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winn dixie's Avatar
-Multiple handles is a 90 days ban,not permanent
-If you advertise here YOU CAN BE REVIEWED. that's the policy
If you don't like it, stick to listcrawler and Oh2
Is this a threat to a provider? Or just more of your rude comments!

-All your No reviews are well deserved
Were you there? Guys lie all the time!

Providers who do well,take good care of themselves and their clients
You and Op should do doubles, you'd do well Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Are you insinuating that Jess does not take care of herself? What are you baseing this on? Is this a thinly veiled medical attack on Jess? Or another guideline infraction on your part? I know members who have seen Jess! They rave about her good service!
p. akim why do you continually bash providers? I have never seen you post anything of merit! Does talking down to women make you feel better about yourself? Your demeanor towards females sucks dude!
Ive never met Jess in person but I do admire her. She has a better spirit and bigger balls than most of the guys on here.
I respect her
Let me tell you something. You posted another remark that I whine or that I always play the victim, and that’s absolutely not the truth. And the comment that you made was on a review. You may not feel the same way about me as others do, therefore you may not have the same experience. For you to say I outed you how was that? Never in my life. As a matter of fact in this post I took ownership of everything and said that you can’t please everybody. I never disputed the no review I just gave my side of what events took place. You got banned and yet you couldn’t wait to jump back on here and throw your little comment. FYI this is a post that I made and yes it’s still going for some odd freaking reason. I honestly think that some of these people have a bit too much time on their hands. If you think somebody’s fat or ugly, or not your type then just MoveOn. That doesn’t mean or give anyone the right to bash someone’s physical appearance, or for anything else. Just state your experience and keep it pushing. That’s what this post was about stating my experience with you and that was that. I can’t help that other people jumped on here said what they had to say. That’s their opinion they are entitled to it. Now hopefully this will be it because it’s not a big freaking deal. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
Cameron, give it a rest. I wrote a review, you told ur side of the story. I dont hobby to make people's day bad and I hate being the reason someone has a crappy day regardless of the circumstances. Even though am entertained by this thread, I'd say let's all get back to hobbying coz there is more to eccie than this. Anger, regardless of whether u r right or wrong, only messes with the person whose angry, and those stresses can creep up on u before u know it, which is why I say, give it a rest if u can.
Calling for a truce here for what it's worth on a hooker board. This much drama is why I quit sometimes.
You put another log on the fire and now you're trying to put it out?
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
LOL, you know Cameron will be along soon with the diesel.
I’m not the one that’s kept this shit going in case you haven’t noticed. I don’t really care what’s on here. And hell no why would I want to call a truce with somebody? I’m just going to ignore your ass like I’ve been doing. You couldn’t wait to hop on here after the ban you got. As soon as that was over- there you go commenting on this shit. Now I want you to go back through and count how many times I commeted and see if I’m the reason that this has kept going.
I’m not the one that’s kept this shit going in case you haven’t noticed. I don’t really care what’s on here. And hell no why would I want to call a truce with somebody? I’m just going to ignore your ass like I’ve been doing. You couldn’t wait to hop on here after the ban you got. As soon as that was over- there you go commenting on this shit. Now I want you to go back through and count how many times I commeted and see if I’m the reason that this has kept going. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
Only thing I got out of this cam host is you are pretty as foook! Shine Da Great likeeeeee! I'm going to be in your dms soon boo boo! If you have any problems call me because you know I have.............#MOD TIES. Family. Love. Honor. Respect. G shit. Real all day and twice on Saturday. Born Stunna. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez......
You put another log on the fire and now you're trying to put it out? Originally Posted by tbone2u
He makes no sense. Got banned from the other site because I had a no review policy. Then he brings the shit over here, just to be seen & heard. Writes his f***** up review & said what he had to say. He got banned here, as soon as his bancation was over, here- what do ya know- he hops on my post, where I’ve NEVER BEEN RUDE OR DISRESPECTFUL & bumps this by commenting. Then he comments again after the f***** up opinions he’s got ( we all have 1 or 2) & tries to call a damn truce? What? U just wrote a review, where a crap ton of guys are bashing my looks, weight etc, AND ur being friendly right along with them? Why does he want a truce with someone he had “such a bad time” with? Why not leave me tf alone?
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Maybe because you made a thread and gave him the platform?
Always best to ignore criticism, reacting only made it what it is.
