Ketanji Brown Jackson

texassapper's Avatar
I agree. Academically, she is qualified.

My problem with her, (based on her answers), is she is just plain stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Credentials are not an indicator of intelligence.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The Presidency is a political position. Thus the experience required can be obtained in other venues than being a career politician.

SCOTUS is ostensibly a legal position not political. Actual knowledge of the law, it’s founding scholarship and history is supposed to be key in understanding the law.

Hence the difference. Originally Posted by texassapper
I guess getting her J.D. degree from Harvard, passing the bar exam and having extensive experience as a judge is not sufficient enough for you and some others in this forum to show that she has knowledge of the law. Well, it certainly is more than sufficient enough to me.

Hence, the difference. LOL

Credentials are not an indicator of intelligence. Originally Posted by texassapper
You're adorable.
I guess getting her J.D. degree from Harvard, passing the bar exam and having extensive experience as a judge is not sufficient enough for you and some others in this forum to show that she has knowledge of the law. Well, it does to me.

Hence, the difference. LOL

You're adorable. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well the Confirmation Hearings aren't about her Education, Resume or her Experiences in Law, it's about her level of integrity to serve on the countries highest court. Integrity is the area she lacks the most she proved that by the way she answered questions and that's more important than where she went to college or what her scores were ect.
Well the Confirmation Hearings aren't about her Education, Resume or her Experiences in Law, it's about her level of integrity to serve on the countries highest court. Integrity is the area she lacks the most she proved that by the way she answered questions and that's more important than where she went to college or what her scores were ect. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That is the stupidest thing you have posted in a while. Confirmation hearings are just a political exercise that has nothing to do with anything.
HedonistForever's Avatar
That is the stupidest thing you have posted in a while. Confirmation hearings are just a political exercise that has nothing to do with anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Yeah, explain that to Kavanaugh, Barrett and Merrick Garland.

Nothing but giving unimaginable power that most Americans can't fathom, to one of only 9 people who make decisions for the rest of us, some but not all, actually based on the Constitution.
That is the stupidest thing you have posted in a while. Confirmation hearings are just a political exercise that has nothing to do with anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Then what's the fucking point? They should be about something more than just a "Political Exercise". Character and integrity are important traits when involved in the judicial system. Especially the Supreme Court which is a life long appointment. So since it's about nothing KBJ will easily skate through the process. She doesn't even need experience or Education since it's about nothing there isn't any criteria she has to meet other than thumbs up from the robots voting on her nomination. '
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is the stupidest thing you have posted in a while. Confirmation hearings are just a political exercise that has nothing to do with anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so ... justice Sotomayor

adav8s28's Avatar
If all 50 democrats vote yes, she will become a Supreme court justice. She will probably get at least two republicans to vote for her ( Sen Collins from Maine and Sen Murkowsky from Alaska). Sen Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell and the other conservative repubtards won't be able to prevent Jackson from becoming a Supreme court justice. Jackson is just as qualified as Barrett and Kanvanugh period.

Why are you republicans complaining so much? Bush43 was president twice with a 2.7 GPA in History from Yale. The one law school he applied to he was rejected. If it's okay for Bush41 to nominate Clarence Thomas, then it's okay for Biden to nominate Jackson.
LexusLover's Avatar
I guess getting her J.D. degree from Harvard, passing the bar exam and having extensive experience as a judge is not sufficient enough for you and some others in this forum to show that she has knowledge of the law. Well, it certainly is more than sufficient enough to me.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
After 8 years of Obaminable it demonstrates you are wrong.

(Of course he was an affirmative action student at Harvard!)

Over the years of your posting ... "sufficient enough to me" is an extremely low standard.
adav8s28's Avatar
After 8 years of Obaminable it demonstrates you are wrong.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
After 8 years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney it proves he is right. Bush43 was not qualified to get into Harvard MBA with that 2.7 GPA in History from Yale.
LexusLover's Avatar
After 8 years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney it proves he is right. Bush43 was not qualified to get into Harvard MBA with that 2.7 GPA in History from Yale. Originally Posted by adav8s28
#1: None of them went to Harvard ... but I can understand why it's important for you to change the subject ... even toilet cleaning would be more informative.

#2: Kerry went to Yale. You must have voted for him! Right? Bush made better grades at Yale than Kerry did. And Bush didn't marry money! Nor did he dine with a serial killing dictator.

adav8s28's Avatar
#1: None of them went to Harvard ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush43 went to Harvard MBA. You don't even know what you are talking about. Obama went to Harvard Law School.

At Yale Bush43 had a 2.7 (his senior year all of his classes were on pass/fail). Kerry finished with 2.6. Essentially the same average.

Kerry served in Viet Nam. Trump got a medical deferment for bad ankles.

You don't deal in facts you deal in BS. Go take your prescriptions and go back to sleep. You're a moron. You're a product of that school system you talking about!
HedonistForever's Avatar
All this talk about where one went to school has absolutely nothing to do with the only thing that should matter in the confirmation of a SC justice. Can they use the Constitution as their guide or do they believe that a judge can make new law to "keep up with the times".

KBJ demonstrated that disconnect in trying to explain how the internet "changed" the way she thinks about sentencing Pedo's. She didn't follow the letter of the law and took the discretion, as Sen. Graham pointed out that belonged to another, clearly written into the law, because she felt like it.

That is just one reason, perhaps the best reason not to seat her and if this was a White male, I'd say the same damn thing.
Well since neither you nor I get to set criteria for who’s qualified or what the qualifications should be, your and my opinions don’t matter. The only things that matters are

Did the president nominate them

Will they get 51 senate votes

Everything else is just playing to the TV audience (Twitter if you’re lyin Ted). The questioning and speeches and false indignation aren’t meant to change anyones mind nor inform anyone of anything that will ever matter. It’s all show.

When her nomination was announced, she was going to be the next Associate Justice. And that’s how it was for Barret and Kavanaugh. All show. And we know going forward that no president that doesn’t have the same party senate as well will ever get to seat a Justice. Sad that it’s like that but that’s the new normal.
texassapper's Avatar
When her nomination was announced, she was going to be the next Associate Justice. And that’s how it was for Barret and Kavanaugh. All show. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Bork and Miers would like a word.