Assholes's Speech

Dude, you need to learn that nobody is gonna please everybody - ain't gonna happen. I don't agree with everything President Trump says but -- he is our President and I support him. If you don't support him than perhaps you might want to support the Democrats the next time they have someone to run for President --- That is how you can get your man in the White House---I have my man in the White House now because I helped get him there....hint...hint....

Always good for a laugh

Conway: Trump Victims Include “Victims Of Trump University, Victims Of Trump In Atlantic City.”

Kellyanne Conway praised anti-Trump messaging, saying it’s that “gotten better” because people are “starting to talk about victims of Trump University, victims of Trump in Atlantic City.” Conway also continued highlighting Trump’s hypocrisy in claiming that he is “for the little guy,” when really he has built his business “on the backs of the little guy.” Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Kellyanne does not have an easy job. To support Trump, she has to make up shit like "The Bowling Green Massacre” and "Alternative Facts".

Things were easier a year ago, when all she just had to do was tell the truth:
Conway highlighting Trump’s hypocrisy in claiming that he is “for the little guy,” when really he has built his business “on the backs of the little guy.”
Little Monster's Avatar
Well, she does have an office in the West Wing - and since you don't think she did "shit" -- let me ask you - Where is your office????
Actually, she did a lot. She got her man elected and that's really all that matters in the game. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Sooooooo I throw facts in your face and the best you can come back with is a pathetic attempt at a personal put down?? Not only is that juvenile & weak minded, that is just flat out boring & lame.

If you must know sweetheart my office is located on Royston ln. in Pflugerville, would you like to swing by and join me for lunch sometime this week, my treat? And I'm being serious, I have never been one to shy away from coming out from behind the keyboard, plus you are old enough to qualify for a senior citizen discount, every little bit helps you know.

Let me ask, where is YOUR office located??????? Oh that's right, you've never held a REAL job much less have your own office. Week in week out your ads receive the lowest view count by a wide margin. Perhaps you should spend more time @ Planet Fitness instead spending all your free time making a complete ass of yourself trying to defend asshole on here.

Now back to Bimbo Conway. Can you please provide some kind of literature that back's your mouth up about Bimbo single handedly winning the election for asshole?? I mean she wasn't even Assholes first pick to run that campaign , he didn't choose her until after the first two folded.

FACT: The main reason Asshole got elected was purely due to a lack of voter turn out. Now you can choose to Ignore that fact, but that would make you IGNORant now wouldn't it?

And speaking of that train wreck of a campaign, it has just come out today that that same campaign that Bimbo Conway helped run has been under Criminal Investigation. So, since you credited her for the victory, are you gonna credit her for getting Asshole and his colleagues into hot water with the FBI??? Gotta take the bad along with good darlin.

I cannot wait for this administration to fall flat on its ugly face, I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it. I hope N. Korea, Russia, and China get together and fuck us up royally, we damn well deserve it after electing that sorry sack of shit, I'm not afraid to say it!!
OMG that's too funny - are you really keeping tract of my view counts? Hell I don't even do that. You seriously need to get a life - I mean that sincerely - not really - hehe.

Sooooooo I throw facts in your face and the best you can come back with is a pathetic attempt at a personal put down?? Not only is that juvenile & weak minded, that is just flat out boring & lame.

If you must know sweetheart my office is located on Royston ln. in Pflugerville, would you like to swing by and join me for lunch sometime this week, my treat? And I'm being serious, I have never been one to shy away from coming out from behind the keyboard, plus you are old enough to qualify for a senior citizen discount, every little bit helps you know.

Let me ask, where is YOUR office located??????? Oh that's right, you've never held a REAL job much less have your own office. Week in week out your ads receive the lowest view count by a wide margin. Perhaps you should spend more time @ Planet Fitness instead spending all your free time making a complete ass of yourself trying to defend asshole on here.

Now back to Bimbo Conway. Can you please provide some kind of literature that back's your mouth up about Bimbo single handedly winning the election for asshole?? I mean she wasn't even Assholes first pick to run that campaign , he didn't choose her until after the first two folded.

FACT: The main reason Asshole got elected was purely due to a lack of voter turn out. Now you can choose to Ignore that fact, but that would make you IGNORant now wouldn't it?

And speaking of that train wreck of a campaign, it has just come out today that that same campaign that Bimbo Conway helped run has been under Criminal Investigation. So, since you credited her for the victory, are you gonna credit her for getting Asshole and his colleagues into hot water with the FBI??? Gotta take the bad along with good darlin.

