I Won't Be Watching The NFL If This Keeps Up...

oeb, I don't look at is racism at all with BLM. I just see some people who have good intentions and some people who are idiots who want to riot and loot under the mask of being BLM. Regardless, I just see a lot of people who simply want to be treated equally.

Anyway, I am not going to change your highly exaggerated opinions about everything. You can stick with them if it makes you feel better about yourself. I really don't give a shit either way. My only suggestion is to open up your mind and look at different points of view. You can't succeed in life with tunnel vision. All that does is guarantee you a miserable life looking at everything with negativity if you don't agree with it. That's not how to go through life. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
They want to be treated equally but the problem is that their definition of equally includes retribution for the sins against their fathers.

Diversity will never work out, and not just because of people like me.

Every white guy who gets turned down for a promotion he deserves won't feel like he was treated equally.

Every white guy who wants to be Chief of Police but some black woman who is less qualified gets the job anyway won't feel like he was treated equally.

Anyone turned down for a professorship or scholarship to "make up for past discrimination" won't feel he was treated equally.

I admit, I'm probably not a concern of the marketing department of pro sports. They don't care whether I watch or not. The problem they have is every white man out there is discriminated against in some way, and not all of them like it. Once they all realize it, they might be ready to shut this situation where black skin color gets all the perks, deserved or not.

Lucas, the rest of us will be waiting for you to get cheated and then join our side. Also, I apologize for what I've said about you in the past. Honestly, I think we would be friends in real life though I disagree with your stance on race relations, obviously. I was wrong on some of the things I said to you. You make sense on most things, though certainly not everything.

Until then, to all the black people out there who treat me well in society, which includes most all of you, please don't take this the wrong way. I know you deserve a decent life just like me. I want you to have it. I just don't think we can both have what we want, living in the same country, and navigate all the political hacks who would be happy to sell either one of us out for their own power and money.

They don't care about you or me.

Next time you are kind to a 45-50 year old white guy who reacts positively to your simple human gestures of friendship, it could be me. I hope you have a nice day. Thanks for being a decent person in spite of everything I have written on this board. It isn't personal.

I'm headed out to my country place for awhile, going to do maintenance on my equipment, both the life sustaining equipment that would let me live off the grid, and the "defensive" equipment, to guard my freedom to do so.

To those that think ahead, thanks to the Mormons, there are plenty of reasonably priced options to buy good food that can be stored for extended periods of time - just don't let everyone know what you are up to because they will want you to share when the time comes...
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb, I have no white guilt. I apologize for nothing I've earned. I grew up in Texas and California as a kid. It was no fun for me to go to the North East for my degrees and live in that weather. I hate school. I only went to those schools because of the money I knew I would make when I received those degrees. I come from a highly educated family. They probably would have disowned me if I didn't go to those schools. Hell, I wanted to join the military out of high school and experience the world. I didn't even want to go to college after I graduated from high school but my Dad was having none of that so I was stuck walking in the ice and snow up North.

As I've said months ago, the only reparations black people will get from me is food and drinks because I always pay for them when we all hang out with each other. I also do the same for white people when we hang out so I guess I am just one of those "pick up the tab" dipshits who always pays for everything.

Those motherfuckers (both black and white) don't even act like they are going to pay the tab. I'm going to start going to the bathroom for now on when the check comes when life gets back to normal and we hang out and see what they do when I disappear until the bill is paid.

oeb, I look at life differently than you. That's obvious and there is nothing wrong with that to me. I just like to look at life from others'points of view regardless of whether I agree with them or not.

Friendly Fred, we're good. Don't take me too seriously because I certainly don't even take myself too seriously unless it is work. And you're right, we probably would be friends in RL.
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2020, 04:11 PM
Difference of opinioin is often a good learning experience.

BTW - on Lou Dobbs - the OBLM organization scrubbed its' website of its marxist gay commune centric plans for america -replaced with a bunch of liberal verbiage nonsense which makes no sense at all.

larry elder laughed at their transparency - trying to hide who they are - which is a Gay-centric - anti American Family and marxist organization.

