GOP Senators send a letter to Iran

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CuteOldIdiot, I think it's you who actually "swerved into the truth". We've been saying this all along. Now just pass this piece of wisdom along to your butt-boys and we can live happily ever after. Originally Posted by shanm
Sonny, I was saying this a lot longer than you.
Actually, when it comes to having the bomb Iran DOES want to "be like us". But that's ok too, right undercunt?

Only an idiot would conflate our efforts to stop their nuclear program with "us trying to export our brand of 'freedom' all over the world." Did you sleep through the June 2009 Iranian elections, undercunt? Millions of Iranians flooded the streets protesting against the mullahs for brazenly and fraudulently declaring Ahmadinejad the winner. Nothing but peeps from the Amateur in the White House. So much for exporting our freedom under Odumbo. Originally Posted by lustylad
When we wanted to throw off the yoke, we did it. You're making my point for me though. The actual people of Iran don't hate us. They don't like what they're government is doing. If they don't like it, they should do something about it. But it's like jail; there are a ton more prisoners than guards and if they ever just decided to all rebel at once, it's over, but they don't because the guards have it in on them.
Your stupidity is staggering and beyond belief! Your link is 5-1/2 years old! Where the fuck do you get your information? Is it always so stupendously out of date?

The goal of the current negotiations with Iran is to LENGTHEN the time it would take them to make a dash for the bomb to at least a year. That means – - the Iranians are currently LESS than a year away from having it. Yet you come on here prattling that “they're obviously either having trouble making it happen or it's not really what they're after”? I will tell you what is obvious, undercunt - either you are fucking delusional or you're being paid by the Iranians to spew misinformation.

Here is another undercunt gem:

“Several IAEA reports indicate they haven't progressed much if at all since 2003.”

Really? Which reports say that, undercunt? Here is a link to the IAEA website showing all of their reports on Iran for the past dozen years. That's right, I'm calling your bluff, dickhead! Tell us exactly which reports say they aren't making progress:

And while you're at it, tell us exactly how many installed centrifuges does Iran have today versus 2003? And how many tons of enriched uranium does it have today versus 2003? Go ahead, and give us a breakdown on the enrichment percentages by ton, since you are an expert on “fissile material”.

And when you have done all that, I have one more question for you undercunt – how many times will you make me give you a hand job and lick your ass before you finally learn to just cum over and over again?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh LL, you slay me. I fixed that last part for you. Here you go, fuckface.

From the February 2013 IAEA report:

The IAEA February 2013 report stated that Iran has resumed reconverting near-20% enriched uranium into Oxide form to fabricate fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor, which makes it more difficult to further enrich that uranium to weapons grade, since it would first need to be converted back to uranium hexafluoride gas

Would they be trying to make a nuclear device if they're actually making it MORE difficult to convert it to weapons grade material?

"In explaining why it had left its enrichment program undeclared to the IAEA, Iran said that for the past twenty-four years it has "been subject to the most severe series of sanctions and export restrictions on material and technology for peaceful nuclear technology," so that some elements of its program had to be done discreetly. Iran said the U.S. intention "is nothing but to make this deprivation" of Iran's inalienable right to enrichment technology "final and eternal," and that the United States is completely silent on Israel's nuclear enrichment and weapons program.[231] Iran began its nuclear research as early as 1975, when France cooperated with Iran to set up the Esfahan Nuclear Technology Center (ENTC) to provide training for personnel to develop certain nuclear fuel cycle capabilities.[232][233] Iran did not hide other elements of its nuclear program. For example, its efforts at mining and converting uranium were announced on national radio,[234][235] and Iran also says that in consultation with the Agency and member states throughout the 1990s it underlined its plans to acquire, for exclusively peaceful purposes, fuel enrichment technology.[231] Iran's contracts with other nations to obtain nuclear reactors were also known to the IAEA – but support for the contracts was withdrawn after "a U.S. special national intelligence estimate declared that while 'Iran's much publicized nuclear power intentions are entirely in the planning stage,' the ambitions of the shah could lead Iran to pursue nuclear weapons, especially in the shadow of India's successful nuclear test in May 1974".[236] In 2003, the IAEA reported that Iran had failed to meet its obligations to report some of its enrichment activities, which Iran says began in 1985, to the IAEA as required by its safeguards agreement. The IAEA further reported that Iran had undertaken to submit the required information for agency verification and "to implement a policy of co-operation and full transparency" as corrective actions.[93]"

