The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jesus Christ, all the news media pander to the simple minded of their own ilk. That do it for you? You're so fucking caught up in trying to peg me down that you're willing to take what I say and assume that because I say it, the exact opposite of what I say is what I don't believe. It's simplistic. What I buy is that the GOP saw a chance to further their cause by attaching the defunding of immigration to the DHS funding and as we see now, it's backfired on them. The democrats were perfectly willing to pass the DHS as is. Republicans attached the provisions. They're separate issues. They only did it because it feeds their base and the anti-obama frenzy they feed on daily. The fact of the matter is neither you or I are experts on constitutional law. The administration obviously feels it has legal precedent to take this action. I don't defend the idea of lying. Lying to the people by politicians is going to happen, whether I agree with it or not, whether I defend it or not. I'm not sure how bringing Bush up is somehow defending lying. He lied, I'm just pointing it out. Has Obama ever lied? Sure, he said this administration would be the most transparent ever and it's been business as usual. So what? The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Politicians lie. Where's the news? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

If this last post were not so pathetic it would be funny. Who in this White House is an expert on the Constitution? Obama? It was he who said 22 times publicly that he could not just grant amnesty. He did it anyway (or he is trying to ) and now it's legal???? Do you understand the term precedent? I do notice that you use a lot of words that you don't seem to understand and this is one. That would mean that some other president has done this? Who? Immigration laws are the responsibility of the Congress. That is the precedent.
Budman's Avatar
Rights' idea of compromise is the exact same. No I don't have a problem because it gets them out of the shadows and on the tax rolls, so no I don't have a problem with it. He obviously believes he does have the authority. Oh my god, he changed his mind. Let's all lose our shit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Seriously? He changed his mind and that makes it OK? Changing ones mind would be more like deciding not to play golf today not changing the law. He can change his mind not the fucking law.He repeatedly stated that the potus does not have the authority to give amnesty. This coming from a constitutional scholar and because the fucking baby didn't get his way it now becomes legal? Are you fucking kidding me. So you will be fine with a republican president changing any law he desires or is this option only ok for the dems?

As far as bringing the illegals out of the shadows and onto the tax rolls don't fucking count on it. They will continue to claim 10 dependents and pay zero in federal income tax. IMO more federal tax money will be spent on the illegals than will be collected from them.
southtown4488's Avatar
No it's not. It is a perfect comparison. Whether or not the right have more dumb, hateful, racist, sexist statements is purely partisan. IMO it's not even close. The left is filled with complete morons. Not all but a much higher percentage than the right. You really need to climb down off of your high horse and realize that both sides have an abundance of idiots. The difference in us is that I recognize the idiocy of many on the right and you make excuses for or try to explain away the morons on the left. I am so sick of hearing "Oh, that's just Joe being Joe" every time Joe Biden makes a stupid racist comment. Get over your moral superiority. It isn't working. Originally Posted by Budman
Im gonna ignore others boneheaded retorts cause they are clearly ok with being ignorant. You however have a point when u state Dems have made dumb comments, and im not denying that. my argument is that the right is clearly worse, example: Joe Biden lied about having a relative that worked in a coal mine, bonehead move for sure. GW Bush lied about a war that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, not to mention other casualties like lost limbs and lost sanity. Obama arguably lied about when he said - if ur happy with ur insurance u can keep it - in reference to the ACA. . . again compared to lying about a war. I don't think its unreasonable at all to state that Bushes lie is clearly FAR worse than Bidens or Obamas.

lets take gay rights for example, sure Clinton and Obama opposed gay marriage, thus opposing equal rights for Americans. Yes, I believe that was wrong, but both of their rhetoric was far more reasonable in tone, both have since come around to support it - and if u wanna say they only did so cause the political climate has changed. . . then fair enough, at least theyre now doing the right thing. There are far more Repubs who cling on to ignorance and fear and use hateful language toward gays, lgtb whatever term u wanna use. the contrast for me is clear and im sure im not gonna change ur mind with a few sentences but u seem like a more reasonable conservative, right wing, repub whatever term u prefer.
southtown4488's Avatar
The point is both sides are playing to their base. The dems want to fund Obama's executive order because their base is all for it. Apparently you don't have a problem with it even though Obama has repeatedly stated he does not have the authority to do it. That makes you no better than any other partisan hack. The libs idea of compromise is for the right to agree with them on every issue. Fuck that. Originally Posted by Budman
during the last Repub presidential primary at one of the debates about 8 repub candidates were asked if they would take a 10 to 1 deal on the budget. . . for every 10 dollars of cuts in spending they would only have to give up 1 dollar in increased revenue. . .would any of them oppose that 10 to 1 deal in their favor. well, every single one of them raised their hand, confirming they would turn down a deal 10 to 1 in their favor. . . clearly the Repubs of our time are FAR more unreasonable and stubborn than Dems.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Im gonna ignore others boneheaded retorts cause they are clearly ok with being ignorant. You however have a point when u state Dems have made dumb comments, and im not denying that. my argument is that the right is clearly worse, example: Joe Biden lied about having a relative that worked in a coal mine, bonehead move for sure. GW Bush lied about a war that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, not to mention other casualties like lost limbs and lost sanity. Obama arguably lied about when he said - if ur happy with ur insurance u can keep it - in reference to the ACA. . . again compared to lying about a war. I don't think its unreasonable at all to state that Bushes lie is clearly FAR worse than Bidens or Obamas.

