New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
that's the problem with people like you no respect for your elders, and that shit about you having enough to buy me 10 X over you expect me to believe that shit,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keyboard queeny and you are still a moron Originally Posted by gary5912

respect is earned not given and I gladly accept all insults; now run along to your next sandbox to play in. ;-)

and sleep on the 10x ;-)
MT Pockets's Avatar
So you're doubling down on stupid, are you? HEY GUYS, WE HAVE A MARK!!!

If you truly believe "those drop outs have moved to Trump" then I'm sure you will be happy to accept my bet, reprinted below! Loser leaves the board for 6 months. Deal? Originally Posted by lustylad
You'd be wrong, MT Jockstrap, because the biased poll you're citing purposefully excludes those demographic sectors which historically have a higher dropout rate than whites, MT Jockstrap.

Records show that the majority of uneducated, high school dropouts vote dim-retard, Sissy Chap, and a majority of those holding a bachelors degree tend to vote Republican more often than not, Sissy Chap. Furthermore, Sissy Chap, DNC officials, Rhodes and Gruber all have remarked how Odumbo and hildebeest like their minions (that would be you, Sissy Chap) stupid and uninformed. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wonderful... then they'll BOTH take the bet... we can kill two dodo birds with one stone! Originally Posted by lustylad
What a bunch of dipshits How the fuck can I bet against Hillary when I know she will win every demographic beside white trash Klansman. Anybody want to bet that if she wins you leave the forum or she loses and I leave? Bunch of Cunts! Then again that's not really fair since most of you are the same asshole so you simply lose one alias. Still happy to make the bet. Who is man enough?

Here is your token black Trumplicker
lustylad's Avatar
What a bunch of dipshits How the fuck can I bet against Hillary when I know she will win every demographic beside white trash Klansman.... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
??? You're the one who put up historical numbers and then said this year will be different because the high-school dropout vote has "moved to Trump". And now you won't bet? Either you don't believe your own posts or you're a chickenshit asshole.

Which is it, MT Pockface?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I said no such thing. However we can come close and comparing WWII air capabilities to 2016 is just fucking ridiculous. ok

Could we do this in WWII? I don't think so. Wise up old timer you're still living and thinking in the stone age.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The U.S. had more men with vastly more planes during WWII, Sissy Chap; yet, it took troops on the ground to win the conflict, Sissy Chap, and it always will. Saddam Hussein told American interrogators he remained defiant until the end because Iraq had enough sand to absorb all of the missiles and bombs the U.S. wanted to throw at him, as Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator had done in 1998.

You see, Sissy Chap, it was Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's pusillanimous foreign policy towards Iraq that emboldened Saddam Hussein to remain recalcitrant and defiant and led him to believe W would never actually send ground troops to force him to abide by the agreements he was violating. Saddam Hussein had rationalized that since Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator hadn't dared to send troops, with should he expect W would send troops, Sissy Chap? Saddam Hussein expected W was bluffing -- like Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator had done -- and he expected W to just throw some more missiles and bombs at him -- like Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator had done, Sissy Chap. That's what weak leadership and foreign policy like that practiced by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo does, Sissy Chap: it emboldens the enemy, Sissy Chap.

LOL - you're another mentally challenged stooge I see. I wasn't born in those days but let me help you out. ok numnuts.

Why? because our Air Force (along with the British) used an advanced / tactical & strategic bombing campaign against Germany and Japan. The Germans were basically forced to use their air force for defense rather than offense.

It was the Air Force that made the major difference. Listen moron next time you want to be a smart ass don't come at me with base level drivel I have little patience for it.

Do you understand me? If not get the fuck on.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Well, Sissy Chap, you really should read up on just how much the Germans forced the Allies to adopt "defensive measures" to carry out their "offensive campaign", Sissy Chap. Fighter aircraft were an after thought, Sissy Chap, and were considered wholly unnecessary at the beginning of the war. The Germans proved that notion false, Sissy Chap, at a great loss to Allied men and materiel. The Mighty 8th had more fatal casualties than the U.S. Marine Corp during the whole of WWII, Sissy Chap, and, of course, Patton, with a little help from friends, used Sherman tanks and infantry, not B-17 bombers, to finally subdue the Germans.

