Is Matt Gaetz Dumb, or Mentally Retarded?

  • pxmcc
  • 04-21-2021, 08:01 AM
Sicknick was taken to the ER hours after the riots. IIRC his brother said he had a text conversation with him sometime in the evening. Sicknick told his brother he had been pepper sprayed but he was OK. Some time later he collapsed and was given CPR then taken to the ER. That's when it was discovered he had a blood clot and had a stroke. His brother was relaying that as early as the day he died yet some of the media continued to push that he was bludgeoned to death. Hell, weeks later, when it was known what happened the House managers used the NYT story in the impeachment proceedings knowing it was incorrect.
That's my point about biased media. It's dangerous. And for VM the solution is that we need to be our own individual critics of what we read or listen to and when we see this kind of "journalism" taking place we need to factor that dishonesty into anything we consume from that source going forward. Consider it "tabloid journalism" and consume accordingly.

I can see exactly why Barr was pissed at Keefe and threatened to fire him.

Barr was trying hard to stay out of voter fraud investigations and Gaetz was the one who brought up the theory to Trump. Keefe was trying to push his theory inside the DOJ and was getting no where. Gaetz brought up Keefe's theory to Trump when Trump expressed concerns about election integrity and told him that Keefe was getting push-back. I'm sure Trump had a conversation with Barr about it at some point. It can be possible that Barr did threaten to fire Keefe and also allowed an investigation to go down the Gaetz rabbit hole.

It looks to me like Gaetz probably was playing around. Not illegal just not a good look. It also looks like he was smart enough to give himself plausible deniability such as not making direct payments and having SD/sb relationships rather than P4P which also is not illegal. The trafficking (taking a girl across state lines) is what has the FBI involved. So they were on the same flight going somewhere. Did Gaetz book her ticket? Did she receive any money from him or were they just in the same town at the same time? Maybe she was going for a porn audition to the same city that Gaetz was on a junket to. Plausible deniability.

Greenberg is in trouble. If Greenberg were to turn on Gaetz there is the whole credibility issue investigators and eventually prosecutors have to deal with. There are 20+ women claiming that Deshaun Watson was inappropriate with them. That took about a week. It's been weeks now with Gaetz and no woman has come forward to accuse Gaetz of anything inappropriate. Isn't this the Me Too era?

Like I said before, supposedly this girl in question is now a porn starlet. She could make a quick name for herself in that industry if she were to come forward. What's she got to lose? That's why it doesn't all add up and unless she or some other woman comes out and makes some solid accusations I don't think the FBI can get very far with Gaetz. In fact, the whole topic is kind of going stale in the media which tells me the FBI may have reached a dead end.

Then there is the whole extortion angle which has to be sorted out. Was it extortion? Is Gaetz paying the price? This Kent guy asking for the money admits saying "Matt Gaetz is in need of good publicity, and I’m in need of $25 million to rescue Robert Levinson," He also said a lot of other things that make it not sound like extortion but who knows?
Again, I think that unless this girl flips or some connections can be made that absolutely prove that Gaetz paid for her trip then this will come down to the voters deciding next year. I also think Gaetz's seat is probably pretty solid. Originally Posted by boardman
agree or disagree, sir, well said..

if the lawmakers left and right could have a civil discussion based on facts-such as this-i think we could actually make america great again..
Most likely yes. Originally Posted by boardman
So just to be clear - the question is whether Russia worked to influence the election with the knowledge or help of Trump (aka "collusion").

The fact that Russia worked to influence the election for Trump without his knowledge or "unrelated"?
LexusLover's Avatar
The fact that Russia worked to influence the election for Trump without his knowledge or "unrelated"? Originally Posted by preggolover89
It is "unrelated" to anyone who fabricates accusations.

Sometime in the past 10 years many deranged partisans began to modify our jurisprudence to accommodate the prosecution of "thoughts" without any factually supported activity to implement those thoughts into criminal behavior.

For an extremely long time beginning during the temporary agreement to join with the Russians to defeat the Germans/Hitler the Russians were attempting to influence political and social activity in this country, which warmed up the Cold War at times.

I can remember THE DAY that the Russian missile crisis came to a confrontation on the sea. The streets where I was living were vacant for all practical purposes. And it was quiet. John Kennedy was President.

What does that have to do with Gaetz? Rewriting history is not one of his talents or desires. In 2015 and 2016 there was only one political party "colluding" with the Russians. It's ridiculous to deny it.

  • pxmcc
  • 04-22-2021, 06:15 AM
It is "unrelated" to anyone who fabricates accusations.

Sometime in the past 10 years many deranged partisans began to modify our jurisprudence to accommodate the prosecution of "thoughts" without any factually supported activity to implement those thoughts into criminal behavior.

For an extremely long time beginning during the temporary agreement to join with the Russians to defeat the Germans/Hitler the Russians were attempting to influence political and social activity in this country, which warmed up the Cold War at times.

I can remember THE DAY that the Russian missile crisis came to a confrontation on the sea. The streets where I was living were vacant for all practical purposes. And it was quiet. John Kennedy was President.

