It may be time to take your family out of New York City.

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  • WTF
  • 01-09-2015, 03:07 PM
A jobs program. I think that is fantastic.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you think the vast industrial military complex is a great jobs program? Some would call that socialist.

I see what WTF has been shitting. Not surprised. I remember Hillary saying that being the military and collecting a check is the same thing as a welfare mom getting a welfare check. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
To much of anything is bad , including military spending when you are 18 trillion dollars in debt.

You being paid to suck dicks in the Navy is not much of a step above a welfare mom getting a check to feed her kids. If any...

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You being paid to [be a sailor] in the Navy is not much of a step above a welfare mom getting a check to feed her kids. If any...

. Originally Posted by WTF
So, you consider people defending their country to be the same as a welfare mom? Welfare mother isn't working, sailor is, WTFagboy.
SO, Audie Fucking Murphy was a moocher?
[QUOTE=WTF;1056236481]So you think the vast industrial military complex is a great jobs program? Some would call that socialist.

To much of anything is bad , including military spending when you are 18 trillion dollars in debt.

You being paid to suck dicks in the Navy is not much of a step above a welfare mom getting a check to feed her kids. If any...

Sir, how could you even make such despicable comments in the honor of the men and women who fought and died to keep this country free, which, by the way, allows for you to speak of them in such demeaning ways, and juxtaposing the military with the perpetuating welfare dependency.

And as for "military spending" well, if we don't keep our military and our intelligence at any cost in this country as well as stationed in other parts of the world, the wars will here on our Mother Land. The only saving grace we once had, was the diligence of the monitoring of the people coming into this country, which, by the way, really should be the only concern of the Federal Government, not controlling the masses of our citizens, with this futile project of massive laws, that rarely get repealed, unless of course, the government can see something (MONEY) in it for them. It appears that each year on Jan 1, over 40,000 new laws are "put in place" to control the herd, that is you and I. Oh and BTW, when the police try to enforce the Progressive laws, they become the bad guy.

Oh yes, and that 18 trillion dollars you speak of, which BTW, has more than doubled since this President has taken office in 2008, to buttress this country, in the name of, "look how good the economy is doing" but like that beautiful home, pull the buttresses from underneath and it will collapse. And should we continue on the same trajectory, well, when no one is looking, China will pull their notes. Either way, Judgement Day for this nation will come and the masses and specifically our Politicians will say, "Wow, what happened? I didn't see it coming HMMMMMM
LexusLover's Avatar
So you think the vast industrial military complex is a great jobs program? Some would call that socialist.

To much of anything is bad , including military spending when you are 18 trillion dollars in debt.

Sir, how could you even make such despicable comments .... Originally Posted by WTF
Are you aware that he benefits financially from "open borders" to the South? His profit increases (perhaps even exists), because he builds houses with illegal aliens. "Despicable" is a generously respectful term for his perspective.

He doesn't want to spend on the military, but he doesn't mind US providing health care, education, and assistance for the illegal aliens benefiting him.

That's the "perspective" of a narcissistic, self-centered whiner .... like HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ... who doesn't want to close the borders.

While he's whining about debt, he neglects to mention almost 1/2 of the national debt currently was added by HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ITS GROWING.
LexusLover's Avatar
So, you consider people defending their country to be the same as a welfare mom? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Of course he does. He loves those welfare Bimboes with whom he surrounds himself.

Besides the welfare supplements his illegal aliens working for him.

Cuts his overhead, which increases his profits.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Of course he does. He loves those welfare Bimboes with whom he surrounds himself.

Besides the welfare supplements his illegal aliens working for him.

Cuts his overhead, which increases his profits. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Cherie was quite correct in identifying him as a sick individual. At this point, perhaps an effective strategy would be for him to seek help from his local MHMR facility.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 09:09 AM

Are you aware that he benefits financially from "open borders" to the South? His profit increases (perhaps even exists), because he builds houses with illegal aliens. "Despicable" is a generously respectful term for his perspective.

. Originally Posted by Cherie
That would be like someone saying you are affiliated with Law Enforcement.

You have no idea how or where my profits are generated.

So kindly shut your mouth or expect the exact same respect in regards to speculation in your employment.


He doesn't want to spend on the military, but he doesn't mind US providing health care, education, and assistance for the illegal aliens benefiting him.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That is a lie. I do think we spend way to much on Defense.
I do not think we should be providing assistance to illegal alien nor able bodied American citizens.


That's the "perspective" of a narcissistic, self-centered whiner .... like HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ... who doesn't want to close the borders.

. Originally Posted by Cherie
That is yet another lie.


While he's whining about debt, he neglects to mention almost 1/2 of the national debt currently was added by HIS MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ITS GROWING. Originally Posted by Cherie
And you fail to mention that the majority of that debt was in the first two years which can be attributed to the Bush economy blowing up basically a distortion on your part yet again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 09:21 AM
Sir, how could you even make such despicable comments in the honor of the men and women who fought and died to keep this country free, which, by the way, allows for you to speak of them in such demeaning ways, and juxtaposing the military with the perpetuating welfare dependency.
Originally Posted by Cherie
JD hasn't fought a day in his life. He is a classic taker. Took a harmless job in the Navy for the benefits they provided. Hardly sounds like a patriotic SOB to me.

So do not give me shit about all military personnel as if they are one in the same. If you fought in combat than you should be respected for your service and all benefits that entails. I do not count sucking dicks on a ship as service to this country. So please quit besmirching real soldiers by comparing JD to them.


