Rubio is the GOP Flavor of the Week

  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 04:03 PM
Is that the best you can do, Old Twerp? Accuse anyone who challenges the idea that homosexuality is cool and mainstream of being a bigot or a closet gay or “insecure about his sexuality”? That's so cliché. All you have are old, hackneyed, knee-jerk straw-man retorts. I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy. I don't want to make gays disappear. I'm not insecure about my sexuality. No one needs to wear their sexual orientation on their sleeve or engage in ostentatious public displays of affection with the same or the opposite sex. If I see two men kissing in public, I don't feel “threatened” but I am repulsed. I can't help it. As the gays like to say, that's the way I am. I was born that way. Does my instinctive revulsion make me a bigot? The same people who condemn gay conversion programs want people like me to deny who I am because it doesn't meet their definition of political correctness.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Don't try to change the argument to save your buttboys ass, you stupid fuck.

No one said that you feeling uncomfortable at two guys kissing makes you a bigot. I feel the same way.
What makes you a bigot is actively trying to protest against it and have it removed from society as if it has anything to do with you. Not allowing them to marry qualifies as active protest against their basic human rights. Keep sucking IB's dick and pretending not to love it.
lustylad's Avatar
What makes you a bigot is actively trying to protest against it and have it removed from society as if it has anything to do with you. Not allowing them to marry qualifies as active protest against their basic human rights. Originally Posted by shanm
Wrong, shamfucker. I just said in response to old twerp's straw-man argument that I don't want to make gays disappear. I don't have any illusions that homosexuality will ever be "removed from society" either. Whatever happened to civil unions anyway? I'm not engaging in "active protest" against the status quo. The LGBT lobby is doing it. When they started demanding the right to call civil unions "marriage" they crossed the line and forced normally tolerant people to stand up and say that defiles the meaning of the word. But every time anyone tries to articulate this viewpoint they get scorned, harassed and shouted down by the LGBT lobby which behaves exactly like old twerp is doing - why, you must be a hate-filled bigot or a closet gay!
Is that the best you can do, Old Twerp? Accuse anyone who challenges the idea that homosexuality is cool and mainstream of being a bigot or a closet gay or “insecure about his sexuality”? That's so cliché. All you have are old, hackneyed, knee-jerk straw-man retorts. I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy. I don't want to make gays disappear. I'm not insecure about my sexuality. No one needs to wear their sexual orientation on their sleeve or engage in ostentatious public displays of affection with the same or the opposite sex. If I see two men kissing in public, I don't feel “threatened” but I am repulsed. I can't help it. As the gays like to say, that's the way I am. I was born that way. Does my instinctive revulsion make me an intolerant bigot? The same people who condemn gay conversion programs want people like me to deny who I am because my reactions don't meet their definition of political correctness.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why do republicans always have to bring 'cool' into it? Is it because they feel so 'uncool'? It's not cool, dipshit. Was it cool to let women vote? To free blacks from slavery? No, it was RIGHT.

Hackneyed? Knee-jerk? Like being repulsed at two gays kissing? What I find interesting is that if it were two girls, you'd be all for it. Even though they want nothing to do with you. Are you afraid the men would try and recruit you or something?
Wrong, shamfucker. I just said in response to old twerp's straw-man argument that I don't want to make gays disappear. I don't have any illusions that homosexuality will ever be "removed from society" either. Whatever happened to civil unions anyway? I'm not engaging in "active protest" against the status quo. The LGBT lobby is doing it. When they started demanding the right to call civil unions "marriage" they crossed the line and forced normally tolerant people to stand up and say that defiles the meaning of the word. But every time anyone tries to articulate this viewpoint they get scorned, harassed and shouted down by the LGBT lobby which behaves exactly like old twerp is doing - why, you must be a hate-filled bigot or a closet gay! Originally Posted by lustylad
Crossed the line. The majority actually supports gay marriage. And has since at least 2010. Your ability to articulate what you think is a valid point, doesn't remove the possibility of scorn being directed at you for it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't try to deflect from what you said, you illiterate piece of shit. You said, and I quote:

This means that you believe that just because society chastised homos for 2000 years automatically makes homosexuality deviant or abnormal. Blacks were also disrespected and marginalized for the majority of those 2000 years you cite as incontrovertible proof. That means that you believe blacks are also "deviant" and slavery was the "normal" function which we should return to.