The above is from this entry:
Amazingly, OverCompensation has accidentally swerved into the truth. The Iranian people don't hate America for the most part. One of my closest friends recently moved back to his home in Iran. We still keep in touch. He teaches English to Iranians who want to come to America, not as terrorists, but because they love this country. If we left Iran alone, they would grow into a strong ally. But we, for some reason, think we have to keep fucking around in their internal affairs. The only reason they keep rattling sabers is because we won't leave them alone! Remember, they were a democracy before we started fucking with them. But their elected government was going to nationalize the oil fields. We couldn't let Standard Oil, Shell Oil and the rest actually have to pay a fair price for the oil we were stealing from Iran, so we instituted a brutal dictator. I can't understand why they would feel a need to protect themselves from us! [sarcasm] Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
One word........Islam. Regardless of what ever plays out, when dealing with any of these Thugocratic Fascist Regimes, Islam is always the 800 poung gorilla in the room.

Like I said in another post. Many of the Gemans in WW-2 had nothing against Smericans. But, they were enabling a Criminal Regime bent on genocide and domination to carry out it's plans.
One word........Islam. Regardless of what ever plays out, when dealing with any of these Thugocratic Fascist Regimes, Islam is always the 800 poung gorilla in the room.

Like I said in another post. Many of the Gemans in WW-2 had nothing against Smericans. But, they were enabling a Criminal Regime bent on genocide and domination to carry out it's plans. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I don't see Iran as Germany. That's a stretch imo
I don't see Iran as Germany. That's a stretch imo Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I see them as a greater threat. All The Nazis had to arouse the masses into following them was Nationalism. Their disastrous defeat in WW-1, and the even more disastrous Treaty of Versailles turned out to be the perfect breeding ground for a Regime as evil as The Third Reich to rise to power.

The Religious Zealots and Thugs who controle Iran have a much bigger trump card. The promise of eternity in the good graces of Allah and his Prophet, Muhammad.

These people actually believe this shit, the whole 72 virgin thing, kill the infidels, subjugate the World in the name of Islam.

The thought of these apocalyptic minded zealots having a weapon that could indeed kill millions at a time is most un-nerving.

Keep in mind, we are not dealing with sane people here. We are dealing with a Country ruled by a bunch of Religious Thugs who offer what nobody else can........eternal bliss. And they can count on millions of brain washed "believers" to follow them straight down that path.

In a way, this scenario mimics the Japanese at the end of WW-2. As long as we were fighting enemies who really did not want to die for the cause, we could defeat them with conventional methods, ie, the threat of death.

That is how we, and the Russians, ended up with hundreds of thousands of Prisoners of war, the soldiers were not willing to die.

The Japanese suicide pilots changed all of this. Suddenly we were faced with a single man in a single plane being able to take out even our largest ships, and kill thousands of Americans. We literally had to come up with new weapons systems and tactics to combat this type of threat.

This is the enemy we face in all of these Fascist Theocracys. People willing to give their very lives in the name of their God, Allah.
I see them as a greater threat. All The Nazis had to arouse the masses into following them was Nationalism. Their disastrous defeat in WW-1, and the even more disastrous Treaty of Versailles turned out to be the perfect breeding ground for a Regime as evil as The Third Reich to rise to power.

The Religious Zealots and Thugs who controle Iran have a much bigger trump card. The promise of eternity in the good graces of Allah and his Prophet, Muhammad.

