YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Tonight's celebratory drink of choice:

Shock top on draft with an orange wedge...yum :-)
Note to self (and all you f-tards)...

Cute waitress's name is "Cassie" after asking her for the fourth time coming here and getting too tipsy to remember. My challenge now is to say her name at least three times every single time she comes by tonight...should be fun...She threatened to change her name the next time to confuse me if I forget...damn, I've got the hots for this civi woman! But in my defense, I admitted to her that I couldn't remember AGAIN...honesty is the best policy!!!
Okay...so CASSIE asked me when I arrived..."have you lost weight?"

So my two possible reactions should be?

A. OMG, she complimented me. She LOVES me!

B. OMG, did this chick really just say that I was fat??? :-(

LMAO...please...everyone choose option "A!"
Finish the following to your liking...

"One time, at provider camp, I ..."
"One time, at provider camp, I found a silver dollar and my panties were missing"

That sounds about right!!!
Here is a picture of them..please call me if you find them:

I like those I will get them in March....
You already have them hunny...lol
OH a senior moment.
Lol...that was my favorite pair too!!!
I found them and yes it is the same pair.
Hey ym, the waitress at my normal hangout that I have the hots for is also Cassie, but the problem is, she can't remember my name....
So to continue the story. She couldn't continue to make me feel bad cause she had never asked for my name before. But she asked this time...now the tables are turned and I'm gonna have some fun playing hard to get! Its so funny how I assume every hot girl I meet SHOULD like women...LOL
Funny imagining Tuscon going through his panty drawer looking for my knickers. Heehee