And as for "military spending" well, if we don't keep our military and our intelligence at any cost in this country as well as stationed in other parts of the world, the wars will here on our Mother Land. The only saving grace we once had, was the diligence of the monitoring of the people coming into this country, which, by the way, really should be the only concern of the Federal Government, not controlling the masses of our citizens, with this futile project of massive laws, that rarely get repealed, unless of course, the government can see something (MONEY) in it for them. It appears that each year on Jan 1, over 40,000 new laws are "put in place" to control the herd, that is you and I. Oh and BTW, when the police try to enforce the Progressive laws, they become the bad guy.
Originally Posted by Cherie
You make to fucking sense you clueless bitch....if the laws are bad than the fucking police trying to enforce them are good? God Damn, you'd been a great lil Nazi.

Oh yes, and that 18 trillion dollars you speak of, which BTW, has more than doubled since this President has taken office in 2008, to buttress this country, in the name of, "look how good the economy is doing" but like that beautiful home, pull the buttresses from underneath and it will collapse. And should we continue on the same trajectory, well, when no one is looking, China will pull their notes. Either way, Judgement Day for this nation will come and the masses and specifically our Politicians will say, "Wow, what happened? I didn't see it coming HMMMMMM Originally Posted by Cherie
The majority of that debt was had during the first two years which could be attributed to the Bush economy. You have heard of business cycles haven't you? So is it Obama you hate, politicians in general? ..Bad laws that the police enforce selectively? What is it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 09:23 AM
Cherie was quite correct in identifying him as a sick individual. At this point, perhaps an effective strategy would be for him to seek help from his local MHMR facility. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
At this point you Cherie and LexusLiar should see who has the biggest pecker and then take turns sucking it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Had this point you Cherie and LexusLiar should see who has the biggest pecker and then take turns sucking it. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey, JL AND CHERIE, you all got WTF all frustrated and now he's thinking about sucking guys' dicks! Shame on you all. I'm sure his bimbo fans are shocked!

Is that what you call a "grudge suck" WTF ... OR IS THAT

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-10-2015, 10:01 AM
Hey, JL AND CHERIE, you all got WTF all frustrated and now he's thinking about sucking guys' dicks! Shame on you all. I'm sure his bimbo fans are shocked!

Is that what you call a "grudge suck" WTF ... OR IS THAT

a "WTF GRUDGE SUCK"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No wonder you think your Cell phone app can fix missing planes!

You think this had something to do with me...
At this point you Cherie and LexusLiar should see who has the biggest pecker and then take turns sucking it. Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
You make no fucking sense you clueless bitch....if the laws are bad then the fucking police trying to enforce them are good? Originally Posted by WTF

She didn't say ALL laws are bad, she just pointed out there are way too many of them.

Besides, as long as the police follow Odumbo's highly selective instructions on which laws to enforce and which to ignore (e.g. immigration, DOMA, voter intimidation by New Black Panthers), it's all good.

Ain't that the way it works, fagboy?
LexusLover's Avatar
No wonder you think your Cell phone app can fix missing planes! Originally Posted by WTF
No wonder you think I think my Cell phone app can fix missing planes!

You keep thinking too much about sucking dicks. The Bimboes rubbing off on you?
JD hasn't fought a day in his life. He is a classic taker. Took a harmless job in the Navy for the benefits they provided. Hardly sounds like a patriotic SOB to me.

So do not give me shit about all military personnel as if they are one in the same. If you fought in combat than you should be respected for your service and all benefits that entails. I do not count sucking dicks on a ship as service to this country. So please quit besmirching real soldiers by comparing JD to them.

You really show your true person, (honestly it is not pretty) when you speak of someone that, I would venture to say, you don't even know, on what his job is in the Military, just because, you don't agree with his POV. That is despicable.

You make to fucking sense you clueless bitch....if the laws are bad than the fucking police trying to enforce them are good? God Damn, you'd been a great lil Nazi.

Once again, the true colors of the man comes through, calling a lady, any lady a "bitch". (might I be correct in saying the man has/had no respect for his mother) Your sounding like the rappers who respect absolutely no one, oh yea and don't they get invited to sing at the White House??

The laws are "the laws" and the police are employed to make sure those laws are enforced, believe me, I have seen many an officer and retired officers in this business, who really don't like busting or enjoy "busting" a lady or a gentleman for that matter, but the government gives a lot of cities money to after "those criminals", so the mayor tells the police, "this is the job of your officers this week", consequently they do their job, as most of them have families to support.

The majority of that debt was had during the first two years which could be attributed to the Bush economy. You have heard of business cycles haven't you? So is it Obama you hate, politicians in general? ..Bad laws that the police enforce selectively? What is it? Originally Posted by WTF
"Could be attributed to Bush economy"? Well yes, of course, everything that is considered, in the negative, is always Bush's fault and never lies in the hands of this administration. So 3 times of QE instead of allowing these companies to go out of business as the market should and can control what happens on Wall St and Main St, but no, the Government says, "well we can do it better" just hand the businesses a little heroin (MONEY) and we can delay the outcome,
(and don't forget a ton money went to "the green" business, (that all went down the tubes,) due to the brainstorm of Obama and friends. But maybe somehow through osmosis, everything will be good again. Personally, I don't see it, but then again I could be wrong, as I'm a "clueless bitch"
lustylad's Avatar
You have no idea how or where my profits are generated. So kindly shut your mouth or expect the exact same respect in regards to speculation in your employment. Originally Posted by WTF

JD hasn't fought a day in his life. He is a classic taker. Took a harmless job in the Navy for the benefits they provided. Originally Posted by WTF

So it's ok for you to pontificate about JD's employment history but it's not ok to talk about yours?