What a bunch of dipshits How the fuck can I bet against Hillary when I know she will win every demographic beside white trash Klansman. Anybody want to bet that if she wins you leave the forum or she loses and I leave? Bunch of Cunts! Then again that's not really fair since most of you are the same asshole so you simply lose one alias. Still happy to make the bet. Who is man enough?

Here is your token black Trumplicker
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Odumbo's margin of victory in 2012 was delivered by high school dropouts, MT Jockstrap, and there's no doubt those same high school dropouts will vote dim-retard again in 2016 ... and you've already told us that you will be one of them, MT Jockstrap.
LexusLover's Avatar
...respect is earned ... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Well, there's a long road of disrespect ahead of you!
LexusLover's Avatar
??? You're the one who put up historical numbers and then said this year will be different because the high-school dropout vote has "moved to Trump". And now you won't bet? Either you don't believe your own posts or you're a chickenshit asshole.

Which is it, MT Pockface? Originally Posted by lustylad
There's a third option: Both!
It's ok to have those views. I feel I'm on the right side of Progress and history and when I die and go to heaven I'm sure God will be proud of the liberal positions I took while on earth just like the liberal and radical Jesus. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You believe your on the "right side" because????? You want the government involved in every part of your/Liberal life in order to achieve equal opportunity. Well there is no such thing as equal opportunity, we all must make our own way in life in order to respect ourselves and to respect others (respect is first and foremost IMO). How can we as a people appreciate anything in life if we haven't worked for it, and how can we respect a government who wants to take everything from us. I do get it, that "some Liberals" believe they are doing good by "helping others", but really, if you can't help yourself, how can one expect to help others.

Now I ask you, what is really wrong with the Conservative thought process that says treat everyone fairly, it does not say, I will work my azz off to give to the ones who don't want to have respect nor be respected because they believe it is better to take than to give.

Once again due to time constraints, I will submit to you the Moral Foundations Theory by psychologist Jonathan Haidt;

"Care (harm): cherishing and protecting others.
Fairness (cheating): rendering justice according to shared rules. (Alternate name: Proportionality)
Liberty (oppression): the loathing of tyranny.
Loyalty (betrayal): standing with your group, family, nation. (Alternate name: Ingroup)
Authority (subversion) : obeying tradition and legitimate authority. (Alternate name: Respect.)
Sanctity (degradation) : abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions. (Alternate name: Purity.)

Haidt and his colleagues conducted extensive research and found that liberals tend to construct a morality based mainly on two of these foundations, care/harm and fairness/cheating.

Conservatives on the other hand tend to place an equal weighting on all six foundations.

Moral dimensions of liberals and conservatives

Hence liberals end up thinking that conservatives care less about issues such as welfare and inequality ( ie care & fairness)

Whilst conservatives think that liberals want to subvert the status quo and are hell bent on achieving some kind of pacifist, socialist utopia.

Is conservatism more moral than liberalism?
Thing is, if Haidt is right, it's actually the conservatives who have the moral upper hand. Because it is their world view that actually takes into account more of the dimensions we consider in moral life.

You can see why this might annoy liberals.

We live in an age where conservatism is blamed for the particular breed of uncaring, unequitable breed of capitalism that spawned the neoliberal policies of post Reagan/Thatcher politics and economics.

Which in turn have brought about unprecedented levels of inequality, greed and social unrest.

So all conservatives, from Trump at one end of the spectrum, to those in the centre-right, get tarred with the 'evil' brush by liberals.

Whereas in truth, we're more alike than different
Written Nov 25, 2015 · View Upvotes

Have a wonderful day.
LexusLover's Avatar
You believe your on the right side because ..... Originally Posted by Cherie
That's it! Just "because"!!!

If he couldn't cut and paste, he would have nothing!

The problem is the folks he copies and pastes have nothing either!

