Claire She Blows and PlainVanillaATX

agentx's Avatar
...Player vs. Player. Never ends well😱
Their relationship started as a session between two ECCIE members
. Originally Posted by Whispers
Wrong. He wasn't on this site when he met me in February of 2015. He joined after our first few sessions.
Whispers's Avatar
Thankyou for verifying what I thought back then... his first review of you was bogus...... But he was a member when you outted him right? Which was just a few weeks ago right? not years ago.

For those of you that keep trying to add more into this..... nothing i have written originates from the guy..... EVERYTHING I've commented on comes directly from the writings of Claire and only Claire....... it's all self admitted as well as acknowledged.... I've had zero communication with PV.....

Why not post your rant here for everyone to read Claire? You seem proud of it...
HunterGrace's Avatar
I really need you to be siting your sources when making statements about things others have said. Otherwise, you can just go to the forum I already told you to go. The Provider ad section. Hit the back button twice taking you to the Austin forum. Scroll up to Provider Ads. Place one. Then stay there and wait. I don't have any bad feelings toward you. I just think you are being too cavalier and off topic regarding Clair the Snitch. So don't get ugly with me for pointing out your classless and tasteless behavior. Try a different approach. Listen and learn what the message is. And step up your game. Be a lady. Stop being a post whore.

We win by building each other up. Not tearing each other down.

Oh yea. Don't forget to post the link to site your source on that comment about my ex. Because you are wrong. Dead wrong. But let's see what you got to back up your accusation.
The other point is that it happened YEARS AGO!!! Oh and let's not forget the Hunter met her ex when he was in a relationship and then turned around and cheated on her! She made this public knowledge! So don't go throwing stones at glass houses when yours a is made up of a deck of playing cards! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
FirePhoenix's Avatar
The post whore award belongs to SL and and whimpy first off. I take it you don't seem to remember a thread you started talking about "being the wife and finding out your hubby was cheating on you"? When I have time yes I will go find it along with several other post and a little accident you did that got you banned for awhile. How about you act like the person you were and not a bought off ...well you get the hint.

Try to remember that YOU choose to comment as you have. I'm just sticking up for myself and call you out on your obvious B.S.. Basically you started shit and on some very wrong topics.I'm not scared, worried, or even concerned. I was just taught some very hard lessons, so by all means so whatever you choose to. Just make them very wise choices.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Miss Valentina's Avatar
This thread sent me into a deep existential void.

It's like somebody opened a bag of assholes.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 05-28-2017, 11:05 AM
Thankyou for verifying what I thought back then... his first review of you was bogus...... But he was a member when you outted him right? Which was just a few weeks ago right? not years ago.

For those of you that keep trying to add more into this..... nothing i have written originates from the guy..... EVERYTHING I've commented on comes directly from the writings of Claire and only Claire....... it's all self admitted as well as acknowledged.... I've had zero communication with PV.....

Why not post your rant here for everyone to read Claire? You seem proud of it... Originally Posted by Whispers
See whispers, this is why no one can believe you. A few posts ago you said that this was all over social media. Now you are saying that it is only from Claire. While the source may well be Claire, your painting of the picture before this led me, and probably most others, to believe that this was a social media post by Vanilla as well or that you had some contact with him.

Here is what you need to do. . . Step away from the computer, brush up your lexicon and find a way to communicate a rational thought. Maybe you and Hunter could meet seeing as you two have nothing else to do and one thing in common; hating Claire. I've never seen two people with more free time on their hands but, at the same time, no rational thoughts in their heads. Grow up.
Whispers's Avatar
See whispers, this is why no one can believe you. A few posts ago you said that this was all over social media. Now you are saying that it is only from Claire. While the source may well be Claire, your painting of the picture before this led me, and probably most others, to believe that this was a social media post by Vanilla as well or that you had some contact with him.

