The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don’t talk about Ellen like that, oeb11 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

why don't you be a good little internet vigilante and report this "insult" to the Mod Squad.

Mystic, Trump has all of these people fooled. How stupid would you have to be to bankrupt a casino? These people actually believe he is a good businessman. If he was such a good businessman, he would not have to steal donor's money from his charity. He would not have had to done Taco Bell and Burger commercials or make money on a reality show. These dumbfucks don't realize there was a reason he would not show his tax returns it would prove how little money he has.His dad gave him 500 million. He fucked up the USFL. The USFL will making money playing in the summer. His dumbass moved it to compete with the NFL and bankrupted that. Trump University which was another scam and was shut down. Everything he touches turns to shit. He only owns 20 buildings and has gone bankrupt 6 times.

I wouldnt let this fucker manage my 401k account. He would fuck it up. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Dam, Mueller should have investigated all that instead of Collusion. He may have actually been able to find a crime. If Trump is fooling us it's no different if we had a Democrat. So we're fucked either way.
themystic's Avatar
“Today and every day I miss my good friend John McCain,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tweeted. “It was a blessing to serve alongside a rare patriot and genuine American hero in the Senate. His memory continues to remind me every day that our nation is sustained by the sacrifices of heroes.”
“Today and every day I miss my good friend John McCain,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tweeted. “It was a blessing to serve alongside a rare patriot and genuine American hero in the Senate. His memory continues to remind me every day that our nation is sustained by the sacrifices of heroes.” Originally Posted by themystic
You missed the part about and good riddance to his terrible politics and many RINO votes.
themystic's Avatar
You missed the part about and good riddance to his terrible politics and many RINO votes. Originally Posted by eccielover
Another post from the city that brought us The Tree of Life
Another post from the city that brought us The Tree of Life Originally Posted by themystic
Yeah, that has any relevance to the discussion at hand. Again, seek help.
themystic's Avatar
Yeah, that has any relevance to the discussion at hand. Again, seek help. Originally Posted by eccielover
Discussing another members mental health is a violation of the rules
themystic's Avatar
You missed the part about and good riddance to his terrible politics and many RINO votes. Originally Posted by eccielover
I didn't miss it. It wasn't part of his tweet. You are just another Trump support who is a liar
Discussing another members mental health is a violation of the rules Originally Posted by themystic
Where did I mention mental health. I guess I should have been clearer on this one. You should seek the help of a good educator on staying on point with a debate. If you feel that would require therapy, than that's your call.

Enjoy the distractions.