New group in formation The Young Guns

  • Booth
  • 02-09-2011, 01:44 PM
Since this thread has nothing to do with the hobby, doesn't it belong in The Sandbox?
jimmers's Avatar
1. First couple of pages conflict arises among individuals who have created a brilliant strategy to showcase their ability to create drama on the eccie board with those who love drama.

2. Drama ensues, wit and lack of wit responses abound for several pages.

3. Showcase of redundant iteration occurs over the next several pages.

4. The gripping saga concludes with the blockbuster admittance that it was all just a joke.

5. People who stayed for the thrilling ride rise up in unison for a standing ovation!

6. Others had left earlier in total disgust.

7. Jimmers FINALLY reaches post 100!!! I am very proud of myself.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Since this thread has nothing to do with the hobby, doesn't it belong in The Sandbox? Originally Posted by Booth
2/3 of threads in CoEd probably fall into that category, including your recent one.
sixxbach's Avatar
Wyldeman, I have a question.... are you guys going to wear uniforms? What style? Baseball, basketball, football, hockey style perhaps? I want to be able to take notes when I see one of y'all out in public doing your thing....

Budman's Avatar
They could wear red sashes like the "Cowboys" in Wyatt Earp.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
We are going to wear black leather biker vest that say on the back.
It's ok Rox, I am done here, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person, even if they sorely deserve it. Originally Posted by Dee Licious
I want to see you in a battle of tits!
  • 02-09-2011, 05:46 PM
We are going to wear black leather biker vest that say on the back. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Will there be an Auxiliary? Will they sit on the back of the chairs behind you and wear pink versions of your vest?
NewWave's Avatar
Wyldeman, I have a question.... are you guys going to wear uniforms? What style? Baseball, basketball, football, hockey style perhaps? I want to be able to take notes when I see one of y'all out in public doing your thing....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Austin will never be the same.
knotty man's Avatar
Austin will never be the same.
Originally Posted by NewWave
warriors....come out and plaaayy!!
rrrabbit's Avatar
OP: GET A FOOKIN' CLUE (assuming u r sober by now).

Jeezuz fookin' christ. You are trying to re-live grade school ?

Good for you. Myself, Irishlad and many others are with you, and wish you and your posse the best.

The freebies you are so hyped about is called "a life".

With the utmost of "respect", here's a gift for your pussy hunt: |_)__)|||||||||||||||D.

Put it in any hole of your choosing.

IMHO : Fookin IMBECILE !@#**@!!!!!

Isn't that EXACTLY what this thread, after 12 to the power of 2, has been puzzy footing to insinuate ????
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Just want to up the stakes for a small elite group who have the guts to try it and ad more play to there life. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I think I have a good idea why your group is a "small" group, but would you please explain you're "elite?"
If you want to learn pickup, I'd suggest you head over to and join up there; no reason to re-invent the wheel

The hobby is really not the place for aspiring pickup artists.

Edit: I thought this thread was only 1 page, but it's actually 10. I didn't read the whole thing.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am not going to reply or answer to anyone else in this thread. I have explained the purpose more than once. If you want to continue and call me names question my IQ go ahead. I do not care. If you are one of those people you have way more problems than me and I feel sorry for you. It will all be OK lets just have a big group hug.
Whispers's Avatar
I am not going to reply or answer to anyone else in this thread. I have explained the purpose more than once. If you want to continue and call me names question my IQ go ahead. I do not care. If you are one of those people you have way more problems than me and I feel sorry for you. It will all be OK lets just have a big group hug. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

Time to walk away for sure guy..... I wish I could have had your back on this one but you were too far out there.....

Lunch at P10 tomorrow?