Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

LexusLover's Avatar
How the fuck is this meta-discussion relevant to the Al-Qaeda accusation you made in the OP, JDIdiot? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Even more typical ....

"Meta" ... ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not defending anyone. Can't you read? Now answer the question. Should we only accept news from "authorized" sources? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Another off optic inquisition from Kansas's favorite blowjob creator.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are an idiot, too. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Commercial airliners (and some converted to cargo or tech equipment carriers) frequently make "short" takeoffs in zones of conflict in which an easy, lumbering lift-off "BY THE BOOK" puts them at risk of small arms fire, if not shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles. Using the "standard' length of the runway is not acceptable and puts everyone at risk. So posting from an "owner's manual" resource or published manufacturer stats is not relevant.

At or near sea level provides an opportunity for shorter take off distances.

But, given the current "state of the rumors" ..

I will predict that flight 370 ended up in the drink in the Southern Indian Ocean... "when the tanks went dry" ..

......whether hijacked or otherwise. A scenario is that a take-over of some sort was in progress and the "defense" was taking the aircraft above its ceiling with oxygen deprivation as the disabling mechanism with a return descent to normalize the conditions with auto pilot engaged to maintain altitude away from populated areas as a last resort to protect the loss of other lives from an impact in a populated area. that would account for the abrupt reversal in course, high altitude, return to lower altitude, and constant flight for the duration of the existing fuel load in a generally uninhabited and undeveloped part of the world.

I do not believe flight 370 had sufficient fuel to run the gauntlet along the "Northern Route"!
So, you are "keeping up" .... who is "looking at pilots"? Malaysians?

That is not an "investigation" ... that's a witch hunt to find a scape goat. Is the airline liable for a CRIMINAL ACT?

Are you a jet engine mechanic or did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express?

Do you just make this shit up ... or is someone feeding you the bullshit.

The telemetry continued through the satellite system for SEVEN HOURS!

That's about their fuel limit once they lost transponder transmission.

So... if the engines stop running would the telemetry stop transmitting? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another dim-a-tard squeaking I see. The ASCARS system was shut off but sent out a ping with no info on it once a hour. Facts really fuck up up don't they.
Not defending anyone. Can't you read? Now answer the question. Should we only accept news from "authorized" sources? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh otherwise you just decided to start one of your childish attacks on me. Sorry I should have known there was no substance there. What part do you find umbrage with Curly?
LexusLover's Avatar
Another dim-a-tard squeaking I see. The ASCARS system was shut off but sent out a ping with no info on it once a hour. Facts really fuck up up don't they. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So, aircraft scholar, the engine PINGS even when it is not running?

Please find in my posts in which I claimed that "INFO" was being sent?

The information provided with the satellite registered the ping ...

.. Eccie can "ping" my computer ... if it is turned ON ... and get no 'INFO"!

But if my computer is not "ON" then Eccie cannot "ping it"...............

Without the GPS service (which flight 370 did not have) satellite provider cannot get a location from which the ping was sent ... so the satellite data must be extrapolated which is how they get either one of two routes ...

north or south ....

Don't let the facts get in your way while you try to make yourself look smart! You are a dumbass, saying nothing.

"Inmarsat received 6 ping back from aircraft. Last communication is at 8:11 am MYT / 12:11 am UTC.

"Fuel for typical KL – Beijing flight for 6.5 hours. Extra fuels are for emergency situation. MH370 is fuel up to 7.5-8 hours.

"The aircraft’s minimum speed, maximum speed, location, altitude has been gleaned from the 6 satellite ping back. Concurred by independent interpolation from both US & UK investigator."

RR doesn't have to get shit .... the satellite gets the shit ... pinging ...

Point A to B ...
Point A to C ... D ... etc.

Time X speed of ping = distance. Time between pings = distance traveled between pings. Triangulation.
So, aircraft scholar, the engine PINGS even when it is not running?

Please find in my posts in which I claimed that "INFO" was being sent?

The information provided with the satellite registered the ping ...

.. Eccie can "ping" my computer ... if it is turned ON ... and get no 'INFO"!

But if my computer is not "ON" then Eccie cannot "ping it"...............

Without the GPS service (which flight 370 did not have) satellite provider cannot get a location from which the ping was sent ... so the satellite data must be extrapolated which is how they get either one of two routes ...

north or south ....

Don't let the facts get in your way while you try to make yourself look smart! You are a dumbass, saying nothing. Originally Posted by LexusLover

No simple one the ASCARS system pings once a hr when shut off. The engine data is sent through ASCARS if it is off no data comes through. Don't you keep up with anything? Maybe discussing manure is more up your line.
LexusLover's Avatar
No simple one the ASCARS system pings once a hr when shut off. The engine data is sent through ASCARS if it is off no data comes through. Don't you keep up with anything? Maybe discussing manure is more up your line. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You need to keep up.