Only thing I got out of this cam host is you are pretty as foook! Shine Da Great likeeeeee! I'm going to be in your dms soon boo boo! If you have any problems call me because you know I have.............#MOD TIES. Family. Love. Honor. Respect. G shit. Real all day and twice on Saturday. Born Stunna. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez...... Originally Posted by shinepro
Real all day & twice on Saturday! Lol THAT had me too tickled! Lol
Maybe because you made a thread and gave him the platform?
Always best to ignore criticism, reacting only made it what it is. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
So he can write a review about me, but I can’t in anyway shape or form write a rebuttal/review about him? Where is the fairness in that? Which is exactly why us ladies need our own area to write reviews on the gentleman. Seeing as how we can’t comment on the reviews that you are all right, and only can see a portion of it Lord knows what’s behind closed doors on those posts. Nowhere in any of this that I bash him. So now when ladies get their part to write reviews then you guys will be able to go in coed and write your rebuttal and get the heat that we do. This is all supposed to be a community or we can all indulge in our own personal certain things that we enjoy. And when a gentleman writes his review that’s an opinion and I get that. I am no way saying that his review is fake or that I don’t agree with that because that’s his opinion. Anyone that has met me knows that I am extremely nice, and extremely accommodating. But what I’m not gonna tolerate is people saying that my pictures are fake when they’re not, all of my pictures are within a couple of months old. No I don’t wear make up all the time because a lot of the gentleman used to ask me not to wear make up, I am extremely clean and take care of myself, so yes I choose to defend myself when these things are questioned. Everybody’s here to have fun so why can’t it be just that instead of The negativity? I wish everyone the best day, the best we can and the best future in the hobby ahead. I swear I am thinking about taking a break fairly soon, because I do have a real world life outside of this.
To dismiss any questions about me: im 5-4, or 5-5, 147, I do have curves, not a bbw. I’m 35 years old & if you as me: I look good! Self love & confidence is something that I do not lack! I don’t bash others, even if they do me, because that’s there opinion & speaks volumes. When I guy contacts a girl it’s oh my goodness you’re so beautiful this, you’re so beautiful that. When they arrive where ever the girl is, it’s oh my goodness you’re more beautiful than your pictures I can’t wait to have fun with you, I’ve always wanted to see you but just never had the chance to, etc. etc. So when the meeting doesn’t go the way that the other person has in mind, he of course goes and writes whatever he wants and doesn’t realize the impact that it’s going to have On the provider. I’ve got a pretty thick skin so it takes a lot to really just bother me. But the fact that he asked for a truce, yeah that’s never gonna happen. But I wish are you gentlemen the best weekend and I hope you all stay safe!
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
So he can write a review about me, but I can’t in anyway shape or form write a rebuttal/review about him? Where is the fairness in that? Which is exactly why us ladies need our own area to write reviews on the gentleman. Seeing as how we can’t comment on the reviews that you are all right, and only can see a portion of it Lord knows what’s behind closed doors on those posts. Nowhere in any of this that I bash him. So now when ladies get their part to write reviews then you guys will be able to go in coed and write your rebuttal and get the heat that we do. This is all supposed to be a community or we can all indulge in our own personal certain things that we enjoy. And when a gentleman writes his review that’s an opinion and I get that. I am no way saying that his review is fake or that I don’t agree with that because that’s his opinion. Anyone that has met me knows that I am extremely nice, and extremely accommodating. But what I’m not gonna tolerate is people saying that my pictures are fake when they’re not, all of my pictures are within a couple of months old. No I don’t wear make up all the time because a lot of the gentleman used to ask me not to wear make up, I am extremely clean and take care of myself, so yes I choose to defend myself when these things are questioned. Everybody’s here to have fun so why can’t it be just that instead of The negativity? I wish everyone the best day, the best we can and the best future in the hobby ahead. I swear I am thinking about taking a break fairly soon, because I do have a real world life outside of this. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
No you can refute anything you like.
It does no good, only harm.
It goes on forever if you respond.
How long have you been around?
How many successful provider rebuttals can you link?
I’ve read some very drawn out ones.
I'm with you Cameron. I think since px did his review here....the door has opened for ladies to do reviews on the guys. You may not have access to the same review format but I see no reason not to do one similar to the review px did.
Co-ed is open to both sex. I have already offered a review special and CK wants to take me up on the offer. I'm looking forward to her writing an honest review of me.