These people actually believe this shit, the whole 72 virgin thing, kill the infidels, subjugate the World in the name of Islam.

The thought of these apocalyptic minded zealots having a weapon that could indeed kill millions at a time is most un-nerving.

Keep in mind, we are not dealing with sane people here. We are dealing with a Country ruled by a bunch of Religious Thugs who offer what nobody else can........eternal bliss. And they can count on millions of brain washed "believers" to follow them straight down that path.

In a way, this scenario mimics the Japanese at the end of WW-2. As long as we were fighting enemies who really did not want to die for the cause, we could defeat them with conventional methods, ie, the threat of death.

The Japanese suicide pilots changed all of this. Suddenly we were faced with a single man in a single plane being able to take out even our largest ships, and kill thousands of Americans. We literally had to come up with new weapons systems and tactics to combat this type of threat.

This is the enemy we face in all of these Fascist Theocracys. People willing to give their very lives in the name of their God, Allah. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Most Muslims don't believe that. The government may believe it, but the majority of the people don't. The problem with Islam, other than it existing, is that it hasn't gone through the enlightenment that christianity did. The terrorists interpret their text literally and carry it out, literally. Christians did the same until the enlightenment and it came out on the other side and was more restrained because those things weren't acceptable anymore. Islam hasn't been through the same such change. It's not anymore violent than christianity if it were taken literally. The bible commands death to non-believers, etc.
Most Muslims don't believe that. The government may believe it, but the majority of the people don't. The problem with Islam, other than it existing, is that it hasn't gone through the enlightenment that christianity did. The terrorists interpret their text literally and carry it out, literally. Christians did the same until the enlightenment and it came out on the other side and was more restrained because those things weren't acceptable anymore. Islam hasn't been through the same such change. It's not anymore violent than christianity if it were taken literally. The bible commands death to non-believers, etc. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So how many "infidels" will have to die before their so called "enlightenment" occurs?
So how many "infidels" will have to die before their so called "enlightenment" occurs? Originally Posted by Jackie S
How would I know that? I just don't look at Iran and see world domination, I'm sorry. What tendencies have they shown towards that end? Leaving religion out of it...
lustylad's Avatar
Here is another undercunt gem:

“Several IAEA reports indicate they haven't progressed much if at all since 2003.”

Really? Which reports say that, undercunt? Here is a link to the IAEA website showing all of their reports on Iran for the past dozen years. That's right, I'm calling your bluff, dickhead! Tell us exactly which reports say they aren't making progress:

And while you're at it, tell us exactly how many installed centrifuges does Iran have today versus 2003? And how many tons of enriched uranium does it have today versus 2003? Go ahead, and give us a breakdown on the enrichment percentages by ton, since you are an expert on “fissile material”. Originally Posted by lustylad

From the February 2013 IAEA report:

The IAEA February 2013 report stated that Iran has resumed reconverting near-20% enriched uranium into Oxide form to fabricate fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor, which makes it more difficult to further enrich that uranium to weapons grade, since it would first need to be converted back to uranium hexafluoride gas.

Would they be trying to make a nuclear device if they're actually making it MORE difficult to convert it to weapons grade material? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

You are such a fool, undercunt. Here is something else from Feb. 2013:

"The IAEA reports that Iran will use the Tehran Research Reactor to test fuel for the IR-40 reactor, a reactor that the UN Security Council has demanded that Iran stop building because it could be used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons."

In other words, they converted some of their 20% enriched uranium stockpile into Oxide form to fuel a new reactor that will be capable of producing much more efficient weapons grade bomb-making material.