I know that none of this actually offends you, but you should know that most people with a normal functioning brain would squirm at absolute proof that they are nothing more than a racist, cum-guzzling fuck. But you wear that crown proudly. It's the only thing you're good at. IBBigot
Originally Posted by shanm
You'd be the illiterate piece of shit trying to justify your POV without incontrovertible scientific proof, shamman, much like the 19th century slave traders tried to argue the biological inferiority of one race to another in the face of evidence to the contrary. You have not cited where any same sex couple has procreated "naturally" to substantiate your mandate that everyone should accept your claim that such deviant behavior is any way normal or natural, shamman. BTW, shamman, you're the one who is deflecting. You have yet to answer the question: "Where's your scientific study proffering incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is genetic, shamman?"

Says the stupid fuck who replied to a emoticon for two months. LMAO. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Once again, Ekim the Inbred Chimp stupidly claims an emoticon hijacked his handle on a SHMB.

Don't try to change the argument to save your buttboys ass, you stupid fuck.

No one said that you feeling uncomfortable at two guys kissing makes you a bigot. I feel the same way.
What makes you a bigot is actively trying to protest against it and have it removed from society as if it has anything to do with you. Not allowing them to marry qualifies as active protest against their basic human rights. Keep sucking IB's dick and pretending not to love it
Originally Posted by shanm
It's always amusing to see a hypocritical asshole like you using disparaging homo insults to defend the LBGT crowd, shamman.
You'd be the illiterate piece of shit trying to justify your POV without incontrovertible scientific proof, shamman, much like the 19th century slave traders tried to argue the biological inferiority of one race to another in the face of evidence to the contrary. You have not cited where any same sex couple has procreated "naturally" to substantiate your mandate that everyone should accept your claim that such deviant behavior is any way normal or natural, shamman. BTW, shamman, you're the one who is deflecting. You have yet to answer the question: "Where's your scientific study proffering incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is genetic, shamman?"

Once again, Ekim the Inbred Chimp stupidly claims an emoticon hijacked his handle on a SHMB.

It's always amusing to see a hypocritical asshole like you using disparaging homo insults to defend the LBGT crowd, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You have yet to answer the question why procreation is the hurdle that homosexuality has to clear in order to be 'normal'.
lustylad's Avatar
Why do republicans always have to bring 'cool' into it? Is it because they feel so 'uncool'? It's not cool, dipshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It has nothing to do with republicans, you faux-progressive libtard shitbrain. Hollywood defines (or tries to define) what is "cool". Look at how cool it is for a straight actor to play a gay role. Too bad you aren't cool, undercunt. I heard Matt Damon beat you out for the part in that Liberace movie.

Hackneyed? Knee-jerk? Like being repulsed at two gays kissing? ... Are you afraid the men would try and recruit you or something? Originally Posted by WombRaider
There you go - make my point. Just like old twerp, you revert to the same old hackneyed, knee-jerk argument of saying I must feel "threatened".

  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 05:02 PM
Wrong, shamfucker. I just said in response to old twerp's straw-man argument that I don't want to make gays disappear. I don't have any illusions that homosexuality will ever be "removed from society" either. Whatever happened to civil unions anyway? I'm not engaging in "active protest" against the status quo. The LGBT lobby is doing it. When they started demanding the right to call civil unions "marriage" they crossed the line and forced normally tolerant people to stand up and say that defiles the meaning of the word. But every time anyone tries to articulate this viewpoint they get scorned, harassed and shouted down by the LGBT lobby which behaves exactly like old twerp is doing - why, you must be a hate-filled bigot or a closet gay! Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, I can totally see how calling myself civilly united instead of married would not make me feel inferior and/or discriminated against. Jesus Christ, how fucking stupid can people be.

Marriage IS NOT a christian word. It precedes Christianity, and even today is performed all around the world among all kinds of people, religious or non religious.
So what exactly then, is your argument against two guys or two girls getting married? And for heaven's sake don't use the "societal norm" bullshit. Your dipshit in arms IBWanker has already had his ass handed to him on that point.
It has nothing to do with republicans, you faux-progressive libtard shitbrain. Hollywood defines (or tries to define) what is "cool". Look at how cool it is for a straight actor to play a gay role. Too bad you aren't cool enough, undercunt. I heard Matt Damon beat you out for the part in that Liberace movie.