Here is what you need to do. . . Step away from the computer, brush up your lexicon and find a way to communicate a rational thought. Maybe you and Hunter could meet seeing as you two have nothing else to do and one thing in common; hating Claire. I've never seen two people with more free time on their hands but, at the same time, no rational thoughts in their heads. Grow up. Originally Posted by gt27
Wow... you are dense... are you related to fieephoenix?

Claire posts to social media sites.

Claire has documented this story for any that knows how to find it to do so.

It is Claire's own words, as posted this month, to publicly viewable areas of social media that I have read that documents her outing of him and her intent to destroy any chance he might have to salvage his marriage...

Claire has admitted this....

Do you get it yet?

Your recent posts have slipped greatly lately. Has this hit too close to home?

For those that are requesting links via PM you have to know that any such information shared here on the board that would tie a member to their real life identity is a bannable offense...

And trying to bait someone via creation of a new account ? That's like Nigerian scammer emails... No one falls for that shit
This thread sent me into a deep existential void.

It's like somebody opened a bag of assholes. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

I can tell you worked hard on that. Congrats!
Claire has documented this story for any that knows how to find it to do so.
Originally Posted by Whispers
Oh, you mean anyone who knows my real name and my PERSONAL social media account? But that's okay, because I know the real names of the people who outed my info to you. I also know their baby-daddy's names, too...
So that's why she needs henchmen.
Whispers's Avatar
Oh, you mean anyone who knows my real name and my PERSONAL social media account? But that's okay, because I know the real names of the people who outed my info to you. I also know their baby-daddy's names, too... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Really? you are out of control.....

You gonna go there for what reason? Sounds like a threat to out more provider's and johns....... Why? ..... None of your real world identity has been posted here and no one from here has contacted your children's father or posted anything that comes back to you have they? You are the only one doing that.....

People on this site have been following social media posts from hookers for quite a while..... You didn't really think it would not eventually get noticed here did you?

Plus.... if you were remotely concerned you would have removed the story yet you proudly still display it as well as the pictures right?

it won't be the first time though that you struck out at others to damage personal lives though will it?
Whispers's Avatar
So that's why she needs henchmen. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Dick Sucking Minions I believe is how they are referred to....
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 05-28-2017, 09:09 PM
Wow... you are dense... are you related to fieephoenix?

Claire posts to social media sites.

Claire has documented this story for any that knows how to find it to do so.

It is Claire's own words, as posted this month, to publicly viewable areas of social media that I have read that documents her outing of him and her intent to destroy any chance he might have to salvage his marriage...

Claire has admitted this....

Do you get it yet?

Your recent posts have slipped greatly lately. Has this hit too close to home?

For those that are requesting links via PM you have to know that any such information shared here on the board that would tie a member to their real life identity is a bannable offense...

And trying to bait someone via creation of a new account ? That's like Nigerian scammer emails... No one falls for that shit Originally Posted by Whispers

I hate to tell you that I actually have sufficient reading skills and I can comprehend almost anything I can read. Nonetheless, I have no ability to comprehend how large of a dolt you are.

Your online wannabe bully persona is humorous. You stalk women you do not like. You then try to ruin the women you do not like through these libelous posts which are partially true but mostly incorrect on various main issues leaving your point scandalously insufficient of forming a rational and emotionless opinion. Yet, as soon as someone who has more intelligence than you makes a valid point, you resort to one of two methods of attack: 1). Calling me a provider or, 2) Saying that my emotion is getting to me.

So, lets take a look as a precursor to the next thread I will be creating in Whispers honor. Whispers has, over the course of the last few months, sided with a rapist against La Vida, denied that someone raped Claire despite at least one other gal stating she saw bruises on her(even said she got what she deserved because she got a drunk excited, nice touch by the way) and then proceeded to drag Claire through the mud because pigs love mud so much that they want to share.

Whispers, a new post about you is coming and I hope you have some dancing shoes on(I feel sorry for the dancing shoes, btw).