So you are claiming the ping continues when the engine is off?

Apparently the U.S. and U.K investigators disagree with "LittleOne"! How's that make you feel?

Speaking of shit ... when you quit making shit in your diaper the shit quits falling out of your diaper.

Just consider those "ping turds" ... falling out of your diaper ... and your turd trail ends.
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't you keep up with anything? Maybe discussing manure is more up your line. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Why don't you explain it to these people, may be they don't know how their system works and then explain it all to the U.S. military evaluating satellite data ..... then explain that to the RR folks heading to Malaysia to confer with the airlines ... on the "data" they have not been getting.

Every time I respond to one of your dumb posts I am "discussing manure"!
You need to keep up.

So you are claiming the ping continues when the engine is off?

Apparently the U.S. and U.K investigators disagree with "LittleOne"! How's that make you feel?

Speaking of shit ... when you quit making shit in your diaper the shit quits falling out of your diaper.

Just consider those "ping turds" ... falling out of your diaper ... and your turd trail ends. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Don't you ever read anything before you start dribbling your shit? I explained this to you once if you can't comprehend then STFU.

Why don't you explain it to these people, may be they don't know how their system works and then explain it all to the U.S. military evaluating satellite data ..... then explain that to the RR folks heading to Malaysia to confer with the airlines ... on the "data" they have not been getting.

Every time I respond to one of your dumb posts I am "discussing manure"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Remove head from ass..Seek help soon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now was that fair LL? This is EVA, using intermediate math is taking advantage of his weakness. Maybe we should start calling him mercury, you can't pin him down with anything...especially something solid like facts. You have to contain him by pushing him towards a destination. He has gone from calling it a crash to accepting that it's terrorism. Now comes the hard part...getting him to acknowledge that some people here have a little more knowledge than he does about some things and that he is only making a fool of himself when he tries prove otherwise.

Having said that, I am just about finished with EVA. I will try not respond to his stupidity and ignorance. I will keep reading what he says (which puts him ahead of FuckZup and WTF) but unless he actually says something relevant, we're done.

So what do we know today (Sunday, 16 March) that we didn't know last week?

The world has accepted that this is terrorism and not a mechanical accident.
Malaysia is either ill equipped or unwilling to lead this investigation.
Most people accept that 370 deviated from it's original course by a huge margin.
It is still being debated but the preponderance of evidence suggests the engines were running for hours after the last radar check point when 370 was flying WSW at low altitude.
We know that the plane climbed rapidly to 45,000 feet. We can theorize why that happened accident or on purpose but I think most of us think it was on purpose in order to kill the passengers quickly. Experts (flight, medical, and intelligence) have said that consciousness would end in about 3 seconds and death would come soon afterwards.

Connect the dots that we have, try to imagine where other dots should be if we had them and we have an act of terrorism in order to get an aircraft intact. The passengers? Unnecessary to the plan. We have a bunch of aeronautical experts who say that the 777 can land or take off in less than 5,000 feet which increases the possible landing spots (not including straight roads) greatly. This was not a Hail Mary operation. Like 9/11 this was well thought out. They probably not one but a few alternate landing sites.

Okay, they have the plane. What are they going to do with it? 9/11 comes to mind again. That plane can hold tons of explosives, radiological material, a WMD, or a biological. It can fly 6,000 to 8,000 miles depending on the payload at 600 knots. So what is the target? Probablly not the US but we would hesitate to shoot down an unknown airliner sqawking a friendly code. No, they went after the financial center of the western world and now they can go after the one for the eastern world (Tokyo, ShangHai, Hong Kong, or Mumbai)

Obviously everything is subject to change if, and when, we get more concrete information.
Poor JD he is as lost as LL babble on ...
LexusLover's Avatar
Remove head from ass..Seek help soon. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Once you discard your obsession with men's asses ...

.. you can enlighten all those masses about "The ASCARS system" ...

Do you read blogs on the side then quote "alphabet soup" to look intelligent?

Your intellectual prowess must have matched those "connecting the dots' pre-911 ... sad. "Bloviating" bullshit, like you poop in your diapers. Talking the shit isn't walking the shit .... but you are the prototype internet bullshitter.

You resort to name calling when your "math" and "logic" are full of holes ..

... in this case ... gaping holes.... which you apparently know a lot about.

I'm sure glad you weren't a "sonar" operator ... if it ain't Nintendo you are lost!
LexusLover's Avatar
The engine data is sent through ASCARS if it is off no data comes through. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And there it is again .... "through ASCARS"!!!!!!

That's no typo!!!!

Holiday Inn Express for sure.