But let's return to your egregiously stupid insistence that “they haven't progressed much at all since 2003”. Since I don't want to overtax your limited comprehension abilities by pasting and explaining the dry technical details of numerous IAEA reports, I will let a couple of graphs do the talking:

So undercunt - what do the two graphs tell you? Still want to make a fool out of yourself and argue that the Iranians "haven't progressed much at all since 2003"? Or are you ready to admit - once again - that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

LexusLover's Avatar
How would I know that? I just don't look at Iran and see world domination, I'm sorry. What tendencies have they shown towards that end? Leaving religion out of it... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Then you should NOT be "championing" the Iranian Cause, ....

.................. or even defending them. Here is YOU on steriods:

KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.

We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

THE PROBLEM is that fool is "in charge" AGAIN!

And this time HE IS FACILITATING ...


Unfortunately, this time when the shit hits the fan WE will not be able to get on here and point fingers ... there will be no "HEARINGS" .... there will be no AFFORDABLE CARE ACT .... Obaminable and Kerry won't be around to hold responsible and/or to deal with the disaster. Because they don't give a shit.

And even if it does not directly strike this country .... this country will be looked upon to clean up the mess .... like we have for over 100 years.
LexusLover's Avatar
The actual people of Iran don't hate us. They don't like what they're government is doing. If they don't like it, they should do something about it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Have you ever one-on-one spoken with a person or persons who were German citizens living in Germany during the "rise" of the Reich under Hitler and WWII?. And I'm not talking about bullshit on the internet, books, Op-Ed articles. I'm talking about spending time with them listening to their dialogue.... their discussion of what they saw and didn't see? What they thought and didn't think!

Do you actually believe the rank-in-file German citizens "hated" the U.S. people?

IMO you are throwing out shit in an effort to "make your point"! Just like Kerry and Obaminable.
Have you ever one-on-one spoken with a person or persons who were German citizens living in Germany during the "rise" of the Reich under Hitler and WWII?. And I'm not talking about bullshit on the internet, books, Op-Ed articles.IMO you are throwing out shit in an effort to "make your point"! Just like Kerry and Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you ever spoken one-on-one with "Kerry and Obaminable?" And I'm not talking about bullshit on the Internet, books, Op-Ed articles.

IMO you are throwing out shit in an effort to "make your point"! Just like your fellow Idiot's.
LexusLover's Avatar
Have you ever spoken one-on-one with "Kerry and Obaminable?" And I'm not talking about bullshit on the Internet, books, Op-Ed articles. Originally Posted by bigtex
Unfortunately for twerps like you, I "get" to watch them spew bullshit in REAL TIME!

So, the only "bullshit" is yours. Thanks twerp.

Now, since you stuck your nose in someone else's business ...

"Have you ever one-on-one spoken with a person or persons who were German citizens living in Germany during the "rise" of the Reich under Hitler and WWII?. And I'm not talking about bullshit on the internet, books, Op-Ed articles.?

Or did you want to change the subject to avoid the obvious answer?

On the other hand, you might want to sober up from the weekend before posting.
You are such a fool, undercunt. Here is something else from Feb. 2013:

"The IAEA reports that Iran will use the Tehran Research Reactor to test fuel for the IR-40 reactor, a reactor that the UN Security Council has demanded that Iran stop building because it could be used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons."

In other words, they converted some of their 20% enriched uranium stockpile into Oxide form to fuel a new reactor that will be capable of producing much more efficient weapons grade bomb-making material.

But let's return to your egregiously stupid insistence that “they haven't progressed much at all since 2003”. Since I don't want to overtax your limited comprehension abilities by pasting and explaining the dry technical details of numerous IAEA reports, I will let a couple of graphs do the talking:

So undercunt - what do the two graphs tell you? Still want to make a fool out of yourself and argue that the Iranians "haven't progressed much at all since 2003"? Or are you ready to admit - once again - that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Look at the pretty graphs... They tell me you're a fucking idiot. 20 percent isn't pure enough for a weapon. Nice try though. It even says on your graph IF they enriched to weapons grade, which they haven't. And that you're over compensating for something. If only I could put my finger on what it is...