lets take gay rights for example, sure Clinton and Obama opposed gay marriage, thus opposing equal rights for Americans. Yes, I believe that was wrong, but both of their rhetoric was far more reasonable in tone, both have since come around to support it - and if u wanna say they only did so cause the political climate has changed. . . then fair enough, at least theyre now doing the right thing. There are far more Repubs who cling on to ignorance and fear and use hateful language toward gays, lgtb whatever term u wanna use. the contrast for me is clear and im sure im not gonna change ur mind with a few sentences but u seem like a more reasonable conservative, right wing, repub whatever term u prefer.
Originally Posted by southtown4488
Saddam Hussein started a war, and UBL started a war, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard. So you lie when you claim that Bush lied to start a war, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard. And Bush's position regarding Iraq mirrored the U.N.'s, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard:

Resolution 1441 (2002)

Adopted by the United Nations Security Council at its 4644th meeting, on 8 November 2002

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,

Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its intention to implement it fully,

Recognizing the threat Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security,

Recalling that its resolution 678 (1990) authorized Member States to use all
necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990) and to restore international peace and security in the area,

Further recalling that its resolution 687 (1991) imposed obligations on Iraq as a necessary step for achievement of its stated objective of restoring international peace and security in the area,

Deploring the fact that Iraq has not provided an accurate, full, final, and
complete disclosure, as required by resolution 687 (1991), of all aspects of its programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles with a range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometres, and of all holdings of such weapons, their components and production facilities and locations, as well as all other nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to nuclear-weapons-usable material,

Deploring further that Iraq repeatedly obstructed immediate, unconditional,
and unrestricted access to sites designated by the United Nations Special
Commission (UNSCOM) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
failed to cooperate fully and unconditionally with UNSCOM and IAEA weapons inspectors, as required by resolution 687 (1991), and ultimately ceased all cooperation with UNSCOM and the IAEA in 1998,

Deploring also that the Government of Iraq has failed to comply with its commitments pursuant to resolution 687 (1991) with regard to terrorism, pursuant to resolution 688 (1991) to end repression of its civilian population and to provide access by international humanitarian organizations to all those in need of assistance in Iraq, and pursuant to resolutions 686 (1991), 687 (1991), and 1284 (1999) to return or cooperate in accounting for Kuwaiti and third country nationals wrongfully detained by Iraq, or to return Kuwaiti property wrongfully seized by Iraq,

Recalling that in its resolution 687 (1991) the Council declared that a ceasefire would be based on acceptance by Iraq of the provisions of that resolution, including the obligations on Iraq contained therein....

Determined to secure full compliance with its decisions,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Decides that Iraq has been and remains in material breach of its obligations under relevant resolutions, including resolution 687 (1991), in particular through Iraq’s failure to cooperate with United Nations inspectors and the IAEA, and to complete the actions required under paragraphs 8 to 13 of resolution 687 (1991);
BTW, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard, it was Odumbo who said there were 58 states, and it was dim-retards who said man had landed on Mars and that too many troops on Guam might cause it "tip over", and it was Odumbo who first claimed he was born in Kenya:

Budman's Avatar
Im gonna ignore others boneheaded retorts cause they are clearly ok with being ignorant. You however have a point when u state Dems have made dumb comments, and im not denying that. my argument is that the right is clearly worse, example: Joe Biden lied about having a relative that worked in a coal mine, bonehead move for sure. GW Bush lied about a war that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, not to mention other casualties like lost limbs and lost sanity. Obama arguably lied about when he said - if ur happy with ur insurance u can keep it - in reference to the ACA. . . again compared to lying about a war. I don't think its unreasonable at all to state that Bushes lie is clearly FAR worse than Bidens or Obamas.

lets take gay rights for example, sure Clinton and Obama opposed gay marriage, thus opposing equal rights for Americans. Yes, I believe that was wrong, but both of their rhetoric was far more reasonable in tone, both have since come around to support it - and if u wanna say they only did so cause the political climate has changed. . . then fair enough, at least theyre now doing the right thing. There are far more Repubs who cling on to ignorance and fear and use hateful language toward gays, lgtb whatever term u wanna use. the contrast for me is clear and im sure im not gonna change ur mind with a few sentences but u seem like a more reasonable conservative, right wing, repub whatever term u prefer. Originally Posted by southtown4488

You and many libs like to claim Bush lied about WMD's just so he could invade Iraq. It's funny how he is the liar when every intelligent agency supported this viewpoint. Just about every dem in congress voted for the invasion. Many were included in the intelligent briefings and agreed with the conclusion that Iraq had WMD's. His history of using WMD's and his boasting about having WMD's also led to the almost unanimous conclusion that Iraq had WMD's. Yet the only person who lied is Bush. IMO Iraq moved his stockpile to Syria but that is beside the point. The libs seem to forget that most of the world believed the reports about WMD's. This blaming Bush is purely a partisan hack job and their attempt to change history.

