ISIS beheads American journalist, Obama goes back on vacation

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 07:35 AM
So, arguably, she has ceased to be America already, and it truly sucks what she has become.
I blame Obama!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Obama did not pass the Patriot Act....
LexusLover's Avatar
So, it's never gonna happen here ... where have I heard that before?

Oh, yea, the CURRENT Secretary of State ...

Larry King Live: 09/11/2001 Interview on CNN:

KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely. But let me join John and I know all my colleagues in just expressing -- I think all of us here in Washington are feeling in very personal ways the loss of what's happened here. I know that I had one friend I know of already on that plane from Boston, and I dread the learning of perhaps others. But for thousands of families tonight, there is just a huge loss, and I think in every American there's a sense -- there's a fury, an intense, burning fury about this and a determination to do what is right about it.

We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."


AND did you vote for this one also?

February 12, 1997

President William J. Clinton

The White House

Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

We are pleased to present you with the report of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security. You established this Commission by issuing Executive Order 13015 on August 22, 1996 with a charter to study matters involving aviation safety and security, including air traffic control and to develop a strategy to improve aviation safety and security, both domestically and internationally.

During the past six months, we have conducted an intensive inquiry into civil aviation safety, security and air traffic control modernization. Commission and staff have gathered information from a broad range of aviation specialists, Federal Agencies, consumer groups, and industry leaders.

After many months of deliberations we have agreed on a set of recommendations which we believe will serve to enhance and ensure the continued safety and security of our air transportation system.

We are privileged to submit these recommendations herewith.


Vice President Al Gore, Chairman

Little Boy and your lap master, BigTitsLiarStalker
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not one!

Not two!

But three more worthless cut and pastes from Eccie's Numero Uno cut and paster AKA the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot KLAN errr Clan, LLIdiot!

Thanks for nothing, Dipshit!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 12:11 PM
So, it's never gonna happen here ... where have I heard that before......
r Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLiar, I never said it could not happen. I said the odds of you dying by terrorist were slimmer than dying by lightning. Shall we spend another 4 trillion dollars and 4500 troops lives protecting you from lightning strikes? Besides your mooching ass does not want to even pay for the god damn war you want because you are not willing to take any personal responsibility for ypur own safety.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you want Government to protect you from itself.

As long as there are wimpy, little, loudmouths like WTF AND BT, filling the air full of bullshit mixed with ignorant, hot air, who keep voting for people like the current President our Government will not protect your freedoms, and as long as people like the current President are in office those outside this country who wish to destroy this country will restrict your freedoms ...

If your neighbors attack you when you leave your home, and attack your home while you are in it, and the police don't respond to deal with your neighbors, are you satisfied with the the police response that you are not harmed and your "freedoms" are not being taken by your neighbors, since the police are supposed to ONLY make sure you are "free" in your home.

How about the "freedom" to enjoy running or watching a marathon.

Just listen to the wimpy, little, loudmouths like WTF AND BT, filling the air full of bullshit mixed with ignorant, hot air, .... "they are not coming"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are really an idiot. Twisting things out of proportion to suit your purposes. Are you WPF?

Ok. So you don't think freedom is worth protecting, as long as we are secure. Fine. I disagree.

And yes. Read your history. The whole purpose behind how the Constitution was drafted was to protect the people from government.

Damn. Who ties your shoes for you?
LexusLover's Avatar
You are really an idiot.

Read your history. The whole purpose behind how the Constitution was drafted was to protect the people from government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I will repeat the question:

"So you want Government to protect you from itself."

As for:

"Read your history. The whole purpose behind how the Constitution was drafted..."

The only "protected" right I recall in "the Constitution" is the "right of a writ of habeas corpus."

Before you start playing Constitutional Law Professor , like YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, you might want to brush up.

Do you wear shoes yet?

Perhaps you are feebly attempting to reference the "Bill of Rights" ... which were crafted and "adopted" AFTER THE CONSTITUTION ... AND then for about 100 years were ONLY APPLIED TO the Federal Government. Until that time there was only protection from State action if the State constitution and statutes so provided.

I bring that up ... because I ask the question: You want government (for instance Eric Holder) to protect you from government action?

The "bill of rights" doesn't protect you from shit. YOU DO. You can waive any of them.