What does that have to do with Gaetz? Rewriting history is not one of his talents or desires. In 2015 and 2016 there was only one political party "colluding" with the Russians. It's ridiculous to deny it.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is is one thing to exaggerate a bit, which I can overlook, but it's another thing to straight up gaslight. Was the insurrection on January 6th carried out by Antifa, and were the insurrectionists who weren't Antifa greeted as best friends by the Capitol police as well? Were the non-Antifa crowd all peaceful protesters? Was Trump the real winner of the 2020 election? Is the sky actually green, not blue, because of an optical illusion?

A Secretary of State should hold diplomatic discussions with just about any regime, short of an Al-Qaeda or an Islamic State, which is exactly what Clinton did.

What Trump did was heinous. He asked for and received help from the Russian intelligence services to benefit his own elections, and then spent his whole 4 years in office lying about Russia.

Strange, don't you think, that Trump never wanted any of his conversations with the Russians transcribed, even though that is standard operating procedure for the president. His own CIA gave him bullet points to raise with Putin on phone calls on more than one occasion, and he completely ignored them. His own intelligence services told him not to congratulate Putin on his election win, which was 100% a scam, and what did he do? He called Putin to congratulate him on his (sham) electoral win. In a press conference, he publicly accepted Putin's story over his own intelligence services that Putin didn't interfere in the 2016 election, even though Trump knew full well the Russians did, courtesy of Roger Stone's late night phone calls to Trump through Stone's contacts with the scumbag running wikileaks. I could go on and on, which if you call bs, I will, but the bottom line is Trump was Putin's bitch from before he won office until the day he was kicked out after one term.

What about the bounties that Putin was paying to the Taliban and maybe even Islamic State for the scalps of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Did Trump investigate? Nope. Did the Republicans in Congress investigate? Nope. That's treason, pure and simple. If you want me to quote the definition of treason from its references in the U.S. Constitution and federal statutes, let me know, and I'd be happy to oblige.

How does this impact the Gaetz situation? Well Gaetz is a Republican, and a sizable percentage of the GOP went soft on Russia. Hard on China, but soft on Russia. That doesn't make any sense, for any loyal American to admit that China is a clear and present danger-which it is-and somehow think and say that Russia is lilly white means either that they're stupid, which I don't believe, or like Trump, they are willing to sell out America for political power. That's what Trump did, he sold out America to the Russians for political power, not on one occasion, but again, and again, and again.

Hopefully Gaetz hasn't made any back channel deals with Putin. Anyone who does is not a loyal American. Putin is, among many other things, a cold-blooded murderer. He should be indicted in the Haag and tried for murder in the International Criminal Court like any other garden-variety war criminal who has committed crimes against humanity.
VitaMan's Avatar
When so many issues are discussed in one thread, it really "Gets" confusing.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-22-2021, 07:35 AM
When so many issues are discussed in one thread, it really "Gets" confusing. Originally Posted by VitaMan
well i gotcha but i believe in the principle of "no gaslight left behind"..
CryptKicker's Avatar
When so many issues are discussed in one thread, it really "Gaetz" confusing. Originally Posted by VitaMan
fixed it for you
LexusLover's Avatar
Strange, don't you think, that Trump never wanted any of his conversations with the Russians transcribed, even though that is standard operating procedure for the president.

His own CIA gave ... Originally Posted by pxmcc
Is that why you opened this thread by ridiculing Gaetz?


How would you know?

Oh, do you know why the Russian is laughing his ass off at the so-called "Secretary of State"?
  • pxmcc
  • 04-22-2021, 05:09 PM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1062434542]Is that why you opened this thread by ridiculing Gaetz?

he paid his gals by cashapp and venmo

How would you know?

Oh, do you know why the Russian is laughing his ass off at the so-called "Secretary of State"?
it looks to me like they both are laughing at something funny. diplomats converse as part of their jobs
Russ38's Avatar
Hopefully Gaetz hasn't made any back channel deals with Putin....Anyone who does is not a loyal American. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Does Ukraine count as well?
  • pxmcc
  • 04-22-2021, 09:41 PM
Does Ukraine count as well? Originally Posted by Russ38
lol sir..

no Ukraine and Kazakhstan get a free pass, no worries..
  • pxmcc
  • 04-23-2021, 03:24 AM
LexusLover's Avatar

Webster: "a boorish, crass, or stupid person"
  • pxmcc
  • 04-23-2021, 09:19 AM

Webster: "a boorish, crass, or stupid person" Originally Posted by LexusLover
well there's that..

is it YA hoo or ya HOO? always wondered about that. personally i prefer ya HOO..
LexusLover's Avatar
You quote "em as "authority," which is about like calling HillariousNoMore a "Secretary of State" ....! Wasn't that her title when an Ambassador was abusively slaughtered?

The more the op posts in "his thread" the more it seems as though Gaetz has been correct all these years.

He's a single man isn't he? Pussy chasing is good.