What difference does it make now?

Thought the ambassador was found dead at the embassy and the other two at the CIA safe house 2 miles away.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well if you want to get technical; the ambassador was found non-responsive at the government house (not an embassy as we've been told by Jay Carney) and pronounced dead at a "hospital". The two SEALs died hours later (during which time help could have and should have arrived) at the CIA annex.
Why not get technical and help was not one hour away. Referring to the shit posted by the boil on the ass of Kansas.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well if you want to get technical; the ambassador was found non-responsive at the government house (not an embassy as we've been told by Jay Carney) and pronounced dead at a "hospital". The two SEALs died hours later (during which time help could have and should have arrived) at the CIA annex. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh, good! The "help" that "could" have arrived "hours later" surely would have been able to resurrect them. You idiot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How did they know how long the siege would last? How did they know they wouldn't get there in time? Who made the decision, "Hey, we can't get there before they're killed, so I guess they're SOL. Hey, who's in for pizza?"
Should have sent the Expendables ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess the "expendables" were already there.