You notice how many dumbass threads he starts .. and loses.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The U.S. had more men with vastly more planes during WWII, Sissy Chap; yet, it took troops on the ground to win the conflict, Sissy Chap, and it always will. Saddam Hussein told American interrogators he remained defiant until the end because Iraq had enough sand to absorb all of the missiles and bombs the U.S. wanted to throw at him, as Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator had done in 1998.

Well, Sissy Chap, you really should read up on just how much the Germans forced the Allies to adopt "defensive measures" to carry out their "offensive campaign", Sissy Chap. Fighter aircraft were an after thought, Sissy Chap, and were considered wholly unnecessary at the beginning of the war. The Germans proved that notion false, Sissy Chap, at a great loss to Allied men and materiel. The Mighty 8th had more fatal casualties than the U.S. Marine Corp during the whole of WWII, Sissy Chap, and, of course, Patton, with a little help from friends, used Sherman tanks and infantry, not B-17 bombers, to finally subdue the Germans. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Lying enjoys cloaking himself in ignorance whether it's past, present, or future and I find it truly fascinating and enjoyable to watch (especially in the backdrop of Trumpie losing the election to Hilary). I said it took both but with the MAIN difference being the strategic bombing campaign against the Axis powers. An Air Campaign will win you a war before a Ground campaign especially if you're concerned about limiting soldier deaths. All the history books are on my side it yes the Allied forces working in tandem had troops on the ground but those troops would have lost if no Air campaign. Again Air beats ground every time if you're singularly focused which you in your wonderful ignorance clearly are. Think about it you dipshit; what ended WWII; yep you guessed right a fucking bomb in Hiroshima which incidentally ignited a cold war. No amount of manpower can defeat a bomb / strategic air campaign. I swear you folks have got to be the dumbest I've ever come across and what's disturbing is your proud of it or totally clueless but your kind it's what we expect/

Carry on Einstein - lol
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Well, there's a long road of disrespect ahead of you! Originally Posted by LexusLover

it would matter if I cared; knock yourself out dipshit as long as Hilary wins I will let your silly ass eat cake all day long. You will need the outlet even more so after the election. LOL
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You believe your on the "right side" because????? You want the government involved in every part of your/Liberal life in order to achieve equal opportunity. This is a general talking point for people to quickly use as some sort of well educated view. It's not. There should be a good balance between government and the private sector. The problem is we the people can oversee the Govn't. Whereas the Private sector doesn't want anyone not you, me or the government to oversee their actions and behaviors and that's a big fucking problem. You've heard the saying Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.Well there is no such thing as equal opportunity, we all must make our own way in life in order to respect ourselves and to respect others (respect is first and foremost IMO). But ALAS!!! There is such a thing as equal opportunity if you live in this country and under the ever improving US Constitution; I cannot in anyway relate to such a mindset as yours; on it's face it's a defeatist attitude and makes no sense; in fact your view of no equal opportunity would only encourage more people to not work hard and appreciate anything. You really need to think just a litle deeper about your surface views . How can we as a people appreciate anything in life if we haven't worked for it, and how can we respect a government who wants to take everything from us. - In every culture and every race you're going to have some lazy people that don't want to work. But in my view it's the exception and not the rule. Don't equate high unemployment numbers to people being lazy; that would be patently false and again a lazy thinking assumption itself. But yes I like many agree with the old Biblical principal that if a man doesn't work then he doesn't eat and rightly so. I do get it, that "some Liberals" believe they are doing good by "helping others", but really, if you can't help yourself, how can one expect to help others. Some people can't help themselves they are born into a state of misery and depression and not just in the US. Take what you do for a living as an example. You do what you have to do to survive many people can't even do that. So yes it is incumbent upon those of us whom much is given much is demanded. I don't know about you but I like spending my life helping less fortunate people and that doesn't imply helping able bodied men who can work but refuse to work those people are not a concern of mine no matter their race. However the kids who didn't ask to be born should be given an opportunity and the private sector is not in the business of doing that; they're only looking out for those that are part of their private sector family. They aren't building bridges and roads and schools etc etc. So it must be a partnership.