I cannot wait for this administration to fall flat on its ugly face, I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it. I hope N. Korea, Russia, and China get together and fuck us up royally, we damn well deserve it after electing that sorry sack of shit, I'm not afraid to say it!! Originally Posted by Little Monster
And while we are at it - do you ever see me in the snach tread? Nooooo- how about the ISO's? Nooooope. Hehe - gotta love that low view count - it quality guys that I got. I never really looked. Honestly. But thank you for pointing it out. Ima gonna keep my same advertising posts. You just verified what I'm doing works.
Little Monster's Avatar
OMG that's too funny - are you really keeping tract of my view counts? Hell I don't even do that. You seriously need to get a life - I mean that sincerely - not really - hehe. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ummmmmmmmm darlin, in case you have never noticed, when any thread gets posted on this board whether it be an ad, review, or discussion thread there is a little envelope icon to the left. Now this little envelope changes color to red when it reaches a certain view count.
And it is pretty damn obvious who's ads get the least view counts when I go into the Provider ad section and the ONLY ad in the entire forum that hasn't changed color is YOURS!!

Now, what are your thoughts about Asshole's entire campaign being under criminal investigation, including your girl Bimbo Ann Conway??
I'll get back to you later-- I'm reading AARP right now..than I gotta get to bed...hehe

Ummmmmmmmm darlin, in case you have never noticed, when any thread gets posted on this board whether it be an ad, review, or discussion thread there is a little envelope icon to the left. Now this little envelope changes color to red when it reaches a certain view count.
And it is pretty damn obvious who's ads get the least view counts when I go into the Provider ad section and the ONLY ad in the entire forum that hasn't changed color is YOURS!!

Now, what are your thoughts about Asshole's entire campaign being under criminal investigation, including your girl Bimbo Ann Conway?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
lustylad's Avatar
Now back to Bimbo Conway. Can you please provide some kind of literature that back's (sic) your mouth up about Bimbo single handedly winning the election for asshole?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
It sure looks like "Bimbo Conway" must have done something right. I mean, how else do you explain the fact that among white female voters, her candidate (the pussy grabber) beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
It sure looks like "Bimbo Conway" must have done something right. I mean, how else do you explain the fact that among white female voters, her candidate (the pussy grabber) beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points? Originally Posted by lustylad
Trump lost the Female vote by a wide margin. But all Trump and his supporters really care about is white people. It is a consistent and disgraceful message.
Trump lost the Female vote by a wide margin. But all Trump and his supporters really care about is white people. It is a consistent and disgraceful message. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cappy, you are as white as they come; you should be happy that Trump supporters care about you.
I don't think Dr. Ben Carson got this message.

Trump lost the Female vote by a wide margin. But all Trump and his supporters really care about is white people. It is a consistent and disgraceful message. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
lustylad's Avatar
Trump lost the Female vote by a wide margin. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Your white female candidate lost her own demographic by 10 percentage points to a pussy grabber. Can't explain that, can you crunchyass?

Trump won a larger % of black and hispanic voters than Romney did. He went to Detroit and other dimotard disaster areas and didn't write off their votes. But then, by definition only lib-retards like you are allowed to "really care" about people who aren't white.
I don't think Dr. Ben Carson got this message. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You got him. You named one black person. Trump is overwhelmingly disliked by the African American community. And his budget cuts shows he doesn't care about African Americans anyway. So maybe there's a reason for the community to feel he's not looking out for all Americans.
Little Monster's Avatar
It sure looks like "Bimbo Conway" must have done something right. I mean, how else do you explain the fact that among white female voters, her candidate (the pussy grabber) beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points? Originally Posted by lustylad
Can you please provide any information stating that Bimbo Ann Conway was single handedly responsible for that. Or are you just being another typical Conservatard Asshat who spits shit out with nothing to back it up?
Little Monster's Avatar
Your white female candidate lost her own demographic by 10 percentage points to a pussy grabber. Can't explain that, can you crunchyass?

Trump won a larger % of black and hispanic voters than Romney did. He went to Detroit and other dimotard disaster areas and didn't write off their votes. But then, by definition only lib-retards like you are allowed to "really care" about people who aren't white. Originally Posted by lustylad
Can you please provide information stating that Bimbo Ann Conway was personally responsible for bringing Asshole all these minority votes. Or are you just being a typical Conservatard Asshat who tries to change subject cause you can't provide any information backing up your other stupid shit