What I do want GOVERNMENT to do is protect me from becoming a prisoner in my home, because the GOVERNMENT fails to protect our borders, fails to identify and dispose of those who wish to blow me up, fails to inform me of the possible threats to my wellbeing when I leave my home, and fails to allow me the opportunity to defend myself, my home, my family, and my "assets" against those threats the GOVERNMENT didn't catch or otherwise overlooked in the GOVERNMENT's assessment.
boardman's Avatar
I do not fear any of is the Tea Party that is trying to instill fear to get their candidates elected to drum roll please....government!

Now please stay focused and answer how we are going to pay for this war yall want with ISIS. Originally Posted by WTF
IIFFOFRDB are you scared ISIS is coming over here to cut off your head like LexusGirlie is? Do you think we should 'go fight them over there' before they show up on our shores?

Or are you into taking on more personal responsibility and giving the government less control of your life? Originally Posted by WTF

Perhaps we could send the BLM and any other Federal Bureaucratic agencies that have been militarized for the purpose of enforcing the law and "protecting us"
Or we could pay for it with the funds that we give them to intimidate Americans.
That would kill two birds actually. We could take out ISIS and it would give you back some of your personal liberty you have such a hankering for. My Tebow, You're starting to sound like a Tea Wipe!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2014, 07:30 AM
I will repeat the question:

"So you want Government to protect you from itself."
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Little girl,

You are the one scared that ISIS is going to come over here and behead you and your Barbie Dolls.

You are the one wanting to give the government more power to protect you from a threat that is less likely to happen than you getting struck by lightning.

Yet you (and others in this forum) want to send others' sons and daughters off to fight a war and not pay for it btw. You do not want to even pay for the war you want us to engage in! ....when the likelihood of you getting beheaded is not even as likely as you getting killed by a snake or lightning.
LexusLover's Avatar
... not want to even pay for the god damn war you want because you are not willing to take any personal responsibility for your own safety. Originally Posted by WTF
... I see you haven't been able to get a copy of my OMPF, either.....

... or my IRS/SSA records...... you post nonsensical bullshit with your Little Boy rants.

And your Lap Master, BigTitsLiarStalker, who wants LINKS, but doesn't want them, is mindlessly posting more nonsensical bullshit.


In the meantime, I will continue earning and paying the self-employment tax to help support your parents, who help support you! Little Boy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2014, 07:43 AM

In the meantime, I will continue earning and paying the self-employment tax to help support your parents, who help support you! Little Boy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Little girl,

You are the one scared that ISIS is going to come over here and behead you and your Barbie Dolls.

You are the one wanting to give the government more power to protect you from a threat that is less likely to happen than you getting struck by lightning.
LexusLover's Avatar
Little girl,

You are the one scared that ISIS is going to come over here and behead you and your Barbie Dolls.

You are the one wanting to give the government more power to protect you from a threat that is less likely to happen than you getting struck by lightning.

Yet you (and others in this forum) want to send others' sons and daughters off to fight a war and not pay for it btw. You do not want to even pay for the war you want us to engage in! ....when the likelihood of you getting beheaded is not even as likely as you getting killed by a snake or lightning.
Originally Posted by WTF
Keep ranting your bullshit, Little Boy.
boardman's Avatar
Osama bin Laden often spoke of a caliphate, a single politically and religiously united realm covering the extent of the Islamic empire at its height. But beyond the mobilisation and radicalisation of hundreds of millions of Muslims through a campaign of spectacular violence, he offered no real strategy as to how the new caliphate might be created or governed. It was understood to be a distant aspiration, not a concrete midterm goal. What Baghdadi has done is fuse the political Islamists' aim of seizing state power with the neo-traditionalists' more global vision to create a recognisable if rough-edged state that is simultaneously supposed to be a launchpad for greater expansion. This unprecedented combination is a powerful one.

For JV they have mighty big aspirations and resources.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2014, 08:54 AM

For JV they have mighty big aspirations and resources. Originally Posted by boardman
From your very article...

A decade and a half ago the contrast between the capabilities and structure of an organisation such as Baghdadi's and states in the Middle East would have been dramatic. Militant activity in Iraq or Syria was small scale, fleeting and mercilessly tracked by dictators.

GWB freed up the JV. Not understanding the region is enabling these groups. Did you support the 2003 invasion of Iraq? If so, what credibility do you have?
boardman's Avatar
GWB is responsible for the turmoil in Syria?