There you go - make my point. Just like old twerp, you revert to the same old hackneyed, knee-jerk argument of saying I must feel "threatened".

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Wait a minute. I've got other people calling me a liberal hypocrite. Now you're saying I'm just a faux progressive liberal. I'm so confused. Who said it was cool for a straight actor to play a gay role? Who the fuck listens to what hollywood says? Jesus Christ, you're taking your cues from hollywood now? It's not cool, it's what is right.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You have yet to answer the question why procreation is the hurdle that homosexuality has to clear in order to be 'normal'. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You should have learned the answer to that question when you took high school biology, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and you haven't produced your scientific study proffering incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is genetic, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Yes, I can totally see how calling myself civilly united instead of married would not make me feel inferior and/or discriminated against. Jesus Christ, how fucking stupid can people be.

Marriage IS NOT a christian word. It precedes Christianity, and even today is performed all around the world among all kinds of people, religious or non religious.
So what exactly then, is your argument against two guys or two girls getting married? And for heaven's sake don't use the "societal norm" bullshit. Your dipshit in arms IBWanker has already had his ass handed to him on that point.
Originally Posted by shanm
The preponderance of historical fact -- 2,000 years vs 20 yrs of fallacious advocacy -- proves you're a liar, shamman.
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 05:16 PM
much like the 19th century slave traders tried to argue the biological inferiority of one race to another in the face of evidence to the contrary.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If you look closely, its you that is the slave trader in this (stupid) analogy. Would you like me to quote it again?
Two thousand years of historic, legal precedence in Western society trumps your lying, LBGT misinformation campaign every day of the week, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're saying that just because society says (said) it's one way, then that is definitely the way it is. Well, for more than 90% of your "two thousand years" society said that slavery was okay. Is that not clear enough for you, you thick-headed moron.

"Where's your scientific study proffering incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is genetic, shamman?" Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Would you like to quote me on where I said there was a scientific study?

You are a fucking dipshit. When proven wrong you jump automatically on hypotheticals and made-up bullshit.
You're so stupid you're not even worth the time to argue with. Making fun of you is pointless because it takes you the rest of the day to figure it out. In other words, you are absolutely fucking useless.
You'd be the illiterate piece of shit trying to justify your POV without incontrovertible scientific proof, shamman, much like the 19th century slave traders tried to argue the biological inferiority of one race to another in the face of evidence to the contrary. You have not cited where any same sex couple has procreated "naturally" to substantiate your mandate that everyone should accept your claim that such deviant behavior is any way normal or natural, shamman. BTW, shamman, you're the one who is deflecting. You have yet to answer the question: "Where's your scientific study proffering incontrovertible proof that homosexuality is genetic, shamman?"

Once again, Ekim the Inbred Chimp stupidly claims an emoticon hijacked his handle on a SHMB.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
lustylad's Avatar
Wait a minute. I've got other people calling me a liberal hypocrite. Now you're saying I'm just a faux progressive liberal. I'm so confused. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Faux-progressive libtard. Don't ask me to explain all of your multiple mental disorders and pathologies to you, undercunt. Let a professional do it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you look closely, its you that is the slave trader in this (stupid) analogy. Would you like me to quote it again? No, shamman, you'd be the stupid jackass advocating a scientifically unsupportable position; just like those 19th century slave traders.

You're saying that just because society says (said) it's one way, then that is definitely the way it is. You are one fucked up dipshit. You'd be the stupid jackass that has no incontrovertible science to back up your fallacious opinion, shamman.

Would you like to quote me on where I said there was a scientific study? Thus you admit you are the stupid jackass that has no incontrovertible science to back up your fallacious opinion, shamman.

You are a fucking dipshit. When proven wrong you jump automatically on hypotheticals and made-up bullshit. You're the one arguing with "made-up bullshit", shamman.

You're so stupid you're not even worth the time to argue with. Making fun of you is pointless because it takes you the rest of the day to figure it out. In other words, you are absolutely fucking useless. Proving you are stupid is much more valid than you imagining someone else is stupid, shamman.
Originally Posted by shanm

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Ekim the Inbred Chimp has again submitted to his intellectually superior: an emoticon.

Ekim the Inbred Chimp has again submitted to his intellectually superior: an emoticon.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This could go on for another two months or more you stupid fuck. However I'm bored with you already.