ok his puppet masters are then

must be hard riding a bike with Obama's hand and many others up your ass
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
ben dover's Avatar
I guess he doesn't remember what gravity does.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course he isn't.
Zombiden has a different affliction. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
errr ok his puppet masters are then

must be hard riding a bike with Obama's hand and many others up your ass Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
exactly Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

he's not mad in the classic psychiatric definition. he's certainly having moments where he's not lucid and clearly stumbling with his memory and speech. you can call that dementia and/or Alzheimer's and probably a few other things including plain old age.

there were signs of this during the campaign. clear signs. he was argumentative to people at campaign functions, the famous incident where he argued with that worker at a car plant about guns, that totally off the wall comment about "dog faced pony soldiers", his "you ain't black" ridiculous comment. if Trump had said that it would have been news for months. as it is the press covered it because they had to but never criticized him over the racist nature of it. then dropped it like a rock in a day or two. his comments about poor kids vs. white kids. plenty of signs he was struggling mentally.

Biden could not have campaigned in a normal election year. Covid gave him a perfect (planned??) excuse to stay in the basement. even then he was a gaffe machine. remember Obama did not want Biden to run in 2016 to succeed him. the spin was he was too moderate which he's always been and Clinton was more in line with Obama's ideology. it's come out now that Obama also thought Biden is a fuck up, which he is. Obama and the DNC leadership also clearly knew he was slipping a few cogs mentally by then too. so of course they didn't want him to run then and didn't want him to run in 2020.

so in classic DNC fashion they Bernie'd Bernie again, got everyone else including Harris (who's own campaign was floundering) to drop out before Super Tuesday. no one does that! no one!! there's always a chance some fringe candidate gets a surprise surge or win on Super Tuesday.

the DNC knew Sanders is not electable. way too radical. i respect Sanders for one thing and one thing only .. he'll look you in the eye and tell you he's a socialist. not like that wasn't obvious but it's a rare thing for a politician to be candid. so they rigged it yet again, it left only Sanders, Warren (the female Sanders to siphon off female progressives) and Biden. of course Biden's going to look more attractive compared to a couple of radical leftists.

this time however they had to let Sanders have a large role in the direction of the party and it shows clearly with all this radical green new deal nonsense and many other agendas. who here thinks Biden would have attacked the energy sector 10 years ago? of course not. even in his prime Biden was never a leader. while he still had his cookies in place he was competent as a Senator and even VP following Obama's direction. not that i care for Obama's direction but that's not the point, the point is Biden has never been a visionary leader type on his best day and those days are far behind him. and yet he's "President" and showing clearly he's not mentally or physically able to handle the job.

so who's really running the show? Sanders certainly has a hand in it, Obama "shadowing" from Martha's Vineyard? absolutely. that might have been the plan all along. Biden is a bigger patsy than Lee Harvey Oswald.