The right's belief that marriage is between a man and a woman are founded in their religious beliefs. Many opposed calling it a marriage but were willing to accept a civil union or other name. They felt it degraded their belief of what marriage is. The left has turned this into the right hates gays. Some do but some libs hate gays as well. Hate for any specific group is not exclusive to one side or the other. The libs like to tout themselves as enlightened and accepting of everyone. That is unless you are conservative or don't fall in lock step with their beliefs.

I know we will never agree on any of this but just like you believe that Bush lied and all conservatives are hateful I believe that liberals for the most part are foolish and love to abide by the "do as I say not as I do" principle. They refuse to acknowledge their hypocrisy even when confronted with evidence. The typical response is to pull out the race card or as you did claim Bush's lie was worse.

This forum has some interesting viewpoints but unfortunately most threads turn into juvenile name calling within about a page and a half.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
during the last Repub presidential primary at one of the debates about 8 repub candidates were asked if they would take a 10 to 1 deal on the budget. . . for every 10 dollars of cuts in spending they would only have to give up 1 dollar in increased revenue. . .would any of them oppose that 10 to 1 deal in their favor. well, every single one of them raised their hand, confirming they would turn down a deal 10 to 1 in their favor. . . clearly the Repubs of our time are FAR more unreasonable and stubborn than Dems. Originally Posted by southtown4488 didn't give the context. I remember that event. You know what lying by omission means don't you.
Seriously? He changed his mind and that makes it OK? Changing ones mind would be more like deciding not to play golf today not changing the law. He can change his mind not the fucking law.He repeatedly stated that the potus does not have the authority to give amnesty. This coming from a constitutional scholar and because the fucking baby didn't get his way it now becomes legal? Are you fucking kidding me. So you will be fine with a republican president changing any law he desires or is this option only ok for the dems?

As far as bringing the illegals out of the shadows and onto the tax rolls don't fucking count on it. They will continue to claim 10 dependents and pay zero in federal income tax. IMO more federal tax money will be spent on the illegals than will be collected from them. Originally Posted by Budman
I didn't know you were the expert on what someone can change their mind about. He obviously feels he has the law in his side. Being that he graduated from Harvard, I'll go with him over you. didn't give the context. I remember that event. You know what lying by omission means don't you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You didn't provide the context...
Budman's Avatar
I didn't know you were the expert on what someone can change their mind about. He obviously feels he has the law in his side. Being that he graduated from Harvard, I'll go with him over you. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Changing his mind doesn't make it legal. I don't believe for one second he cares if the law is on his side. He looks at himself as the supreme leader and what he says goes. If you don't give him what he wants he'll just take it. He is a pos and is the worst president this country has every had. That's quite a feat considering he was battling a fucking peanut farmer for the title.
You didn't provide the context... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Here is your "CONTEXT" undercunt...
lustylad's Avatar
....He obviously believes he does have the authority. Oh my god, he changed his mind. Let's all lose our shit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well you know, undercunt, it really has nothing to do with what the Constitution says or precedent or judicial review or who controls the nation's purse strings or anything like that.... it just depends on whether you're outside looking in or inside looking out.... by the way, weren't you in the audience applauding when Barry said this:

OMG now he's inside looking out so he changed his mind! Let's all lose our shit! Those republicans are so freakin' hysterical! They act like Barry shouldn't be allowed to change his mind anytime, anywhere, any issue! Does anyone really give a shit about what he said yesterday?

Here is your "CONTEXT" undercunt... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
that's someone's opinion. It doesn't equate to context. He sounds like a lunatic btw. Explains a lot about why you sound the way you do.
Well you know, undercunt, it really has nothing to do with what the Constitution says or precedent or judicial review or who controls the nation's purse strings or anything like that.... it just depends on whether you're outside looking in or inside looking out.... by the way, weren't you in the audience applauding when Barry said this:

OMG now he's inside looking out so he changed his mind! Let's all lose our shit! Those republicans are so freakin' hysterical! They act like Barry shouldn't be allowed to change his mind anytime, anywhere, any issue! Does anyone really give a shit about what he said yesterday?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Because no president has ever changed positions... your anger is almost comical. The president is granted the power to issue executive orders by the constitution. Just because you don't like the president or what the order pertains to, doesn't change that fact. Go cry a fucking river. He's still trailing Bush by 100 and Clinton by a larger margin than that.

Executive orders have the full force of law when they take authority from a legislative power which grants its power directly to the Executive by the Constitution, OR are made pursuant to Acts of Congress that explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power