Now I ask you, what is really wrong with the Conservative thought process that says treat everyone fairly, it does not say, I will work my azz off to give to the ones who don't want to have respect nor be respected because they believe it is better to take than to give. I think we agree here but the problem is you seem to think this applies to everyone who needs help. You simply have been sucked into believing this.

Once again due to time constraints, I will submit to you the Moral Foundations Theory by psychologist Jonathan Haidt;

"Care (harm): cherishing and protecting others.
Fairness (cheating): rendering justice according to shared rules. (Alternate name: Proportionality)
Liberty (oppression): the loathing of tyranny.
Loyalty (betrayal): standing with your group, family, nation. (Alternate name: Ingroup)
Authority (subversion) : obeying tradition and legitimate authority. (Alternate name: Respect.)
Sanctity (degradation) : abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions. (Alternate name: Purity.)

Haidt and his colleagues conducted extensive research and found that liberals tend to construct a morality based mainly on two of these foundations, care/harm and fairness/cheating.

Conservatives on the other hand tend to place an equal weighting on all six foundations.

Moral dimensions of liberals and conservatives

Hence liberals end up thinking that conservatives care less about issues such as welfare and inequality ( ie care & fairness) -

Whilst conservatives think that liberals want to subvert the status quo and are hell bent on achieving some kind of pacifist, socialist utopia.

Is conservatism more moral than liberalism?
Thing is, if Haidt is right, it's actually the conservatives who have the moral upper hand. Because it is their world view that actually takes into account more of the dimensions we consider in moral life. Couldn't disagree more on moral conservatism in 2016. Conservatives running a platform of family values have proven to be the biggest hyprocrites on this planet and it's not even close.

You can see why this might annoy liberals. - we're not annoyed we're more amused

We live in an age where conservatism is blamed for the particular breed of uncaring, unequitable breed of capitalism that spawned the neoliberal policies of post Reagan/Thatcher politics and economics. See 2000 - 2008 under Bush and the crash of the US economy

Which in turn have brought about unprecedented levels of inequality, greed and social unrest.

So all conservatives, from Trump at one end of the spectrum, to those in the centre-right, get tarred with the 'evil' brush by liberals.

Whereas in truth, we're more alike than different
Written Nov 25, 2015 · View Upvotes

Have a wonderful day. Originally Posted by Cherie

On the surface you seem to mean well but just don't get it and likely never will. You over play your opinions and views every time because it seems you're stuck in a place and time where Fox news talking points, assumptions, and generalizations rule the day, and that's unfortunate. I'm trying to help people think beyond such a place and time since Fox news has proven to be a scourge on a ton of well meaning people. The problem is the News outlet it's also the base of the racists and poor whites who think someone has taken their opportunities. Same way Al-Jezeera news outlet was for many in the Arab world.

Now see my point by point comments to your points in red above. I will have more to say later
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That's it! Just "because"!!!

If he couldn't cut and paste, he would have nothing!

The problem is the folks he copies and pastes have nothing either!

You notice how many dumbass threads he starts .. and loses. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Eat cake ;-)
LexusLover's Avatar
it would matter if I cared; knock yourself out dipshit as long as Hilary wins I will let your silly ass eat cake all day long. You will need the outlet even more so after the election. LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The FACT you support her even deepens your disrespectful character, I can live with that for another four years, if she makes four years. After all, I've survived the last almost eight years with the last POS you supported.
MT Pockets's Avatar
There is no correlation between the two no matter how you slice it. The Polls now are of people who like one over the other not people who actually voted. Some of them will not even vote one way or the other. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
??? You're the one who put up historical numbers and then said this year will be different because the high-school dropout vote has "moved to Trump". And now you won't bet? Either you don't believe your own posts or you're a chickenshit asshole.

Which is it, MT Pockface? Originally Posted by lustylad
Please learn how to read. And by the way, are you gonna take me upon my bet?
what we have here is a mad negro who thinks he is well educated fuck off moron Originally Posted by gary5912
"Well educated " for a Dindu Nuffin means that he passed the 8th grade on the first try !