Oh, right, it's Bush's fault...
LexusLover's Avatar
GWB is responsible for the turmoil in Syria?

Oh, right, it's Bush's fault... Originally Posted by boardman
"Syria 1949, 5 August: 12 killed and dozens injured in the Menarsha synagogue attack, Damascus."

and the "beating" goes on ...

From 1976 to 1982, Sunni Islamists fought the Ba'ath Party-controlled government of Syria in what has been called "long campaign of terror".[2] Islamists attacked both civilians and off-duty military personnel.

The Muslim Brotherhood was blamed for the terror by the government, although the insurgents used names such as Kata'ib Muhammad (Phalanges of Muhammad, begun in Hama in 1965 Marwan Hadid) to refer to their organization.[3]

Following Syrian occupation of Lebanon in 1976 a number of prominent Syrian officers and government servants, as well as "professional men, doctors, teachers," were assassinated. Most of the victims were Alawis, "which suggested that the assassins had targeted the community" but "no one could be sure who was behind" the killings.[4]

Among the better known victims were:
the commander of the Hama garrison, Colonel Ali Haydar, killed in October 1976
the rector of Damascus University, Dr. Muhammad al-Fadl, killed in February 1977
the commander of the missile corps, Brigadier 'Abd al Hamid Ruzzug, killed in June 1977
the doyen of Syrian dentists, Dr Ibrahim Na'ama, killed in March 1978
the director of police affairs at the Ministry of the Interior, Colonel Ahmad Khalil, killed in August 1978
Public Prosecutor 'Adil Mini of the Supreme State Security Court, killed in April 1979.
President Hafez Asad's own doctor, the neurologist Dr. Muhammad Shahada Khalil, who was killed in August 1979.[5]

These assassinations led up to the 16 June 1979 slaughter of cadets at the Aleppo Artillery School. On that day a member of school staff, Captain Ibrahim Yusuf, assembled the cadets in the dining-hall and then let in the gunmen who opened fire on the cadets. According to the official report 32 young men were killed. Unofficial sources say the "death toll was as high as 83."[6] This attack was the work of Tali'a muqatila, or Fighting Vanguard, a Sunni Islamist guerrilla group and spinoff of the Muslim Brotherhood. Adnan 'Uqla, who later became the group's leader, helped plan the massacre.[7]

The cadet massacre "marked the start of full-scale urban warfare" against Alawis, cadre of the ruling Ba'ath party, party offices, "police posts, military vehicles, barracks, factories and any other target the guerrillas could attack." In the city of Aleppo between 1979 and 1981 terrorists killed over 300 people, mainly Ba'thists and Alawis, but also a dozen Islamic clergy who had denounced the murders. Of these the most prominent was Shaykh Muhammad al-Shami, who was slain in his own mosque, the Sulaymaniya, on 2 February 1980.

On 26 June 1980, the president of Syria, Hafez al-Asad, "narrowly escaped death" when attackers threw two grenades and fired machine gun bursts at him as he waited at a diplomatic function in Damascus.[8]

On 17 June 1980, an estimated 1,152 Islamist inmates at the prison in Palmyra were massacred by the alawi-ruled government Defense companies troops. Less than a month later membership in the Muslim Brotherhood became punishable by death with a month grace period given for members to turn themselves in.

Individuals assassinated at this time include:
Salim Lawzi, publisher of al-Hawadith, in Lebanon killed by Syrian assassins in March 1980.
Riad Taha, head of the journalists' union in Beirut killed in July 1980.
Wife of guide of Muslim Brothers Isam al-'Attar, (Bayan al-Tantawi) killed in Aachen, Germany as she opened the front door to assassins in July 1980. (p. 329)
Salah al-Din al-Bitar, co-founder of the Ba'ath Party killed in Paris on 21 July 1980.

While the involvement of the Syrian government "was not proved" in these killings, it "was widely suspected."[9]

The insurgency is generally considered to have been crushed by the bloody Hama massacre of 1982, in which thousands were killed, "the vast majority innocent civilians".[10][11]"

I think Bush II was trying to get in grade school .. and then later was Governor of the State of Texas after some business ventures.

That's why Little Boy should really stay on the bench. He's getting hysterical.