As Mr.Eelder put it - the largest problem in teh black community is the absence of fathers - with 70% of black children born with absent fathers. Results are predictable - a rise in lack of education, criminal behavior and incarceration rates among young black men.

Exactly what the DPST's want for their plantation -racial identity politics - a controllable population under their thumb. Votes from folks dependent on the DPST dole - makes reliable bastions in shithole DPST cities for the nomenklatura of the DPST party.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Difference of opinioin is often a good learning experience. Originally Posted by oeb11
How boring would life be if everyone agreed with each other? Nobody would even get divorced and that's no fun. I miss being called a selfish asshole by my ex every other day. I just did not want to be married any longer so it was just funny to me. And she was right with her insults about being a selfish asshole, but I'll never tell her that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They want to be treated equally but the problem is that their definition of equally includes retribution for the sins of their fathers.
Originally Posted by friendly fred

ftfy. and that's the real point, isn't it? blacks today want to ignore their own very large role in the slave trade and blame the whole thing on whitey. now the liberal left, the white liberal left wants to "white shame" anyone who is white into feeling guilty about being white.

if you ain't white you ain't right
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2020, 05:07 PM
Amen, TWK!
adav8s28's Avatar

Why should the NFL care? Because a few criminals were killed by white cops and it was captured on camera?

Does anyone know that one biracial player recently signed a HALF A BILLION dollar contract?

I watch the NFL to be entertained, not to be lectured or sent on some guilt trip. Stop the crap and play ball. Originally Posted by gnadfly
1. Breanna Taylor was a first responder not a criminal.

2. That would be Mahomes, Qb of the KC Chiefs with that 500 million dollar contract. His dad was a pitcher in MLB. That is where the strong throwing right arm came from.

3. The NFL should do one of two things. Let the players stay in the locker room during the national anthem or stop playing the national anthem before the game.

4. The players are going to use their platform. The defensive lineman for Dallas takes a knee for the anthem. This was after Jerry Jones said everyone would stand for the anthem or not be on the team. He is good enough to start, Jones wants to win, so he lets it go. That's the way it is.
adav8s28's Avatar
Football won’t miss any of you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You're right. The Super Bowl will still be highest rated prime time television program, even if the eccie.net repubtards stop watching.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
1. Breanna Taylor was a first responder not a criminal.

2. That would be Mahomes, Qb of the KC Chiefs with that 500 million dollar contract. His dad was a pitcher in MLB. That is where the strong throwing right arm came from.

3. The NFL should do one of two things. Let the players stay in the locker room during the national anthem or stop playing the national anthem before the game.

4. The players are going to use their platform. The defensive lineman for Dallas takes a knee for anthem. This was after Jerry Jones said everyone would stand for the anthem or not be on the team. He is good enough to start, Jones wants to win, so he lets it go. That's the way it is. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Taylor wasn't so innocent as you and the liberal media want to think ..


by the time you get done reading all that .. if you bother, reply back on just how innocent she was

the forum awaits your reply
CG2014's Avatar
The Las Vegas Raiders new stadium grass field slides outside to get sun and rain.

1. Breanna Taylor was a first responder not a criminal.

..... Originally Posted by adav8s28
I've written many times on this forum that I'm against no knock raids-especially at night.

Try to keep up.
  • oeb11
  • 09-22-2020, 06:20 AM
'a' and the DPST don't care about facts - G/

They are stuck on their lies and narrative.

And - i agree with you.

I understand the cops want to protect themselves against alarming armed suspects into a gun fight - but the 'military' tactcs now used - coupled with no-knock no warming - lend itself to to tragedies when mistakes occur
and we are all human - mistakes do occur.

Cops wind up at the wrong house - reported too many times.
Watched a lot of enjoyable NFL this weekend. Except for the helment messages not a lot of BLM bullshit. NICE!

Let hope the league "keeps it down" for tonight's Cheifs v Ravens contest. I doubt it, the game is at Baltimore.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The NB what,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sportfisherman's Avatar
I did not visit the link above regarding Breona Taylor.

Does it show that she was convicted in a court of law for a Capital offense and sentenced to death ?

Is that how executions work now ; they bust in your house and shoot the place up ?