Don't Let WTFagboy Call You a Hypocrite On Medicare

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jesus Fucking Christ would you quit dropping 'time value of money' term. You sound like a three yeat old that just learnt a new term.

What you are trying to sell is what Paul Krugman is trying to sell....that is debt has no blowback. You are a little Ronnie deciphile. You blow up government spending and then point to increased tax revenue as if that is a good thing. Next thing you know we have a 17 TRILLION doller deficit. Are you trying to say debit does not matter? Originally Posted by WTF
Your spelling is absolutely atrocious!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's all you got, BJerk?
LexusLover's Avatar
That's all you got, BJerk? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Typos are acceptable on the internet blogs, texts, and emails.

WTF's aren't typos, and he's the one ridiculing others' intelligence.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Typos are acceptable on the internet blogs, texts, and emails.

WTF's aren't typos, and he's the one ridiculing others' intelligence.

Irony. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Correct - he has repeatedly shown his lack of command of the language, and his intellectual weaknesses, not tooooooo mention his preference for trannies...who else could know so much about them, as evidenced by his quote below,

"Only a Pissburg ladyboy with a dick stuck up his ass would fall for these accounting tricks."

How many people know so much about the accounting tricks of ladyboys in the Pittsburgh area besides WTF?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2014, 12:22 PM
I see you don't like to pay people for the use of their money. Interesting. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How did you see that old man.....are you like the OJ jury and only see wtf your prejudice wants you to see?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2014, 12:23 PM
Your spelling is absolutely atrocious!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
and you dick sucking is nothing to brag about according to the spell check queen LexusLiar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2014, 12:38 PM
Name one U.S. company (besides Enron) since January 21, 2009, for which that statement is correct, and post a LINK to the source. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why limit it to 2009 LexusLiar?

You and pickle breath are bragging about how much money you have saved by showing us this 2 trillion dollar surplus and ignoring the 17 trillion dollar debt you ran up on your credit card. If you two brilliant businessmen think that a sustainable business model please come lets give the Captain of the Titanic a lifetime achievement award in shipping.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2014, 12:41 PM
Correct - he has repeatedly shown his lack of command of the language, and his intellectual weaknesses, not tooooooo mention his preference for trannies...who else could know so much about them, as evidenced by his quote below,

"Only a Pissburg ladyboy with a dick stuck up his ass would fall for these accounting tricks."

How many people know so much about the accounting tricks of ladyboys in the Pittsburgh area besides WTF? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I only know what you and queenie post. ...quit sticking your dick in his ass and i will quit posting about it...
LexusLover's Avatar
Why limit it to 2009 LexusLiar?
Originally Posted by WTF
So, you can't. That's ok. I figured as much anyone.

Because then there was going to be a follow up question.
lustylad's Avatar
Jesus Fucking Christ would you quit dropping 'time value of money' term. You sound like a three year old that just learnt a new term.

Time Value of Money
Time Value of Money
Time Value of Money...
Cover your ears, fagboy!

How about if we shorten it to TVM, TVM, TVM...

Is that better? It's hardly a new concept. Just take a course in Finance 101 at your local community college and you might learn something!

What you are trying to sell is what Paul Krugman is trying to sell....that is debt has no blowback. You are a little Ronnie deciphile. You blow up government spending and then point to increased tax revenue as if that is a good thing. Next thing you know we have a 17 TRILLION doller deficit. Are you trying to say debit does not matter?

You crack me up. No one has ever called me a deciphile before. Is that a lover of decimals? And what does that make you? A little.... trannyphile?

Oh wait, you must mean "disciple"? Ok, now I get it... How can I be a Paul Krugman fan and a Ronnie Reagan disciple at the same time? Isn't that like being a homophobic tranny-loving fagboy like you? Sounds a little conflicted. Speaking of conflicted, Krugman used to work for Reagan but now he hates him. Fucking ingrate.

By the way, when did I ever favor blowing up government spending? Got a link to any of my old posts? Or are you just making things up again?

As for increased tax revenues being a good thing, aren't you the little Ronnie deciphile/Laffer Curve expert who marvels at how good he was at licking your "sweet spot"?

P.S. While Ronnie was licking yours, I was licking J-Lo's.
Originally Posted by WTF

lustylad's Avatar
Only a Pissburg ladyboy with a dick stuck up his ass would fall for these accounting tricks. If you'd quit turning so many tricks maybe you'd quit falling for so many. Originally Posted by WTF

Quick question for WTFagboy - I gather you don't like unfunded stuff. You keep bitching about Bushie's "unfunded wars" and whatnot. Yet when Tip and Ronnie worked out a plan for funding future SS/Medicare liabilities by collecting extra taxes and putting them into interest-earning trust funds, you fulminate about "accounting tricks".

Which is it? You can't have it both ways. You can't complain when your tranny boyfriend makes you wear a condom, and then bitch again when he lets you fuck him bareback!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy CHIT.

The dead rising from the grave ... Dogs and cats living together...


You boyz is NUTZ.

Except for IBHomo. He's a FUCKING FAGGOT!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2014, 05:10 PM
Quick question for WTFagboy - I gather you don't like unfunded stuff. You keep bitching about Bushie's "unfunded wars" and whatnot. Yet when Tip and Ronnie worked out a plan for funding future SS/Medicare liabilities by collecting extra taxes and putting them into interest-earning trust funds, you fulminate about "accounting tricks".

Which is it? You can't have it both ways. You can't complain when your tranny boyfriend makes you wear a condom, and then bitch again when he lets you fuck him bareback! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan on this. Not that you understand a word of what was said.

WASHINGTON — A key senator Friday advocated cuts in the Social Security payroll tax that would save 130 million workers and employers a total of $62 billion during the next two years.
The proposal by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Y.) would cancel a 0.14% increase in the levy scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1 and would lower the rate by an additional 0.96% for workers and employers in 1991.
Moynihan, who as chairman of the Senate Finance subcommittee on Social Security is in a crucial position to advance his plan, said that it would put the retirement system back on a pay-as-you-go basis instead of amassing trust fund surpluses exceeding $200 billion in the coming decade.
"The Administration is content to see the budget deficit gradually eliminated by the growing Social Security tax revenue," Moynihan said at a news conference. "This . . . perverts the original purpose for the surpluses--to provide for the retirement of the baby boom (generation) in the next century
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How did you see that old man.....are you like the OJ jury and only see wtf your prejudice wants you to see? Originally Posted by WTF
Are you implying OJ was guilty of murdering Nicole and Ron?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm not sure his "clients" would tolerate living in a house ...

..... built by "those people." Besides he's an admitted racist. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes, but in some was I've come to admire his admission of racism. We are all somewhat racist, though I'm definitely not as racist as WTFagboy!!